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drank Blueberry Blush by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Blueberry Blush by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Blueberry Blush by T2
1024 tasting notes

Holy magoly. I’ve been enjoying this straight black but added a double scoop this morning for a much-needed caffeine boost and also added a teaspoon of raw sugar and ZING, that bit of added sweetness just EXPLODED the sweeter notes in this tea to an AWESOME degree. I don’t know if I’ll be able to drink it straight ever again…

But that’s ok I guess because it’s a limited edition so once I’m out of this amazing silver bottle tin, I’m out :(

Flavors: Berries

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

As much as I love this blend, it doesn’t survive well drunk directly after tooth brushing.

I mean. Ok. Look. Most teas probably don’t.

But oh boy did I notice how badly this one is paired tonight.


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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes



Wow! I’m impressed!

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

And Shimmer Punch is back in the cupboard now I’ve cleared out Girlie Grey! Yes, it’s not a direct sort of swap… but who cares? More herbals, I say!

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

Last cup of this beautiful beast for a while! The Great Sipdown of 2015 continues! I’ll do what I can to not restock this for a while, too, because T2. I’m trying. I’m really trying. (I’m kind of trying.)

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

Grumpy and PMSy tonight so when my housemate (I have one of those now) asked me what I wanted to drink I asked for this knowing it doesn’t matter how much of it I drink now that it’s been added to the standard line at T2. PHEW

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

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drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

SERIOUSLY T2 WHY DID THIS GLORIOUS BEAST NOT GET ADDED TO THE STANDARD LINE. I’m still horrified. I finally deigned to open my precious saved box of this the other day (I really AM sipping down the cupboard, yikes!) and was a little worried that it wouldn’t be as great as I remembered (happens a bit).


Still fabulous and amazing and I want to never run out but I’m SAD BECAUSE ONE DAY I WILL.

Have already had this hot (YUM) and have a whole 2L cold brewed jug too.

drank Shimmer Punch by T2
1024 tasting notes

This tea is making me rethink my feelings about licorice root, seriously. The best iced tea ever? Possibly. How sad it’s a limited edition and has already left stores. I’ll be rationing my supply to make it last as long as possible.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Red Green and Dreamy by T2
1024 tasting notes

Fruity good times. I normally have this one on hand as a go-to iced tea but I felt like it hot tonight and it definitely delivered. Upped the teaspoon/cup ratio to get a stronger hot flavour out of it and it was definitely successful.

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Aussie Breakfast by T2
7 tasting notes

Bought this tea online because the box looked nice. It is acceptable

Flavors: Wood

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drank Rose by the Sea by T2
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drank Rose by the Sea by T2
1024 tasting notes

I thought this was a sipdown but then I found the other half of the box. Ah well. I’m not sad, really, because I like this tea, but I thought I was gonna get to open a new one (that’s my rule with sipdowns). So let’s drink more of this bad boy! Maybe I’ll try it iced soon—I almost did this afternoon but the weather took a cool turn.

1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Rose by the Sea by T2
1024 tasting notes

From the Mother’s Day 2013 limited edition trio—my original favourite and still my go-to (though Jasmine’s Song is also very nice). A smooth black tea with some lovely floral notes. A better choice than T2’s French Earl Grey, if you ask me.

Flavors: Flowers

Boiling 1 tsp 8 OZ / 250 ML

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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
217 tasting notes

I’m laying in bed at 9:40 am jet lagged as hell contemplating what I’m going to do today and I must admit sit around in my pjs drink tea and binge watch tv is winning right now but I know I’m going to have to get up at some point and at least buy groceries if I want to eat at all today… Lucky I preplanned prior to my trip well enough that I at least have milk in the fridge and so I’m celebrating my return to the states and more importantly to my own very comfortable bed with a cup of my favorite Aussie tea!!

Melbourne breakfast is a real winner for me! Full of warm vanilla flavors and malty tea goodness with just a slight chocolate end note, this is still my favorite lay in bed all morning and do nothing tea! Good thing I filled my suitcase full of bags and bags of this deliciousness to keep me stocked up for a few months!

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drank Melbourne Breakfast by T2
217 tasting notes

This is one of my absolute all time favourite teas but unfortunately I can only get my hands on it when I either travel to Australia and stock up or when I can convince a visitor from the land down under to bring it back with them… I was very excited this morning when cleaning out my tea cupboard I found a squirreled away food saver bag with a few bags of Melbourne Breakfast :) Best Sunday ever! Such rich tea-y goodness with the most subtle hint of vanilla – its the perfect morning brew with just a touch of milk!

Flavors: Vanilla

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drank Irish Breakfast by T2
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drank Irish Breakfast by T2
1024 tasting notes

Sipdown #14. I’m on fire. Took the last of my supplies around to a friend’a place for brunch this morning, and falsely advised the lovely Englishwoman that it was English breakfast. Oops. Well look, she didn’t say anything so it mustn’t have been that evident.

In any case, brunch was great and I had just enough left for one big mug once I’d gotten home, so I figured I might as well. I’ve already busted open my next breakfast tea into the breakfast tin, too—Melbourne, you’re up!

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