Tiesta Tea

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drank Crème au Chocolat by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

Additional notes: Steepster is being slow today. I’m just thankful it’s still with us! Thank you wizards behind the curtain!
This tea was weaker at 1 1/2 teaspoons but it’s a little better at two teaspoons. I think I’d prefer to steep it like this in the future. It’s more chocolatey and deeper. A perfectly calming hot chocolate type tea this way. OR I should have saved this for Easter… it tastes more like a chocolate cream egg candy. At least it doesn’t taste like alcohol! So uping the rating from 74.
My sore throat seemed to go away after about a week. It was the mildest sore throat.. could barely tell it was any different than usual, and I wasn’t coughing or sneezing, so not sure if I had Covid19 or not. But I’m in the NY state crazy zone so it’s a possibility right after going to the store/post office. I was/am isolating myself anyway. I found a new calming band today: Dreams We’ve Had. I hope everyone is doing okay out there! Please stay safe in these crazy times.

Flavors: Chocolate

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drank Crème au Chocolat by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

From my Tiesta Tea order. I had to grab a sample of a blend called a “bold chocolate black tea”. Probably because I miss so many chocolate teas that are no longer sold. But this isn’t really bold… I was really hoping for a DEEP DARK full chocolate tea but this doesn’t quite meet my expectations. I’d love if this was a murky black cup, but the brew is mahogany. The flavor is definitely chocolate, but with a weak black base, I can’t be too thrilled. The ‘creme’ in the name is also misleading… I wish it was a creamy chocolate tea. I wasn’t seeing too much chocolate in the blend: the description says both “cocoa shells and chocolate chunks”. My sample looks like mostly black tea with coriander. The coriander is interesting… I haven’t seen that in too many blends, but I have no idea how coriander should taste anyway. Wiki says “lemony” so I guess I’m glad I wasn’t tasting lemon with the chocolate. I guess the expectation of anyone can’t be matched with this one…
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 18 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 3 minute steep

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drank Maui Mango by Tiesta Tea
2581 tasting notes

Thanks to AliceG for this favorite. I think this tea is the same at TeBella’s mango melange. The flavor is much more orange than mango, which is too bad since I’ve been unable to find many accurate mango flavors in teas. However, this is one of my favorite fruit teas. It’s sweet, refreshing, and not at all sour. I enjoy it at room temperature best. It has a light orange flavor that is really addicting. Love it.

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drank Chunky Watermelon by Tiesta Tea
2581 tasting notes

This is another one from AliceG. I’ve had some pretty great watermelon teas, but this one is a bit weak. Even overleafed, it’s still weak. The flavor is pleasant, if a bit artificial. So I like it, but I would choose a watermelon blend from DavidsTEA instead. Still pleasant enough, though the artificiality is more obvious as it cools. Definitely not my favorite Tiesta flavor.

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Despite previous poor reviews (all 2 of them), I’m finding this tea to be pretty interesting and tasty. I sweetened it a bit, and added milk, which may have helped. It’s very fruity with a definite black undertone. I can’t taste the yerba mate that is supposedly in it, thankfully. I wouldn’t say it’s a spectacular tea that I’d buy again (it came in one of my Sips By boxes) but it’s interesting that I’ll keep the rest and drink it down.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

The tea has two pages for some reason: https://steepster.com/teas/tiesta-tea/37329-passion-berry-jolt

Not that the reviews on the other page are more positive.


Seems to have about the same rating on both, but yes those need to be combined. We need jason to give someone moderator power to do that. All I can do is mark spammers that have been around less than 2 weeks.

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drank Maui Mango by Tiesta Tea
737 tasting notes

Large chunks of dried fruit and flower petals comprise the dry leaf.
Steeps a cheerful yellow-orange color, like an egg yolk.
Perfume on the liquor is very fruity, almost candy-like.
Tastes mostly of oranges and mango— very juicy and sweet.

Flavors: Candy, Mango, Orange, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Citrus Sunburst by Tiesta Tea
737 tasting notes

First day back at work after a head cold. Still recovering. Feel lightheaded and congested. Dry office air is exacerbating sinus irritation and coughing.
Planning to down copious amounts of these Immunity teas; my timing on ordering this dry flight sampler pack of them could not have been more perfect.
This is the perfect citrusy, juicy, anti-inflammatory, Vitamin-C loaded brew.
Down the hatch!

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drank Citrus Sunburst by Tiesta Tea
737 tasting notes

Dry leaf is comprised of pleasingly large chunks of dried fruit, pieces of fruit peel, and hibiscus. Very pretty!
Steeps a gorgeous orange-red color.
Smells pleasantly fruity and crisp, as one would expect from citrus.
Liquor is sweet and sour— reminiscent of orange juice.
Tastes mostly of oranges.
Feels very… healthy going down. I can tell that this is loaded with vitamins and minerals and will kick any cold’s butt.

Flavors: Citrus, Citrus Fruits, Citrus Zest, Citrusy, Hibiscus, Orange, Orange Zest, Pleasantly Sour, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Citrus Sunburst by Tiesta Tea
737 tasting notes

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drank I Gotta Colada by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – June 2024 Tea #4 – A tea you bought multiples of

This is THE tea I think of, when I think of “multiples” as I bought maybe eight sample sizes when I knew Tiesta was discontinuing it… eight probably wasn’t enough as I love this blend.  Coconut! Pineapple!  On the perfect oolong base!  It’s even a dark oolong.  So, as usual, happy it isn’t a sipdown yet….


Sounds perfect for summer!


This IS one of my ultimate perfect summer teas!


This IS one of my ultimate perfect summer teas!

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drank I Gotta Colada by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

Ashmanra’s sipdown challenge – November 2023 Tea #4 – A tea that makes you feel cozy

A sipdown of a sampler size and yet I’m already panicking as updating my stock list, I see that I’m already down to only SIX sample pouches left! Oh no.  I consider this a cupboard staple as it really does make me feel cozy, especially in summer.  It’s also a very consistently brewed blend.  Tiesta’s current teas really don’t inspire me to buy at this point.  I wish they still had this one available.  It’s a genius blend.  But I’m GRATEFUL I was able to try this blend at all (because of Steepster of course — a swap with Ost) and then doubly grateful when I noticed it was being discontinued soon enough to buy it.
2023 sipdowns: 94

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drank I Gotta Colada by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge – September Tea #5 -A coconut tea

Probably the last hot days of the year so I’m steeping up this beloved tea.  Yet another one that isn’t at its prime with the water up here, but I steeped it up a few times here anyway.  And there is definitely coconut in this one to count for the prompt!  I don’t think I would travel with this one again… I don’t want to be wasting this with subpar brews and flavors.  But it was nice to have it around for the hot days. Update on reading tasting notes: I’m now only 30 pages behind. That is much better than I have been doing.

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drank I Gotta Colada by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

An Ode to Tea challenge #2– I

Out of a handful of teas for ‘I’ there is only ONE tea I’m remotely close to finishing, and this is not that.  So I would rather just have this lovely tea for the hot day and forego actually getting an official sipdown for ‘I’.  This is again, the perfect blend, with the perfect oolong and perfect fruits.  sigh.  I’m glad I stocked up, before it was discontinued.  It was fate!  I had never been on their site before.

Edited to add: oh man, that 20+ minute steep on that last steep is AMAZINGLY tasty.

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drank I Gotta Colada by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

Additional notes: I just love this one and I just happened to visit their website and they have some teas on a 40% discontinued sale. And this tea is one of them! Which is odd because I thought it was already discontinued. But I certainly had to buy some! It was too much of a coincidence to visit the site at such a convenient time. It’s a balanced blend, fruity and creamy and when the oolong shines through in later steeps, it is the most interesting oolong. Unless it’s the soaking coconut and then the pineapple fading to the background, but the later steeps evolve into something interesting. I just want to keep steeping the same leaves. I HOPE the harvest I’m buying now is even remotely similar to the sample pouch I have. Raising the rating from a 94. If anyone wants a $10 referral code for Tiesta, let me know.

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drank I Gotta Colada by Tiesta Tea
4334 tasting notes

Thank you for the sale, Ost! This blend sounded dreamy – oolong, coconut, pineapple. Couldn’t resist trying it. LUCKILY it turned out very similarly to what I was imagining! The coconut isn’t bad yet, which is a great sign. BIG coconut shavings. Chunks of pineapple. The flavor is an even balance of pineapple with hints of coconut. There is a sweetness to it, which is nice. All on a base of oolong which is a great idea. I can tell looking at the leaves in the infuser that the oolong isn’t the best quality, but hey, it’s a blend and the additional ingredients are tasty enough. The third steep is ridiculously creamy and smooth somehow, while still having a ton of pineapple flavor and now I wish I had saved the leaves before tossing them for a fourth cup. It’s a shame – no other tasting notes for this one.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 9 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 10 minutes after boiling // 3 minute steep
Steep #3 // just boiled // 3 min

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The trick with this one is to drink it when it’s extremely cooled-down. The flavor really develops as the water temp lowers.
Steeps a muddy pinkish red color.
An oily flim forms on top of the liquor.
If you sip it while it’s still hot, it tastes like water with a twinge of hibiscus tartness.
Once it cools, it tastes of raspberry tartness, fruity, and not super chocolatey, which is surprising because there are huge chunks of chocolate in the dry leaf.
It has an oily, thick mouthfeel.
Not my favorite thing in the world as a hot beverage. But it would definitely be good as an iced tea.

Flavors: Berries, Chocolate, Hibiscus, Raspberry, Sour, Sweet, Tart, Thick

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Method: Loose leaf, scooped into a paper sachet
Steep Time: 5 min
Water temp: Boiling
Brew Style: Mug/ Western

Warming, soothing on the throat, sharpness of ginger and turmeric rounded out nicely by sweet cocoa notes. Brothy mouthfeel. Earthy notes from rooibos base. Comforting and perfect for sick days.

Flavors: Broth, Cocoa, Earthy, Ginger, Spices, Spicy, Turmeric

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Another tea from my “dry flight” Immunity variety pack.
I really, really liked this one!
Liquor is a ruddy, brownish- red color.
Dry leaf and liquor both smell of chocolate and ginger.
Brothlike/ creamy mouthfeel.
Notes of cocoa, wood, wet earth, and ginger.
Lightly spicy and very warming.

Flavors: Broth, Chocolate, Cocoa, Creamy, Ginger, Rooibos, Spicy, Sweet, Wet Earth, Wood

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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This came as part of my “dry flight” variety pack of Tiesta’s Immunity line.
Steeps an orangey-reddish color.
Very strong lime perfume on the liquor.
Lemon-lime flavor— strong emphasis on the lime. Not much room for nuance or subtlety.
Sweet, citrusy, smooth aftertaste.
I’ve had two cups so far and like it a little better each time.
A tasty, albeit unsurprising, low-maintenance rooibos blend that will help me through cold and flu season at work!
CAUTION: There are freeze-dried yogurt pieces in this blend, so vegan/ Paleo/ lactose intolerant Steepsterites beware. I was unable to add that to the ingredients list because Steepster doesn’t have it in their database apparently.

Flavors: Citrus, Citrus Fruits, Citrus Zest, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Lime, Pleasantly Sour, Rooibos, Smooth, Sweet, Yogurt

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Passion Berry Jolt by Tiesta Tea
6444 tasting notes

I got this in a SipsBy box and it was certainly not my favorite. I tried it both hot and iced and while there was a nice enough passion fruit flavor, there was such a fruity sourness and a metallic twang to the base that I just wasn’t into it.

Check out my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2019/01/25/passion-berry-jolt-from-tiesta-tea-3/

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Sample from VariaTEA!

this tea smells wonderful. Fruity, delicious goodness. I was pretty excited to try it out. And then….bland. the brewed tea taste is just meh. nothing like the aroma…it’s a muted, in the background sort of thing. doesn’t taste BAD but what’s the point? lol

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Not as flavorful as some of the other Tiesta Teas (my favorite is Fireberry), but delicious anyway. I made this one in my Primula iced tea press. It was pleasant and mild and didn’t need any added sweetness.

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drank Nutty Almond Cream by Tiesta Tea
2581 tasting notes
from the tea box! I was afraid I wouldn’t like this one since I’m not a fan of Davids Forever Nuts, and they seem similar. Happily, this one tastes much better! I did accidentally put too much sugar in, so the sugar is probably helping, but the flavor is like a light cinnamon with some cream and a nutty aspect. I’m enjoying this!

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