My aunt came over today and asked my mother for tea. Of course, since I’m the tea fanatic, I ask what kind. “Green”. Okay, well, what kind of green? Jasmine green? Plain? “Oh, jasmine.”
Since I’m a respectful niece, I get out the good stuff, even though I have some Teavivre jasmine dragon pearls I need to sip off. Ah well. I prepare the tea, I pour it out, she looks at the liquor, she sniffs it, and proclaims it “very good.”
“See, I know what I’m talking about! This is the good stuff!”
Of course, my uncle is kind of noncommital about the whole thing, but eh.
The problem is, this tea is SO good that I always try to steep it twice. Most teas I just steep once since I have so many in the cupboard. But this is one of the few that I truly hoard.
So here I am, sipping on the second steep a few hours later. It’s still delicious, but this is not a tea you should drink when sick. This is a tea you really need to appreciate, and I can’t do that right now since my throat hurts so much (I really really hope I’m not coming down with an ear infection or something…)