drank Xiao Zhong Anxi by Moychay
64 tasting notes

oops… took me so long to get around to reviewing this tea that it’s now sold out, but here goes.
Unsmoked xiao zhong is one of my very favorite kinds of tea, I find it easy to enjoy in all kinds of situations and with all kinds of brewing methods, and this one didn’t disappoint. It was less sweet than I expected, with more of a refreshing pine-needle flavor. Not much texture, but much more subtle and complex flavor than I was expecting for the price.
I really have no idea what the description means by “Xiaozhong technology”. is it a reference to the cultivar? the processing method? we may never know.

Flavors: Maple Syrup, Pine

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I’ve been drinking tea as a hobby for a few years, thought I should finally start leaving reviews. I’m most fond of teas on the darker end – black/red, roasted oolong, ripe puerh. I’m no good at translating a review into a numerical rating, so I usually don’t give one.



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