I picked up this tea by accident. I had meant to purchase the delicious Yun Nan Dian Hong Full Leaf, but somehow I purchased this one instead. Oh well. This is still quite delicious and if I hadn’t tried the full leaf version I would probably have purchased this one anyway as it ended up being a whopping $5.30 for 100g during their sale.
Overall it’s not as rich tasting or intricate as the flavors in the Full Leaf or Golden Tips, but it’s still tasty. The leaves are beautiful twisty things with a surprising amount of gold woven throughout and a sweet scent of dried fruit. The taste is sweet and cocoa-y with a lovely hint of citrus and maybe some molasses as well. I think this would be a wonderful breakfast tea. A flavorful way to start the day without being too overpowering.
Flavors: Citrus Zest, Cocoa, Molasses