1733 Tasting Notes
I got more malty and honey qualities this time followed by a smooth smokiness. It actually reminded more of the base of a Southern American sweet tea. Still a great tea to date, but I’ve actually enjoyed the other black teas from What-Cha I’ve had a little more.
After having a few other teas, this one ranks high. 20 seconds, Gong Fu, and this is delicious. Like chocolate covered plums…if that makes sense. Either way, it is frickin’ good.
Haha we arent going to help much with that im afraid; when you do, make sure to get some of the zhangping as well http://steepster.com/teas/what-cha/69532-fujian-zhangping-light-roasted-shui-xian-cake
What-cha is a great company period. Alistair has an amazing selection and I’ve gotten something out of every tea offered. I’ve been eye balling the Discover Darjeeling sampler pack…maybe next Christmas.
Again, I have LiquidProust to thank for my introduction to it.
My Urban Tea Tumbler had got this to brew really nicely. I figured that I liked this tea with less leaves, more water, longer steeping times at more moderate temperatures like 290F. I got more chocolate today and I’ve noticed a weird cherry taste that I’ve picked up. With the cinnamon pods and nutmeg in collision with the strongly muscatel flavor of the Darjeeling, it produces a tart taste that is really similar to a cherry. The chocolate in the background adds to the illusion-it makes me think of a chocolate covered cherry. I also wonder what role the vanilla is playing. Vanilla is seldom pronounced in this tea, but I can tell that there’s some blended in. It might also accent the cherry notes which I’ve noticed it does on occasion to black teas.
I’d rate today as a 80, but again, price is my main drawback. Nevertheless, if you do decided to get this tea, either use it in small amounts like a teaspoon for every 8 ounces and let it steep for a while until you’re satisfied, or brew it stronger for cream and sugar.
Flavors: Astringent, Cherry, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Dark Bittersweet, Muscatel, Nutmeg
Okay, I’m getting cravings for this one. And it made my morning. I’ve been through some Jasmines lately, and none have quite tasted like this one. You don’t get a pistachio nut note often, and because of that alone I’m raising the rating. I’m tempted to get this one…and so many other teas.
This is $20 bucks at 150 grams. Not bad. At the same time. I’m tempted to try Tea Ave eventually. Are there any teas you’d highly recommend from them?
Sipin’ this down and loving it. Rose and cardamom are my some of my favorite flavor. I’m getting all of the best of it using a teaspoon and a half in my 16 ounce urban tea tumbler. I just let it steep away, then I am rewarded with a delightful aroma and taste. I’m not sure this is just a credit to the tea; my tumbler has actually made a difference in many of the teas I have.
Tastes exactly like you expect: tropical fruit punch. Or, the ingredients listed. Think “Skittles, taste the rainbow.” Very refreshing, naturally sweet, and probably a good iced tea.
Flavors: Bamboo, Lemon Zest, Passion Fruit, Pineapple, Tropical
I’m pretty sure this is a Huang Jin Gui. Vegetal,nutty, buttery, floral, and VERY green. It kinda reminds me of an everyday green tea, which kinda disappoints me. However, it also reminds me of a Yan Cha, maybe a Shui Xian or a Dan Cong, but greener. I can say it is a solid tea, just one that I wish that I chose carefully. More for an everyday drinking if you can’t reach a decent standard green tea.
Flavors: Butter, Floral, Green, Nuts, Vegetal