1733 Tasting Notes
WOW, an amazing flavored tea. You could taste everything. It was like drinking a mulled spices and caramel apples! By far my favorite of the samples I got. Steep 1, 3 minutes, Steep 2, 4-5 minutes, closer to a crisp apple, and steep 3, just smooth, sweet and spicy. If you want notes, look at the ingredients. Definitely for new tea drinkers, lovers of fall, lovers of caramel apples, and lovers of black tea.
Added perhaps less or about half of a teaspoon, soaked it at 190 F for 3 minutes, and what I got was creamy, fruity purity. I mean something like the weird, sweet creaminess you get from a mango, peach, or a fruit salad rolled with coconut, tangerine, or marshmellow with cucumber as a way to spice it up. There was also a definite floral note, not quite like an orchid, but more so closer to lilac, plumeria, and perhaps honeysuckle. Thank you Andrew for giving me the adjusted advice. The notes that I added earlier are still there save the vegetal and spinach quality. It brewed this way in steep 2 at about 5-6 minutes, and again at 10-12 minutes. Considering I got this from the minimal amount of leaves that I have, I’m totally upping the rating. And the effect it had on me was incredible and soothing. It brought me some clarity.
After so many fumbles, I decided to sip it gong fu while I steeped it Western. Ho-ly-crap. So good. At 15 seconds, I tasted the oolong, which was nice, roasty and creamy. 30 seconds, some cinnamon and something like paprika sneaks through. At 45, spicier with marshmallow. 65, the chocolate comes to dance with spices and marshmellow. At 90, the party of all the flavors begins. At 120, the flavors all here and tango so sweetly and passionately. I can taste the oolong, black tea, marshmallow, cocoa, spices, EVERYTHING. I wanted to stop and I should have there. At three minutes, it was good, but it had to cool down to really taste like Mexican hot chocolate. Still freaking amazing though, with a smooth mouth feel.
By far the most complete tea out of the ones I’ve tried from Quarter. Currently on steep two to see how it does. Really, really good.
Now after 3 minutes, mostly spices, the black, and the oolong. Good, but it does not have the mouthfeel magic of the first. Should have been just as careful with this one. But after 45-55 more seconds, some chocolate said hi and it was better.
I could brew maybe one more cup since eucalyptus like spiciness emanates out of the cup. But the base would probably be thin. I’ll finish here.
Flavors: Chocolate, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Marshmallow, Roasted, Smooth, Spices, Sweet
Used whole sample in 7 ounces. Bad idea. Steeping it for 30 seconds. Good idea. Letting it steep another 30 seconds. Stupid idea. Drinking half, then adding more water. Great idea.
Consensus: it really tastes like liquid hot spumoni. The pistachio and the sencha are the most dominant-which is good because whenever I ate spumoni, I would ONLY eat the pistachio first, inching every morsel of green without touching the strawberry or chocolate. Then I would move on to the strawberry, and then I relaxed a little bit more with the chocolate. I was really OCD as a child.
Okay, back to the tea. The coconut provides the creamy background that the tea really needs. The cocoa nibs are great-shadowed but ever known and ever present. Strawberry perfectly compliments everything else and puts a smile on my face. Steep two at 40 seconds is coconut and pistachio Sencha with cocoa. My only complaints in taste is the astringency, which I can avoid If I steep it lighter.
Unfortunately, I do have one larger complaint and that is the packaging. I could smell every tea through the bag and I’m not sure for how long they would keep their flavors, which is why I’m drinking all of them now. I could be wrong and hope that I am wrong. I also REALLY need to steep these teas lighter. Thankfully, I have enough of the Cherry Latte to figure that out with.
I’m so glad the the taste matched the smell entirely, which is why I’m rating this higher than the others I’ve had so far. I do need to try this again. Spumoni is one of my favorites after all, and so is Sencha.
Flavors: Astringent, Cocoa, Coconut, Creamy, Grass, Nuts, Ocean Air, Strawberry, Sweet
I get the maple. I get the pecan. But then roast and char dominate. I should have kept it at two minutes and 45 seconds, maybe less. I went up to nearly four minutes and was a bit disappointed. Smell is heavenly, and the flavor combo is of course awesome. I just need to brew it right. I used the entire sample this time, though. It does improve significantly as it cools down closer to 180.
Time for rebrew, steep #2. 2 minutes, and now there is a nicer mouth feel-I can really taste the pecan and the dry pecan shell now. Letting it steep another 30 seconds….yummy, bolder, maybe 15 more… and better. Maple is fainter, but the Quilan is really noticeable with the pecan pairing to its natural nutty flavor. I like the simplicity of this one more than the cherry latte, but I prefer the type of flavor of the cherry latte. Again, the mouth feel could be smoother. I probably would have enjoyed this more maybe with less leaves, or with less time in the first steep. Still good, but it has better potential. I’m going to brew it one more time and maybe cold overnight to see what else it offers.
Flavors: Char, Maple, Pecan, Roasted, Roasted Nuts
Again, intoxicating smell so good that you can get drunk off of it, but the liquid was a little bit thin. The flavors came out best at 2 minutes and 45, then at around 4 minutes the second steep using the entire sample-which was maybe two small teaspoons. Orange and rum are the most dominant, but it could use a bit more chocolate which was really brought out by cream. Nevertheless, the tea did give me a really great euphoria.
Flavors: Astringent, Chocolate, Malt, Orange, Rum
The smell is intoxicating. I almost got drunk off of it, seriously! I felt like I walked into a candy store right after they covered the cherries in steaming chocolate. Coffee beans are ground into fine espresso, filling the air with an aroma of liquor. I’m so glad this came so soon-three papers in the same week-yikes! The customer service is awesome, and it seems that I have some pretty similar tastes to Madhatter. Considering how much I love my coffee, stone fruits, chocolate, and oolongs, this should be no surprise.
Now the taste. I agree with Roswell-the liquid is pretty thin and could use a cleaner mouth feel. I drank the tea while it soaked to test out how it changes. The sweet spot for me might be closer to 2 min 45 or 3 min. I tasted the creaminess of the oolong more at 3 minutes with Hojicka dominating, but I tasted the cherry and the chocolate a little bit more at 2 min and 45. The cherry was natural and perfectly balanced. The chocolate could be a little bit stronger, and I am also pretty partial to cocoa nibs. I’ll have to see how they do in the Green Spumoni. I’m also glad that the coffee wasn’t too dominant and acted as a roasted background, but I wanted the oolong to shine a bit more since this type of yancha also normally has a roasted character.
I did taste more cherry and quilan after a 8-10 minute steep two, but it was still faint. Overall, I’m pretty impressed with this tea. Cream and rock sugar really bring out the other flavors and help balance them out, especially in steep one. I love the type of flavor, but again, I personally want more cocoa nibs and more Quilan to enjoy the tea at its purist. I also need to brew this a few more times to get a better balance of what I’m looking for.
Flavors: Cherry, Chocolate, Cocoa, Coffee, Roasted, Smoke
Okay, tried the Keep Fit green blend from Tea Spot, and it was really bad. Green tea with green rooibos and lemongrass sounds good in theory, but when blended hot it was sour and medicinal tasting. It NEEDED honey. Then it was quite appreciated. Yet not a tea that I would ever recommend.