Trader Joe's
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This is my every day black tea. It takes lots of milk and some sugar well. It’s strong, and while I like that, I steep it for a very short amount of time. It is strong, but smooth. Great in the morning to wake me up! Good with the occasional dash of cinnamon!
Waybacklogging here… I had a tin of this last fall/winter. This stuff is pretty good, especially for the price. It doesn’t taste at all like pumpkin, but it is a nice spiced rooibos. The rooibos itself is on the gentler side, without that awful pipe tobacco flavor it sometimes has.
This came to live on my tea shelf earlier this week. Finally got my pumpkin rooibos. And it smells really good. The is a nice blend of spices and pumpkin which goes well with the rooibos base.
Sipdown! I had one little sachet left. It was sitting around for months! One sachet away from finishing off a tin, so I drank it! I’m already ready for fall flavors. I really like this one, so would definitely pick up another tin this year, but I bet Trader Joe’s won’t have pumpkin stuff until November. I’ll just have to content myself with the DavidsTea fall collection in the meantime. Can’t wait for next week!
My second Monday evening watching Downton Abbey, while enjoying a cozy flavored rooibos. This episode was pretty jarring. I’m all worked up now, but at least there’s still time to wind down before bed, unlike when I watched the final episode of last season. :P I think I have a love/hate relationship with this show! Maybe I need another cup of rooibos…
In other news, my husband got me some flowers, just because. I love when he does that!
After trying a cup of this from my coworker’s tin the other day, I ran out to TJ’s last night and picked up my own tin! It’s really nice to have these flavors in a noncaffeinated tea, so I can drink it at night. I also picked up some pumpkin cream cheese. I love how they have lots of pumpkin-flavored foods this time of year! The instructions on the tin say to steep it for 5-7 minutes, but I must warn you 2 minutes is plenty strong! I think I may resteep my little sachet too. :)
So, what do you do when you are furloughed due to the government shutdown? You invite coworkers over for tea!! That’s exactly what I did today. I made cinnamon pecan scones, tea sandwiches, and they brought lemon cookies and cheese muffins. Yum! One of my coworkers also brought some of this tea. The tea is in little sachets and it’s quite delicious! Really well blended spicy pumpkin rooibos. Would definitely drink that again. I may have to stop by Trader Joe’s. Not like I don’t have the time! :P
**A review of Green Tea by Trader Joe’s
Company: Trader Joe’s
Tea Name: Green Tea
Tea Type/Varietal: green
Steeping Vessel/Amt Leaf: cup/ tea bag
Liquor Color: light brown
Leaf Characteristic:
1st Steeping:
Water Temp: 180 Fahrenheit
Time: 2 minutes
I have been enjoying this green tea since rediscovering it again after my herbal tea trials and tribulation as it now seems to have been. I mean that herbal teas, is a difference experience all together and at times not with good results. Anyhow, I am back to drinking plain green teas. Using freshly boiled water I put one tea bag in my cup and leave it to steep for two minutes. The tea’s aroma is clean and fresh and the tea’s color is light brown; almost the color of honey. I take sips after sips of this tea savoring the tingling sensation on my palette and upon swallowing of the tea there is that slight after taste that lingers reminding me that this is how green tea is meant to taste.
Overall tasting notes: crisp and clean with slight tingling on the palette.
Cup’s characteristic: fresh and mildly astringent
Liquor color: light brown (honey colored)
Taste: mild to very astringent if steep for longer
A review of Green Tea by Trader Joe’s
Company: Trader Joe’s
Tea Name: Green Tea
Tea Type/Varietal: green
Steeping Vessel/Amt Leaf: cup/ tea bag
Liquor Color: light brown
Leaf Characteristic:
1st Steeping:
Water Temp: 180 Fahrenheit
Time: 2 minutes
Using freshly boiled water I put one tea bag in my cup and leave it to steep for two minutes. The tea’s aroma is freshly clean and light brown in coloring. I happily take sip of my tea because this is one of my all time favorite teas.
Overall tasting notes: crisp and clean with slight tingling on the palette.
Cup’s characteristic: fresh and mildly astringent
Liquor color: light brown
Taste: mildly to very astringent if steep for longer
This is one of those Rooibos teas that I really enjoy. Especially, right now because I’m pregnant. I usually drink this tea nice and warm but I forgot about it and now it’s a little chilly. Surprisingly, the cup is still a bit warm though. Flavor is also good. Which I think I would have been sad if it wasn’t.
For you chai drinkers you will enjoy this one. Not many other companys come this close to making a good Rooibos chai. Chai should be a bit spicy and this one does the drink without letting the Rooibos cover it.
I’ve had this at my mom’s before. I picked some up with her, there is no Trader Joe’s near me. I like their Jasmine Tea too. I’m having the toughest time telling time in Spanish. I’m not doing bad in Spanish so far. I think Trader Joe’s has good tea. I’m also eating a sticky bun from Panera. I volunteer for a food pantry, and we get day old bread free from Panera, so I asked if I could have some. I spread butter on it, and stick in in the microwave for 15 seconds, and it is yummy with the tea. Perfect combination. After a hard day of a class I wasn’t prepared for. I’m going into office hours tomorrow morning.
Firstly, I should probably mention I lean more towards Japanese green tea rather than Chinese. So, perhaps I am not the right drinker for this. I have enjoyed the yellower, more bitter Chinese varieties before, but I found this one too much so. I did finish my box, but I did so with much coaxing.
Smells like jasmine, tastes like green tea. I agree with the temperature comments – too hot (also too long) and it’s bitter. Good for a cheap tea. I’m going to try to do the cold steeping that a few people here have mentioned (in fact, off to pop a bag in a water bottle to steep overnight).
So my bestie came over and after lunch I offered tea (of course). She must reduce caffeine so requested something herbal. I made this chamomile tea. I have been drinking a cup almost daily since I too have to keep caffeine to a fraking minimum. Which I’m handling with such grace as you can see. We sipped our tea dutifully and then left to go out. As we walked away, I said, “I hate chamomile tea so much.” Relief and solidarity in her eyes, my friend responded fervently, “I do too!” It was fun to hate it together.
Chamomile with ___ (fill in your favorite fruity herbal thing) is a significant improvement over chamomile straight up. I can’t find it locally at the moment, but Celestial Seasonings has a sweet apple chamomile that’s downright tasty.
Yes, gmathis: blends are the way to go with chamomile, for me. Please excuse my flip, irreverent, and self indulgent tea log posting, but I enjoyed writing it! : ) I wonder if some herbs such as chamomile are like cilantro. You know how some people hate cilantro and other people are like, MORE of that cilantro goodness? Chamomile on its own tastes rather metallic. Warm, metal flavored water…