So a few weeks ago I found a pouch of this randomly in a box without any other tea around it. Like I had found it and stuck it in their at the last minute while moving, or it had accidentally fallen in. Regardless, I was surprised and delighted. This is one of my favorite teas ever! I resisted the impulse to hoard it (there is one cup left) and decided to make a cup this afternoon.
Well this is delightful, and everything I expected it to be. Lovely passionfruit flavor, lovely oolong flavor. If you love green oolongs, and flavored oolongs, do yourself a favor and order a sample pack from Naivetea; you won’t regret it.
For future reference Naivetea has an awesome sampler set where you can choose any 5 of their 10 flavors of oolongs (half ounce each). A while ago I ordered it and the High Mountain Oolong sampler as well… totally worth it.
I mean even their flavored oolongs all have a green oolong base. They do have some non-high mountain taiwanese oolongs, some of which are roasted/darker
YUM!! I’m putting this one my shopping list :)
For future reference Naivetea has an awesome sampler set where you can choose any 5 of their 10 flavors of oolongs (half ounce each). A while ago I ordered it and the High Mountain Oolong sampler as well… totally worth it.
oh neat. i’ll have to check them out since you know..i need more tea.
You might be safe, Sil… it’s all greeeeen high mountain taiwanese oolongs. :)
I mean even their flavored oolongs all have a green oolong base. They do have some non-high mountain taiwanese oolongs, some of which are roasted/darker
That sampler set sounds perfect!
i like varieties! i keep drinking things i don’t like just in case. and i’m glad i do or id have never tried stacys sparrow tongue and i love that tea!