Tea Forte

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Ahhh….a sunny infusion is right
I taste the coconut, citrus and vanilla
Mostly coconut, and I was surprised at how lovely the re-steep is
I am loving this because it is transporting me back to Summertime and the islands
The past few dreary, dark and rainy days have had me ready to skip Christmas
and get right back to SUMMER!


I should have added that this has an amazing aftertaste.

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
3 tasting notes

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Today I am reviewing another tea by Tea Forte, Cherry Marzipan,a Green Tea blended with Rooibos, Cherry Flavoring, Raspberry Leaves, Almond Flavor, Berry Flavoring, Superfruit Berry Flavoring, and Acerola Cherries (all organic and natural flavorings). I love cherry almond as a smell, for years I used a soap that had that scent and so did my mom so to me it is extremely nostalgic. Instant happy aroma points! Oddly I have never had this combination as a food/drink, I love cherries, I love almonds, but never had them together so this tea excited me. The aroma is very VERY sweet, lots of cherry and almond. It is a great mixture of tart cherries and sweet, nutty almonds. The only problem is I do not smell any tea at all, you could have told me this was just a fruit tea and I would not be at all surprised.

Once the teabag is popped in its hot water bath and given a nice steeping the aroma mellows out a bit. It is still a sweet mix of almonds and cherries (with almonds being more prominent) but there is also a tiny hint of leafy green under all that sweetness. The blend is really smooth and is pleasing to my olfactory bulb.

This tea is surprisingly mellow and smooth! There is absolutely no tartness like some cherry teas can have, and no bitterness like some almond teas can have, bravo for a good blend! The almond is the most prevalent taste and the cherries take the back seat while a hint of hay like green peaks through. I wish the tea would have been a little sweeter, like marzipan and not just almonds, but that was easily rectified with a bit of sugar. There, now it tastes like cherries and marzipan with green tea. This tea is not bad, it certainly gets points due to the nostalgia factor, but I could see myself sipping on this tea when I want to drink tea without having to think about it.

For blog and photos: http://ramblingbutterflythoughts.blogspot.com/2013/10/tea-forte-cherry-marzipan-green-tea-tea.html

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Traveling Tea Box C #15
I cold steeped this one the other day and had it yesterday! hmmm.. this is an interesting flavor, definitely mostly ginger, hints of kiwi with that tart lime taste that I love so much. It was a nice refreshing cup, not one I would go out and buy but definitely worth trying, and glad I did:)

Iced 8 min or more

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drank Apricot Amaretto by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

Sipdown! (104)

Dude. When I had this tea way long ago, I used to hate it. Like it was just so weird? But I definitely got used to it :) Happy rid this tea from my shelf. I grew to like it, but I don’t think I’ll restock.

Boiling 8 min or more 3 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank Apricot Amaretto by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

Definitely not one of my most favourite teas I have, but it is a rooibos and I have to wake up earlier than usual tomorrow sooo no more caffiene tonight!

Currently skyping with my sister because she’s helping me prepare for my phone interview on Wednesday! AHHH EXCITED AND NERVOUS!!

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drank Apricot Amaretto by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

You have no idea how much I love the Steepster app okay. Like yeah, it did have a couple hiccups as it was starting out, and there are kinks that still need to get smoothed out, I’m just happy that I can log notes on the go!
I was in a hurry this morning so I literally threw a sachet of this into my thermos and turned the kettle on. As I was getting ready to leave, I threw water into my thermos and hopped on the bus! At school now and it’s a wonderful 70 degrees out, but dang it’s still a bit warm for tea. Ahh well. Hoping that the classroom is chilly so I can drink my tea all day long :) and I’m totally stuck on the hill till 8pm… Let’s see if one thermos will last!

So turns out my 4hour lab in the afternoon got cancelled soo…. yep. WELL GOOD FOR ME :)


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drank Apricot Amaretto by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

What the heck. Just one last cup of tea before I head to bed tonight!
Dang today was a crazy day! Well, just the fact that I’ve been studying all day long, and sprinkle in a bit of MasterChef Junior along the way ehhe :) But daaang those kids are talented!!

Finishing up the night with a mug full of my Apricot Amaretto :) So happy I brought a whole bunch of mugs with me from back home, cuz I’m on my last one! Everything else is drying in the rack and my roommate just laughed because there are 8 mugs in there and that happened over the course of 2 days.

But yes. TEA! Apricot Amaretto is not exactly my favourite, but I was sorta craving it tonight. I need my herbals and a majority of them were minty or spicy and I wanted fruity. You know, I actually think I really like this tea! Going to bump this rating up a wee bit because I really like this! It smells like medicine dry, but when you steep it and drink it, it’s really good!

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drank Apricot Amaretto by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

This tea is *okay.
I feel like the amaretto overpowers the apricot though.

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Hello sipdown, hello sipdown!
to be sung to the tune of The Beatles Hello Goodbye hehe

A decent tea! I used to hate it before, but I think it’s because I used way too little tea for the amount of water I used. Nice cinnamon apple flavour, but I’d probably not restock.

I’m going to talk about my day now because DUDE TODAY.
So I was in a hurry this morning because classes and busses and thinking I had 2 hours before I had to go but in reality I only had 1 so it started off horribly. OH and I slept at 4 because I was tossing and turning for a good 3-4 hours trying to get to sleep ugh.
Finance happened and we learned about stocks and bonds and WOW THAT WAS A BUTT I had no idea what I just learned and it’s definitely going to take time but I’ll just read my textbook through and through and try to absorb as much information as I can. But the good news, I got a 90% on my midterm! That was the raw score so now he just has to go through the test and throw out questions so I’m expecting a 94%. He’s thinking of throwing out 2 questions, but I pass with an A either way so I’m happy about that!
Next class got cancelled, anthro at 5-7 and we learned how to find the race of a skeleton. Pretty exciting stuff :)
Then my friend and I decided to go out for dinner and they took freakin forEVER to get me my food and the manager came up to us and was all “You know what? Your food is on the house” and I was like WOW OKAY THANKS BABE.
And now I’m home ready to pass out and sleep but I know that can’t happen because I have a midterm tomorrow and I need to study as much as I can ugh

yes. this is life update time I’m sorry
I SEE PEOPLE GOT MY PACKAGES AND I’M VERY HAPPY. Seriously. I was drowning in tea the past like 4 weeks because I had the TTB and like a ton of swaps to pack and pick out teas for everyone, so special shoutout to all the people I’ve swapped with pretty recently!
VariaTEA, Sil, NayLynn, MissB, shmiracles, and QueenOfTarts!
Also, not a swap but just.. packages and things. The long awaited package from awoogah finally came! I sent her tea, she sent me DAVIDs Silk Dragon Jasmine sachets (cuz she knows I need sachets with me everywhere I go ahha) and A BUTTLOAD OF CANADIAN CHOCOLATES THAT I CAN’T GET IN AMERICA. I think she wanted to send me like Kinder Eggs but yeah no. Don’t send that to me because those are illegal. But I’ve got other fancy schmancy chocolates that are SO FREAKIN GOOD.
So tea and canadian souveniers, yes please :)

and now I have to study for my midterm aaaand YES


Boiling 8 min or more 3 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

Love your stories. And congrats on the awesome mark and free food!

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I definitely hated this tea the first time I tried it because cinnamony herbals just taste weird for me, but I’ll definitely give this another go!

So yeah, nice whiff of cinnamon and apples and sweet rooibos right when you open up the tin. The cinnamon really comes out right when I poured the water in. I really like how the sweetness of the rooibos is coming out, but other than that, it’s a bit overkill on the cinnamon. After like 2 minutes, the sweetness of the apple is coming out! It smells like a caramel apple, with apple flavoured caramel.
Ooh wow. I’m drinking it and I actually really like it! I remember hating it so much like two months ago and I haven’t had any since. But I’m preparing it the way I like my rooibos and it’s so much better than before. I love all my rooibos teas overleafed, oversteeped, and in the hottest water possible.

Definitely bumping the rating up (it was originally rated 50)
And I’m definitely laughing at the fact that there’s no apple in the flavours at the bottom wow.

Flavors: Cinnamon

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 g 5 OZ / 147 ML

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I don’t know if I like this tea. I was expecting something totally different! I like how you can really taste the apple, but it has a really weird aftertaste that I don’t really like.
I thought I made it a bit too bitter, I let my roommate try it and she said it tasted like water. Ahh I don’t even know! Maybe my first time trying this tea, I made it all weird.
I’ll try again soon enough

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

Definitely one of my favourite teas from TeaForte!! They’re an.. okay tea company. I LOVE their tea pyramids since they’re just so darn cute, but they do tend to run on the pricier side so I very rarely purchase from them. But this is one of my favourites, and I have to thank my sister for sending me some of their teas. That tea trio that she got me is all finished up now! Goodbye African Solstice, you will be missed.

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

I love love LOVE this tea!!
It has that beautiful, woodsy rooibos flavour, but it’s sweet and scrumptious and I love it oh so very much :)

I only have one more cup of this tea left so off to the sipdown pile it goes!

Boiling 8 min or more 4 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

One of my favourite teas from TeaForté :)

Today was quite possibly the most productive and laziest days ever. I got laundry done, paid rent, fixed jury duty stuff, studied a bit and took a quiz all before 1pm. So after that, I kinda sorta left the rest of my day to do whatever the heck I wanted. Watched a movie (or two) and like at least 7 episodes of 4 different shows and… yeah today was just a filler day.
I did dishes already so I’m using my DAVIDs disposable filters and my Peter Pan mug :)

I’ve got plenty of other notes of this tea that actually talks about the flavours and things soooo yeah

Boiling 8 min or more 4 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

Definitely need to get my butt to start working on my presentation because I’m only about 25% of the way there and it’s a 15 minute presentation tomorrow morning and I’m gunna freakin diiiieeeeeeeeeee

(this tea is great okay I love it a ton)

Boiling 8 min or more 4 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

I wasn’t planning on drinking another cuppa but now my roommate and I are FREAKIN WATCHING MEAN GIRLS BECAUSE I CLEANED MY ROOM AND I FOUND IT AND NOW WE’RE WATCHING IT HAHAHAHAH

I actually had no idea which tea to drink. I made her smell the three in my tin trio from Tea Forté and she chose this one. My favourite in the trip!

OH MY GOSH THIS MOVIE THOUGH. Okay yes tonight’s gunna be fun :))

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

Studying and a fruity-ish tea and wow still sticking to herbals because of midterms! After tomorrow night I’ll go back to drinking all my other teas :)
((I actually did this on my phone and wanted to add a photo because I thought there was an option to on the app but nOPE. Ahh well. It’ll probably get fixed eventually))

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drank African Solstice by Tea Forte
726 tasting notes

I just got a whole lot of Tea Forté from my sister for my birthday and ahhh this is good!

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drank Harvest Apple Spice by Tea Forte
338 tasting notes

This may be the highest rating I’ve ever given to a tea that contains hibiscus! There are probably too many other sweet-tasting ingredients so that the tartness of hibiscus is quite subtle. Both cinnamon and apple flavours are really intense in this tea. I love the spiciness and the whole cup tastes really like an apple cider. Pretty yummy I must say!! :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Mojito Marmalade by Tea Forte
2977 tasting notes

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drank Winter Chai by Tea Forte
338 tasting notes

I’m moving to a new home this November… so I’ve been busy packing stuff and finishing as much tea in my cupboard as possible!

This is one of the few herbal teas from Tea Forte that I like. Though fans of chai will be disappointed because it’s hardly spicy – I can’t taste the cardamom at all. It’s just cinnamon, cinnamon and cinnamon. It’s not strong either as the base is a rooibos. A very drinkable winter tea that can really warm you up!

Boiling 6 min, 45 sec

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drank Decaf Breakfast by Tea Forte
180 tasting notes

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drank Vienna Cinnamon by Tea Forte
180 tasting notes

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