The Tea Haus
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Cool! A “bubblegummy” tea that has some character! normally these types don’t do it for me, so I was a little apprehensive to try it.
I have an orange tea in a similar flavour, so I’m guessing if it’s properly paired with a fruity flavour it isn’t so bad.
I mean, I could actually taste the berriness here. Raspberry maybe?
Mind you, I only went for one steep. Somehow I wasn’t in the mood to have more than that.
Next up: having this iced! :P
Brewed this one up tonight to split with De, since she’s here a-visiting this weekend. It was exactly what I needed after eating too much beef at Five Guys. The mint and green worked together to soothe and relax. Mmmm. This is still my favourite of the mint teas, no matter how many I try.
I seem to be on a mint kick lately. Whatever caused it, it is a very yummy kick to be on. Today was my first and still favourite mint tea, so mellow and perfect for a morning where I needed to be eased into consciousness and just . . . living. The mint is balanced deliciously with the green, and if brewed in traditional style this tea gives good froth, too. Darn, and now my mug is empty. I blame the cat.
And thanks again, Indigobloom! I’m trying to get through a bunch of samples before my new orders arrive :D
I’m a touch worried that this one will taste similar to the Mango Mango Rooibos, or have the strange flavour of green yerba mate that I’m not sure I’ve acquired a taste for yet.
Oh, not bad. Tastes a little smoky, sweet. Mango is hard to pick up but is present. Actually, I’m wondering if this sat too close to the lapsang souchong, since I can’t think that this one would have smoky notes in it normally…
Either way, not bad, but wouldn’t rank in my favourites either.
Wow! Tastes like orange pop with a bit of a woody flavour mixed in… but the bad thing? I’m getting a strong association to orange-flavoured alcohol that I have a less-than-positive memory of. Which makes me a little nauseated.
So, although this is probably quite good, it seems like I’ll have to wait a few years to actually enjoy it (i.e. until the association has fully worn off). Rating this reasonably high though, because it’s only the memories that are ruining it for me :)
Thanks for the sample, Indigobloom!
Oh, no worries at all!! I did get through the whole cup, and it definitely tastes good, I just have to blame my youth for some really bad decisions that have ruined a few things for me :D
If ever a caesar-flavoured tea comes out that will be struck off my list too, haha. Something about combining caesars, orange-flavoured coolers, and kahlua mudslides just does not sit well in the tummy (and it’s been nearly 8 years for me!)
I love this stuff! First of all we burn this wood as an incense. It smells AMAZING and clears negative energy from the home, if you believe in those things, and well, we do. Also it is medicinal as well which is a huge plus! I have a bag of this stuff shredded like in the tea. I have steeped this before in the past and drank it regularly but with most things I tend to go in spurts then get on a new kick and forget about it. I’m bad like that. Regardless, this is YUMMY! As others have said – it is truly orange flavored – very natural – NOT artificial at all!
I love the woodsy flavor, this is something I will either try to recreate here at home or just say forget about it and order from The Tea Haus!
Thank you IndigoBloom for reawakening my love for this tea – well actually introducing me to this form of it! :) LOVE it!
Steeped 15 minutes in boiling water as opposed to directions but directions are best for getting the most medicinal quality from it. It still tastes great and has the medicinal qualities either way.
Another sipdown from my Indigobloom pile!
Ok, this one grew on me. Sure, I think I still prefer more vegetal greens, but I’m enjoying the light smokiness of this one right now, and can actually see myself craving it in the future when I want a bit of a roastier green. Yum. Rating upped a bit :)
ETA: Second infusion for 2 minutes is pretty astringent, but otherwise tasty.
Misplaced note from a few days ago, nothing new.
Sample #3 from Indigobloom! Look at me go! If this tea was already on Steepster, I couldn’t find it, so let me know and I’ll move it. (Speaking of that, I definitely didn’t move that Yorkshire Black from Azzrian yet… whoops.)
Ok, definitely a bit of a smoky, toasty note to the aroma of this one.
Hmm, interesting. The flavour is a sweet, roasted sort of flavour. It kind of reminds me of genmaicha, with a couple lapsang souchong leaves mixed in. The sip ends with a nice, round, sweet flavour, almost caramelly, but perhaps not quite. There’s some astringency, which maybe could be reduced by a shorter infusion time, so maybe something to try in the future.
I think I definitely prefer the more vegetal, greener green teas. Although this one’s okay, I think I’d turn to a genmaicha for a similar flavour palette. I feel like the smokiness could work well in blends though – does nobody make gunpowder blends??
ETA: Second infusion for about 2 min at 175F wasn’t great. I think I’m just not terribly fond of this sort of green tea.
You can definitely blend it, gunpowder is traditionally used to make Moroccan mint tea. Harney also makes a great lemony gunpowder, but I think it’s mostly lemon flavoring.
You did! I guess I wasn’t clear enough in saying that it was a misplaced note that I moved to the right tea :D :D I only just got around to reading people’s comments thoroughly now, and saw that you gave me the link to the proper listing for this tea.
I took my entire 25g of this one that I had left and cold steeped it last night, making a huge pot of it for work today. And man did I need iced tea to get through the day. This one was a lovely one to have iced. Not too sweet, and a nice natural strawberry flavour that wasn’t overpowering. I may have to get this one again!
This is really nice! It delivers on the sweet and creamy fronts. It’s definitely the strongest, most convincing caramel I’ve found in a tea. At 200 degrees for 2 minutes, the bitterness was kept mostly at bay and drunk plain this was a nice, indulgent cup to accompany my slacking off.
What’s a girl to do when she has two boxes full of those DelMonte real fruit popsicles left over from last summer? Apparently she uses them to sweeten her tea. Yeah, I did it and you know what, I’m not ashamed to admit it.
I cold steeped this tea overnight, and as lovely as it was black, I wanted to sweeten it a bit. So I melted two of those peach popsicles I had sticking around and then stirred them into the pot. It was actually pretty delicious. I think I may end up doing that for the last dozen or so!
Thank you Indigobloom for sharing this with me! I really was surprised! I was not in the mood for a rooibos but lately I have been trying to cut back on caffeine at night although I found I sleep better with a little in the evening – regardless …. this was SO SO YUM!
I think that I may have to put this on my to order list!
Very good!
Thanks again to Indigobloom for this sample!
I Googled this Lapacho when I read that this is an Andes inner bark herbal tea with medicinal properties. Hum. I wish I could ask my Aunt Lois if she ever used this herb. She lived in the jungles for many years and is a nurse in Ecuador and Peru. I’m sure that in the 1940’s-1990’s there were many things that she learned that are now forgotten in her Washington nursing home at age 92. She’s the one who told me to drink Mate de Coca (coca leaf tea) for my heart when I went to 15,000 ft. altitude in the Andes years ago. Anyway, Google said there are no known health benefits to date from Lapacho but there have been some ill effects to pregnant animals so pregnant women should be careful drinking the tea. This does not concern me at my age but others be advised.
All that being said…phew…I simmered this herbal blend on the stove for 15 minutes and poured myself a nice orange scented mug full. The flavor was sweet orange and had another very strong warm taste that I could not put my finger on. Almost a baked vanilla cookie while still warm from the oven taste. The tea has a fresh flavor and unique and is creamy. No bitterness or tannin.
There are those who are looking for the edge of the forest…looking to the fields and bushes, for the ancient herbs and cups of many cultures. This is one of those little gems.
Thanks for the info about lapacho and pregnancy! Not that it currently is an issue for me, but it’s something to keep in mind, since I have this tea from Indigobloom as well, and also Amaretto from DavidsTea, both of which contain it.
Look it up…judge for yourself. I was reading the pro’s and con’s and until I would know for sure…I’d keep reading if I was wanting to have a baby. Also I read that not all the ingredients disolve in water. What does that mean?
Oh yes – would certainly look it up if I thought it would be a concern, but would be more likely to just avoid it entirely just in case. I just like having little tidbits of info like that, kind of a heads-up sort of thing to investigate on my own.
And, I have no idea about the ingredients not dissolving in water. Sleepy brain can’t even start figuring that out right now.
The research I did said this is reputed to help with cancer… but there have been no tests done to prove it. I read the part about pregnancy as well, which I was a little perturbed to learn about! But I figure… a cup or two can’t hurt right?
I was looking around, and it seems that wikipedia give a similar warning about pretty much every beverage out there lol (coffee, alcohol, mate, tea…)
I’m interested to know how you like this simmered vs the regular “tea” way, since I’ve only ever made it the lazy way haha
I think it was easy and tasted good simmering a long time like you can do with a rooibos. I got a scratchy throat from it though like a reaction and had to rinse my mouth and drink water.Never had this happen before! Could be simmering concentrated too much!
In all a learning experience!
What I found out is that the base is part of the bean family as is Rooibos and I am allergic to BEANS but had no idea this was bean! Arf! No more Rooibos for Bonnie! No wonder I feel like a truck ran over me and a dessert is in my throat and my lips are burning.
Not bad not bad, for a white.
Being that ginger is not my fave, I liked this much more than I had anticipated.
Overall, this tea is very light… however the flavours really pop, and yet they do not overtake the tea. Well done Tea Haus! you’ve created a white that lets you actually taste the “tea”!!
Unfortunately, it’s the ginger that rears up most, with peach following closely behind.
It’s that biting hot ginger to. Not the sweet/candied kind I sometimes find loaded into teas.
The peach aspect is lovely though. I think a plain white peach tea would be amazing. Maybe I can ask them to do a custom blend haha.
This is only a sample, but I have enough for another cup. Perhaps I’ll add some sugar to it and see if that brings out the juiciness a little!
Thank you Tea Haus, for the sample!
It makes me sad that I am apparently the only one on Steepster who has drunk this tea. Seriously guys. If you like greens with a hint of cream and citrus, a sweet tea that will wake you up but not overwhelm you, why aren’t you drinking this?
Flavors: Cream, Orange Zest
Made a nice biiiiig pot of this today to drink while I finished off ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’. Got about four cups in before I realised that this fruity, orangey, sweet, touch of Earl green blend was amazing and yet strangely familiar. It’s like a better version of DT’s Countess of Seville.
Also, om nom nom nom.
Following Tina S’s advice, I cold steeped this last night and fell in love with it at work this morning. It was beautiful and not bitter at all and fruity and maple-y. It is utterly lovely. I don’t feel a need to run out and stock up this instant, but I will definitely grab some next time I’m in the area.
I had a cup of this last night when my wife was finally returned to me! It needed a touch more sugar, but when I added a few drops of raspberry agave nectar, I could really start to taste the berry. I will have to try this one again before I rate, but I did enjoy what I had!
De made a cup of this to go with our mega brunch/self reward for fasting last night and dealing with bloodwork and an xray this morning. Unfortunately she likes hers darker than mine and it came out too bitter for me. I think Tea Haus blacks aren’t for me, simply because I’m too lazy to deal with a black I can’t make on autopilot, and I know I’ll mess up half of my stash by forgetting to steep it at lower than boiling. Tina recommends cold steeping, so I think that’s where the remainder of the ones I have are going to go.
T sounds good!
Tis!! lol