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Best mate I have ever had. There are so many flavors in this tea, and you can taste each one. There are the most ingredients in this tea than any other tea and they all fit perfectly.

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drank Raspberry Black by Teavana
13 tasting notes

Amazing raspberry tea. The smell of the tea alone is great. I highly recommend this tea for any black tea lover.

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Started my day with this…only one serving left…bummer…I really think it’s the sugar crystals within the blend that gives it that edgy completeness! See the rest of my reviews on this tea!

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“One Steepster’s misfortune is another Steepsters Treasure.” – TeaEqualsBliss

I’m going to have to start copyrighting these…lol…

Thanks for your leftovers Jessica!!!


No problem! I’m glad you like it…it was good, but a tad too rosey for my taste! The marzipan in it was delish though! ;-)


Yay! I rejoice in your luckiness in getting some of this. I was so upset when Teavana discontinued it. Why couldn’t they take away Almond Biscotti? I know other places to get that one! But it seems like no one else makes this tea. I guess it was a special blend for Teavana. Boo.


Auggy…I do have a little to share…and I’m sure Jessica won’t mind if I share as well! I am still preparing your package and can add some to yours! :)


No no – I wasn’t hinting at all! Enjoy the rose marzipan delight – there won’t be more! You are being generous enough!


Too bad! You’re already going to get some! LOL :P
(Already packaged it!) teehee


Hahah! Fine! You just be nice and generous like that! :P


teahee!!!! :P

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas

I have this one too and I feel like some days I like and others I don’t.


I hope you have some to share with me too? :)


@LiberTeas…sure! :P

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I knew this day would come…I’ve officially ran out of this – again – and I really doubt I will ever see it again…since Teavana has discontinued it…I still thanks MandyB for my fix – last time around! LOL


Such a shame, I always wanted to try it because it sounds delightful, but now I never can : ( I wish I had gotten into tea a long time ago!


I’ve been drinking tea in passing since first-year college (2002), and I never really thought about it as anything but another beverage choice. It’s only until recently that I’ve begun appreciating the wide variety of teas that exist, its tremendous potential for customization, as well as its social benefits. I’m glad I fall into the “better late than never” category than no category at all! =P

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WOW…it seems my craving is for ROSE today…not sure why…can’t say as I have EVER craved ROSE…but with my last 2 cups I saw the trend. Both of which I only have 1 more helping of after today…sigh…


Rose is so uplifting. Great idea for a day like today, with plenty of rain in my part of the world.


This is one of my very favorite teas, and I am sooooo sad they discontinued it.

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HELLO Old Friend. :) Thanks to MandyB I have a little bit of this to treasure for a little longer! Ahhhhhh. Thanks MandyB! I have a huge rose in this batch I am infusing right now!

I have a lot of teas I drank over the weekend and forgot to log so I will back log later.

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Infusions 2 & 3 = success but would stop at 3

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Parting is such sweet sorrow. I’m using the last of my stash and it’s been discontinued. BIG BUMMER. I am going to see how many steeps I can get out of it…

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Backlogging. I think I have 1 more helping left. I really hope Teavana brings this one back…I also heard they are discontinuing it…ek! I had the most perfect cup this morning….figures…and they discontinue it…boo hiss Teavana!


Discontinuing it? Wha? But, but, but! It’s awesome! How can they do that to us??

Oh no! I just went to their website and it’s not their anymore!


Bummer! I really thought I would be able to order once more before they deleted it! OH NO!!!!!


Maybe they’re revamping it? I think I remember reading about that happening with one of the other Teavana favorites…Seven Summits? Six Summits? Something Summits?


You liked it?
I was never overly-fond of it… A bit too strong with the added flavor.
But, then again, I was never a huge fan of flavored teas to begin with.

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Backlogging. I think I will have to reorder this one…I am still somewhat shocked I enjoy it as much as I do…I hope it’s not one of them that are being discontinued at Teavana…fingers crossed…

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Backlogging – Not as candied but still good

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both hot and iced – also nice.

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I drank 4 cups of this this morning. I have the perfect amount and steep going on and the resteeps are great too! I used my IngenuiTEA from Adgaio to steep and I got 2 cups from my first steep and another 2 from my 2nd steep. What a FUN tea!

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This is unlike anything I have ever tasted. You can certainly smell AND taste the rose and the candied violet pieces are genius! You can taste the nuttiness, too! A very creative blend. The smell reminds me of my Aunt Borghild’s House…her house smelled of flowers, tea, and candy! At the very least I like this tea because it brings back memories but it’s also a great cup!

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

Drinking my last cup before sending a sample to LiberTEAS…I will miss this one…it is lovely!

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

Had to switch to green tea fairly early today…this was a nice transition…will always LOVE the aroma!

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

I STILL and ALWAYS will LOVE the way this smells! It heaven smells ANYTHING like this…I’m totally working towards it! LOL

See me other reviews for this tea…


Your happiness today makes me smile in return! I hope your day is going as well as your post sounds!


There will be tea in Heaven. I’m sure of it. Buttermilk donuts, too, and my mom’s homemade white peach cobbler.


you’re totally making this tea sound awesome


gmathis is totally making me wonder about his/her mom’s homemade white peach cobbler.
Tea=bliss, you do make this tea sound great does Teavana still carry this tea? I guess I could go look it up myself right? :)


@ Lauren – Thanks! I knew it was going to be a hard day and thought I would go in with a different mindset…it sort of helped, actually! :)
@gmathis – AND Hummus, don’t forget the hummus! :)
@Garrett – thanks for reading!
@SoccerMom – Last I knew they still did…I hope they do…now you have me wondering! LOL


White peaches - at least the ones that can be (VERY occasionally) found in my part of the country - are lighter in color than more traditional varieties and a little less squishy. We used to have a tree in our backyard. Consistency was more like an apple pie or cobbler.


This sounds like it would have been right up my alley…too bad Teavana seems to kill anything I like. I guess my buds are unpopular (or expensive)!
Side note: thanks for saying you like some of my posts. How do you give a “like” to a post?

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

Rhubarb…I LOVE YOU
Strawberry and Raspberry – you aren’t too bad yourselves!

You know the song Rock N Roll Heaven…what about Green Tea Heaven!?

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

Doubled the amount of suggested Loose Leaf – it’s still good but loses a lot of the tasty flavors and is more grassy/leafy tasting with a hint of Strawberry and Rhubarb or is it Raspberry and Rhubarb? Or is it just rhubarb!? Can you tell I’m craving Rhubarb!?


There are people who crave rhubarb? I had no idea! ;)

I hope a rhubarb pie or other tasty rhubarb item will come your way soon.


I would LOVE a Rhubarb Pie and I can usually take or leave pie…lol…


…Damn, now you’ve got me thinking about strawberry rhubarb pie too. :P


I haven’t had rhubarb in YEARS. I’ve completely forgotten what it tastes like. I might need to seek it out.

Whenever I think of rhubarb, I think of spelling bees, because it was always the silent killer in our second grade class. You’d think those chumps would have memorized it after the first three times it showed up.

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

This scent is awesome! I can’t get over it! The taste was a little understeeped this time but I know this tea’s true colors…love it.

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

OMG! I just found out this tea is one that Teavana has discontinued! Figures! The last 4 teas I bought from them they have discontinued ALL Of them…I LOVE 3 out of the 4 teas I bought too! I was going to re-order – guess that won’t be happening. I do have a bit more of this left but am craving it…so I will be drinking more of it very soon!


Are you sure it was discontinued? Teavana still have it listed on the web-site, it is out of stock though…


Someone listed it on my blog…that is was. When I bought my last 4 from Teavana in Buffalo, NY, they said 3 out of my 4 would be discontinued and I couldn’t remember which ones they were so it would shock me if this was one of those 3…sigh…


It may be back on Teavana’s website now is a tea called Green Tea Heaven Green Tea

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drank Green Tea Heaven by Teavana
6768 tasting notes

Having Iced. The more I drink it the more I like it. BOTH Hot and Cold. What a great blend of flavors!

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