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My first Pu Erh!! Wee!
First time I tried this I steeped it for probably 20 seconds, I was so nervous about it being too strong. I LOVED it. The red-copper cup is so pretty, and the feel of it is ridiculously silky smooth. I was expecting it to be bitter and smoky but it has this lovely medium bodied, smooth flavour that is strangely delicious! I could not have been more pleasantly surprised.
I did a second steep this morning, intending on seeing what happened after about seven minutes, but then forgot about it and went and had a shower!! Total steep time ended up being something like half an hour, and I was completely resigned to sadly having to throw it out, but a quick sip told me no, that would be silly! It was still delicious!! The cup had changed to a dark coffee colour, but bitterness was nowhere in sight!
I really didn’t expect to like Pu Erh, but after having this tea, I can safely say I love it.
As much as I wish I was a mellow type, I inherited my father’s curse of getting incredibly anxious over even the tiniest and silliest things. Part of the reason, I suspect, that I love tea so much is for its calming properties. This one is a gem for me, maybe even a necessity. Just smelling it will immediately slow down my breathing rate by half. Maybe it’s the placebo effect, maybe I don’t care. It works. Doesn’t taste like much, but that’s not what I’m paying it for.
Absolutely perfect with milk and sugar on this cold, dreary, wet, depressing March day. Adore.
Oh man did I ever over-brew this the first time. This is my second Darjeeling experience—the first was a blend of Darjeeling and raspberries and I never took the leaves out! That must have been an incredibly light version, because within 4 minutes this tea was so bitter as to be undrinkable! I literally did the second steep in seconds, for fear of wasting more. The dry leaves themselves have a very fresh, grassy smell, but it’s like the tea itself is completely different. The smell I’m not even sure about… I want to say buttery? The liquor is deliciously smooth and silky. I’m not sure what to call the flavour, but it’s full, interesting, and probably nutty. Darjeeling, they weren’t lying about you!
This smelled marvelously strong, but the taste was what I take it is typical for white teas: very mild. But quite nice. Very subtle fruit flavour, I wanted to say pear, but that isn’t an ingredient! There was unfortunately also a pretty bitter taste, I don’t know if that was from the accursed paper cup I was using from Teaopia (I’m thinking of bringing my own mug next time!!!) or the tea itself. Mayhaps I brewed for too long. Very pretty champagne colour and all in all pretty tasty.
I second the Coca Cola descriptions! When I first smelled it I immediately thought of Cherry Coke. It is quite nice in the morning, but I find I can’t rely on it as a true “pick me up”—I need something stronger like a black tea. But if I’m awake already, it’s quite lovely.
The tea that turned me on to green tea! I’d smelled it many times while I worked at Teaopia, and it smelled so lovely that I decided to give it a try. Great when I feel like something less strong than all the black tea I drink. The flavouring is subtle, but not weak. A nice calming tea. I’ve also brewed some up and then used it instead of water to cook rice when I’ve made Asian-style meals and again it’s subtle but gives a little extra something.
Teaopia typically buys bulk from the lowest bidder, and flowers it up with herbal blends, and sell it to consumers at inflated prices. Ok, I’ll try to stop being a snob on this, after all the practice of tea-blends has been around for over a thousand years, and these tea-chains are help revitalizing the interest in the loose-leaf tea industry. Also, you can’t flower up a matcha.
Brewing instructions: 2 scoops from a chashaku, 1/4 cup of 175F(78-80c) water.
The previous reviewer (chocobubbo), lists this as a Usucha. I tend to disagree. The sweetness is more akin to Koicha, and the price is more in-line with Koicha. Otherwise its a “higher quality usucha” that for the money could be better spent on a higher quality koicha. Clumping is not as much of a problem with this matcha – good if you’re in a rush. The colour is darker, more oxidized, than I would like, but the sweetness is pretty good, despite this obvious indicator of lower quality. So, good if you’re in a pinch, such as you ran out, and need some this very second(since there’s like a billion teaopia stores). Otherwise I would advise serious matcha fans to look elsewhere.
I really like this in the morning. While I usually prefer a strong black tea with milk to wake me up, this is quickly becoming a favourite. The cola flavour is predominant, with a slight fruitiness from the apple. I find that the energizing aspect of the tea takes a while to take effect, but once it does it is a sustained energy boost, rather than the quick burst and crash of coffee.
I was introduced to this tea two days ago. I haven’t seen any weight loss yet, but I am praying to the tea gods.
This is a wonderful smelling tea with the hint of peach it’s quite heavenly smelling. I did some research on this tea and apparently it has more health benefits than regular green tea and without the caffeine!
Even though I am not caffeine sensitive, it would be a good tea if you are. I just may start my morning with this tea instead of my usual black tea choice.
Just an FYI, it has more caffeine that green tea and I’m pretty sure it has more than the average black tea as well. Teaopia likes to make this claim that it has “mateine”, but that’s only another word for caffeine and is chemically identical. However, Mate is still healthier than coffee because of all the nutrients in it.
I tried this tea recently and I can’t complain. The lady at the store did suggest I drink this tea at night and steep it for 7-10 min. Glad, I took her advice for when I woke up… well… need I say more? I enjoy the taste of this tea, but I do agree with the other reviewer that the taste does have a “grassy” taste to it but for me it’s a taste that I am quite familiar with. Other cleansing teas that I have tried have a similar taste. Enjoy!