Steeped and Infused
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Right off the bat I liked the dry smell. It has a light, refreshing scent to it, but with a hint of a creamy undertone. Steeped, it still smells refreshingly of lemon, but I don’t really catch the creaminess.
It’s a nice, smooth, comforting tea. I taste the lemongrass, but it’s not astringent, and a hint of the pepper is there, but just enough to balance the rest of the ingredients. I like this one.
I can understand why this tea is popular. I like that the floral notes aren’t really strong, so it really is more of a green cherry tea. However, as is often the case, the “weight” of the tea just isn’t enough for me. I love thick, full bodied delicious teas. I still think this is a nice tea but it’s nothing i need to pick up again. I do really like the cherry taste, so now i just need t find a cherry black tea :) or maybe a roasted oolong… stacy i’m looking at you! lol
I’m not sure where I stand with this one. It’s definitely drinkable, but the raspberry taste seems very artificial to me. This is my first honeybush-based tea, so I’m not sure if it’s the honeybush making the tea naturally sweet, or if it’s the flavouring that’s added.
I’ll have to try it iced and see if it’s better that way.
This is my favourite tea from Steeped and Infused. I only got the 10g sample size during their sale a week ago, as I honestly didn’t expect to like it. Boy was I wrong. It has a nice, very delicate pear taste to it, and it smells great. In fact, I love to just smell it. I went back to the store and now have a bag of it in my cupboard. Who knew lapacho and calendula would taste so good together?
I had this tea for the first time last week and rushed back to the store to buy a bag before they closed (as of Dec 24th they’re online only until they find a new retail location). Very similar to David’s Tea’s Forever Nuts, but without any artificial flavouring added. I have no problem with beetroot being added to the mix. Better than hibiscus for colour, in my opinion.
I really enjoyed the taste, although I wouldn’t call it overly almond tasting. It smells great, too. I gave it a long steep.
mmmmm still really liking this one, even with the bright red colour. I can see myself keeping this one around in the cooler months. I wouldn’t necessarily drink this in summer though as it’s more of a cakey cold weather type tea. Glad to have the chance to drink it though!
Totally hard to believe this is a herbal infusion. It’s a damn fine tasty cup of almond cake. I could really see keeping this one around for when I need a hit of sweet cakes almond goodness. Especially since it’s a herbal infusion. Mmmmmm so tasty. Only down side? Th bright red colour of the tea totally messes with me since its almondey and cakes lol
Bahahaha, I think you’re right, Indigobloom :P Although the pic looks a touch different (did they add marigold petals?!)
so tired…. had this tonight on my way to/from “christmas” dinner with my other half’s extended family. it was a decent night though i’m a little tired and just want to curl up in bed. Got to hold the little one tonight (3 weeks old) so that was special.
as far as teas go…still delicious, though not as intense as my last go round with this one. still a bit left so i’ll see how the next time steeps up.
woah man…so even though i knew this was the tea in my travel mug i was NOT expecting the creamy caramel that dropped into my mouth. Holy…this tea is…creamy..and caramel and sweet and yes it’s an oolong tea, but apparently flavoured oolongs don’t bother me nearly as much as plain old green oolongs. Roasted oolongs seem to be ok as well..but i digress.
This is a pretty damn tasty cup of tea if you’re looking for that caramel taste.
no clue. i really never shopped there and don’t intend to do much shopping at teavana if ever, until i hear about their culture changing.
SIPDOWN! (cause the rest is going to Kittena..THIS WEEKEND!!!!) yeah what can i say? I’m a wee bit excited at the prospect of board games and tea nerding out. And then the following weekend i get to go tea nerd out some more at toronto’s tea festival. Should be a great time! Still enjoying this one even if i did let it get too cold while i was on the phone…talking….so much talking…and planning wheee!
I think this is a good enough pear tea for me unless someone finds one to wow me with. :) I had some again this afternoon and it was a really enjoyable cup(s) of tea. I think, if they ever get their retail store together again that i’ll have to pick some more up once my little sample is gone. Mostly because 50$ minimum purchases for free shipping just irks me..esp for canadians in canada.
soooo comparing this with the other tea… man this one is even better! It’s more true to pear taste, though i have to say the smell leaves something to be desired. I’ll have to try this with a little cream at some point just to see what it’s like. this is pretty decent….yep.
I don’t know why, but the lapacho makes my throat go all scratchy. I bet the pear is good though. Is the pear here the same as the other one?
this pear taste is truer to pear than the “pear cream” from the same company but i think that’s because of the hibiscus in the other one which adds a bit of tartness to it. Both are delicious for their own reasons but this one’s a little closer to true pear taste.
SIPDOWN! well basically since the last little bit of this is off to Kittenna to try at our tea swap meet :) Still enjoy this though i think it would be a nice summer cold drink moreso than a hot one.
Haha yeah, I’ve got the other better pear one too that I’m making sure to save some for you…wrote your name on it and everything :)
Awwww, yay! It’s a good thing I’ll be driving because it sounds like I’m bringing a crapton of tea, as usual. I wish I had a super-updated list of teas I have for you guys to rifle through and pick from, but that would be more effort than I have time for :’( (Or I could just bring my whole collection…. a couple rubbermaid bins???? BAHAHAHA.)
just toss a bunch of them into a box and throw it in the trunk grin I’m happy to spend part of the afternoon rifling through your boxes grin
You know… if there’s a place to park in the vicinity of your place, I may just toss a bunch of stuff in a box and bring it…
Perfect! I’ve been to some places where parking is a giant PITA, so I was a bit worried we’d have like a 10-block walk or something (slight exaggeration).
oh man… this is totally delicious. Smells like pear…. tastes like pear. yeah i can get behind this one. I have another pear tea from the same company that i’m in the middle of steeping so that I can compare the two. I really think this would be totally delicious as an iced tea as well. There’s a bit of a tang before the creamy pear flavour kicks in but once it does it’s a pretty delicious cup of tea. The pear might be a little artificial but not in the way that makes you cringe from the fakeness of it.
it’s a little weird but this was soo delicious… and then i had the other pear tea from this company and that one is just better..but it’s only because it’s in comparison….i think lol ie if i hadn’t had them back to back…i don’t think i’d register it
Tey don’t have a physical location anymore… Nt until the new one opens. You can get their tea at a few places or just online now. Hence the reason I went crazy with samples…have a 15% off coupons we can use eventually… Must keep on sipping down! A 163…. That’s like 30 teas from the weekend!
I’m at about 225 right now :s
and about 1500 servings. My previous goal was to get it down to 1000, but I think it’ll be awhile before I get there…
I had this this morning while try to get the dishes done from last night. As i suspected, this is a really nice COLD brew tea. I much prefer it that way over hot. I think this would be pretty darn good in the summer. I may pick some up then to try that out. maybe with a splash of lemonade :)
Another cup of this tonight while I worked from home with our china team. There’s something to be said about being on the phone with china at night while sipping on some tea. Here’s hoping I get to go down there to help the team out sometime this year!
Still enjoy this, though not a re-stock. Ill likely use the last of this to try a cold brew and see what’s what with that. Verdant orders here tomorrow so um I really need some more room lol
Mmmmmmm gaming and tea! Yay. Let this one steep for over 7 mins and its better than the first time. It still tastes like something I can’t place. May need to get my other half to drink some when he’s not stuffed up to help me figure it out. Overall, not a bad tea esp for something sweet without caffeine.
Alright…i think? this is the last tea for the evening now that I’ve sent my parents off to bed and we can get ready for tomorrow’s festivities. I hoped for a bit more from this tea. It vaguely reminds me of frank’s chocomate, though that may just be because of the toasted mate. I think i may have to pass this on to someone else to try as it appears i’m not overly a fan of mate. However! I will try this again with milk or something added to it to see if that makes it a bit more creamy and delicious.