Dear glorb, I’ve tried to log this tea twice since drinking it and each time, something has come up. This time I had to take my old meow meow to the emergency vet. Hopefully some fluid injections, antibiotics and anti-nausea meds will remedy her ailments.
The dry leaf had an aroma of bitter apricot and the warmed leaf an addition of a woodsy aroma with a hint of vanilla? Rinsing the leaf brought out scents that better matched the taste of the liquor. I could smell grilled vegetables like summer squash with light smoke, cooked mushrooms, uncured tobacco and that bitter apricot. I can see how Togo interpreted the wet leaf aroma as egg shells, bbq sauce and celery root.
The liquor was a beautiful champagne hue with a tinge of pink. The brew was astringent and bitter (pleasantly so for a bitter puerh lover) with notes of minerals, wisps of smoke, grilled vegetables, earth, cooked mushroom and a carrot sweetness. The texture I found a little thin and it left behind a sandpapery roughness as I swallowed. The tea did not change much in flavor or texture throughout the session. The spent leaf is small and as noted by Togo, still very green. The cha qi moved in quickly on the second steep when I began moving slowly and my eyelids drooped. I was in the midst of packing up my belongings while drinking this and found myself getting sidetracked easily. It was a heavy, cooling, spaced-out energy.
Overall, I found the tea to be pretty pleasant and the light smokiness a nice addition to what is mostly a vegetable-mushroom tasting sheng with good longevity. I think it might continue to be a pleasant offering several years down the road.
Oh no, poor kitty :(. Earlier last week, I had to bring one of my furkids (Kage) to the emergency vet as well. He was completely plugged up throwing up over and over because he couldn’t go. They had to do blood tests, enema, fluids, anti-biotics and more. He’s doing better. I hope your kitty is too.
Thanks, Kawaii433. I hope your Kage companion keeps his pipes flowing in the proper direction. My old girl Sophia has been unable to eat or drink for a day without it coming right back up with a tinge of blood. The vet thinks it’s kitty IBS induced by trying to switch her to a more affordable food in combination with the stress from me packing up everything to move. Or an infection. If she’s not her chatty, snuggly self by tomorrow evening, I have to take her in for a blood panel, ultrasound and fecal sample.
Good morning/afternoon and thanks for the kind words. I have a content, purring furball curled up in the crook of my right arm, which makes chicken-pecking with my left hand difficult. She’s very lovey and begging for pets, a good sign. Hopefully she’ll start talking again soon.
Hoping the best for your kitty. Though otherwise healthy, my fur-nephew has also been showing signs of anxiety from the packing boxes around my sister’s place from her upcoming move back to Idaho. After enough moves, they seem to know what that means, smart little devils, and considering how stressful even thinking about it makes me, can’t imagine the stress of going through it, so I can see that being an issue. Pull through Sophia, you’ll be a happy kitty in your new home too!
Oh no, poor kitty :(. Earlier last week, I had to bring one of my furkids (Kage) to the emergency vet as well. He was completely plugged up throwing up over and over because he couldn’t go. They had to do blood tests, enema, fluids, anti-biotics and more. He’s doing better. I hope your kitty is too.
antibiotics* (not sure why autocorrect did it autowrong)
Thanks, Kawaii433. I hope your Kage companion keeps his pipes flowing in the proper direction. My old girl Sophia has been unable to eat or drink for a day without it coming right back up with a tinge of blood. The vet thinks it’s kitty IBS induced by trying to switch her to a more affordable food in combination with the stress from me packing up everything to move. Or an infection. If she’s not her chatty, snuggly self by tomorrow evening, I have to take her in for a blood panel, ultrasound and fecal sample.
poor baby kitty, hope she starts feeling well again! it’s hard watching them be sick :(
@derk Poor one :(. Hoping for her to have a full recovery, derk!
Aww no, hope your kitty gets better soon! ♥
Hope you can get the issues sorted out. Always sad to see one of our pets hurting.
Good morning/afternoon and thanks for the kind words. I have a content, purring furball curled up in the crook of my right arm, which makes chicken-pecking with my left hand difficult. She’s very lovey and begging for pets, a good sign. Hopefully she’ll start talking again soon.
Thank goodness. <3
Hoping the best for your kitty. Though otherwise healthy, my fur-nephew has also been showing signs of anxiety from the packing boxes around my sister’s place from her upcoming move back to Idaho. After enough moves, they seem to know what that means, smart little devils, and considering how stressful even thinking about it makes me, can’t imagine the stress of going through it, so I can see that being an issue. Pull through Sophia, you’ll be a happy kitty in your new home too!
Oh good, I’m glad your meow meow is doing better.