Trader Joe's
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Pensive Lemur tea! Hurrah!
Its actually really good, especially for a bagged tea. Not too warm, due to the pleasant note of vanilla cutting through the cinnamon. Very nice.
Only a little of this left. I’ll have to try it against Glitter and Gold and see how that all shapes up!
Its going to be 100 degrees today. Buy my sinuses are still unhappy, and so an unseasonable tea is called for!
Why precicely I thought cinnamon would be good for gunky sinuses, I do not know, but I do like this. Its warm and fun. Not precicely the mood people usually goes for during 100 degree weather, but hey.
Give me tea or give me heatstroke!
I like this one (maybe not in triple digit heat; we had that today, too). It’s very similar to one of my winter favorites, Eggnogg’n by Bigelow.
There are many reasons to love this tea. Firstly, its very good. The cinnamon is just the right amount, and its smooth and warm and gives you that Christmas-time feeling.
Then there is the box, which has a pensive lemur on it. I really wish more boxes had pensive lemurs on them, now that I think about it.
Its only available around the holidays, so that means I’m just about out of this, but I’ll be getting some more when it rolls around again!
I hope they keep the pensive lemur packaging.
I have tried many different teas. Some expensive. But when I found this one, I went “this is it!”.
Strong, yes! But that’s just what I need in the morning. As long as you drink it hot, it won’t be bitter.
And at that price, it could not be beat.
Except that TJ’s discontinued it – as of June 2013!
Not the first time that they pull one of my favorites off their shelves.
So, now, they have replaced it with “something” called Iris Breakfast Tea too.
But it ain’t the same at all. The new box is yellowish, not green and smaller. The tea bags are smaller as well. And round. And the worst part, this new tea tastes like… Anyway, I just had to throw the box away!
Oh well, so I am searching for a good tea again…
Power of persuasion…I’m suddenly craving it—have a few bags left!