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The flavors are licorice and fennel. It doesn’t list cardamon but I can see it and taste it. Reminds me of other licorice herbals I’ve had. Not much to set it apart from others. Nothing wrong with it. Will be good as an evening herbal but nothing exciting. And I definitely need more herbals. I was up half the night after my awesome experience with the Chocolate Yerba Mate. After being in Supercleaner mode yestesterday, I am soooooo sore today. Yikes. This is a good relaxing cuppa while I sit and watch some classic Doctor Who. Ahhhh.
Flavors: Licorice
The aroma is fantastic. The taste is a little bland on my first try. Luckily I have a full 2 oz. so I can play around with it a little. First steeping was only 2 min. I made a new pot and steeped for 3 min. I also put just a little more leaf. I wish the amount section below let us put in half teaspoons. I would say I did 1.5 for 8 oz. Just a bit of stevia and I have all I wanted in an almond cookie tea! I’m really glad I re-made this tea before rating it. The almond really comes up to the front with a burst of taste.
Maybe I cold brewed this a too long, 12+ hours. All I get is medicinal rooibos. I added some simple syrup and gave it to my son. He liked it. I asked him what it tasted like he said “sweet”. I asked to be more specific “a little bit like cantaloupe and cherries”. I thought that was weird and decided to try it again and in strange way I do kind of get ripe cantaloupe with it sweetened with simple syrup.
Thanks carol_who!
Another tea from carol who
This tea is an earl grey lavender tea. It’s very strong on bergamot and lavender. I will admit it took me a few sips to get into this one. I think I wasn’t expecting those flavors to be quite so strong. Once I got into it, I was into it. I definitely enjoyed this one. I probably could have used another caffeinated tea at this point, though.
T&C TTB 8/23
I cold brewed this tea, it’s good. I mostly notice the pineapple and strawberry, both of which I love. The fruit flavors don’t over power the green tea either. I added simple syrup to see what my husband thought, he didn’t care for it. So I finished drinking it, with it sweetened I got more papaya.
Thank you carol who I enjoyed it :)
T&C TTB 7/23
It has a nice cherry flavor, I was ready to put sugar expecting it to be sour enough that I would need it because of the sour cherry in it but I didn’t. It was lightest sour that only complemented the flavor. I don’t understand why they needed to put rooibos in it. Well I guess I do, in the description it says for health benefits. I think if I added sugar the taste of rooibos would not be as strong.
Thanks so much carol who:) I was happy to see you put this in the box since it was on my wishlist. I’m even more excited to try Angel’s Kiss tomorrow!
I got this one from carol who (THANKS!) and it smelled delicious. It was a beautiful color. I’m just not sure about it. I like all of the things in this tea, and yet…. it just doesn’t quite taste right. I’m not sure what’s off about it. It has a weird aftertaste. (Even my husband agreed on the aftertaste.) I’m really not sure if I did something wrong with it, or it’s just not a tea for me. I’ve got enough left for another cup, so I’ll try it again. I’m not giving it a rating until then.
Nice red color, with mild orange aroma. Rooibos is gentle, not overpowering. I should have checked the package: there isn’t any actual orange. Orange flowers and flavoring isn’t the same. It’s an okay blend but nothing special. i will drink the whole pack (2 oz) but I wouldn’t order again.
I tried it again with just a little sweetener and a drop of soy milk. Tastes good but still nothing exciting for me. The soy milk brings out the"silky" flavor a bit more.
Back to my broken finger.. its very hard to type left hand only. My right hand needs to be elevated or it starts throbbing. BTW, have you ever tried to hook a bra with out my index finger and middle finger? If someone had seen me they would have died laughing. :-D
Flavors: Orange Zest
So, first off, this is a licorice tea. And it does taste like black licorice. I know I’m stating the obvious, but I also know licorice tends to be a “love it!” or “hate it!” thing.
Anyway. I like it! I was a bit worried before trying it that the licorice would be overpowering, and I don’t find it to be, although it is the dominant taste. Granted, I expect it to taste like licorice (as opposed to the Earl Grey I tried from here, which would have been better labeled as “Bergamot Tea”!) so maybe to someone else it might be strong. I don’t know.
I do sweeten my tea.
I don’t think that I will regularly drink this day in and day out, since I don’t like licorice QUITE that much, but I think as a change of pace I will happily consume it.
Flavors: Licorice
Another gray (or should that be Grey) day, cold and rainy. This EG has a lot of bergamot so it works well with a short steep. 2 min. at the most. I added a little of my Vanilla Creme Stevia. A wonderful cup of tea. Still feeling lazy, but maybe the caffeine will kick in soon. I promised myself that I wouldn’t watch last night’s Marvel: Agents of Shield except if I was walking on the treadmill. So let’s get this energy pumped up and get going…
The caffeine kicked in and i complete my first mile of the day in 18 min. with the treadmill set at 2.5 incline. I watched the first part of M:AOS and am continually amazed at the twists and turns in these stories. I am using an ActiveLink monitor from Weight Watchers and am trying to get 4 1/2 to 5 miles a day. I’m doing pretty good but I think I’ll need another hit of caffeine. I walk 3 miles later in the day with my blind friend. We walk on an indoor track so there are no excuses about weather, etc. So I need about 1 -2 miles on the treadmill. I will loose weight, I will loose weight, I will loose weight! Tomorrow is another weigh in! Hmmm, I think I’ll go to one of my favorites, Chocolate Yerba Mate.
I’m still enjoying this Earl Grey from SereneTeaz. It has a very strong bergamot scent and taste. I have changed my brewing time from 4 min. to 2 min. I have no idea why I was going with four. I guess I thought I just needed a hearty wake-up tea. Two minutes is much better. Still plenty of wake-up! The two minute brew drops the bergamot down to a level that is better for me.
I just went to Weight Watchers and I am down another 1.5 pounds. Of course, what do I want to do to celebrate the weight loss… go get some donuts. Will I be able to control myself through the use of yummy teas? Or will that just make me want the real thing even more?
I love bergamot so for me this great. It’s almost the Double Bergamot I got from Naylynn.(Thanks!) I wan’t expecting so much bergamot since there wasn’t any indication in the name. I can see where people might be overwhelmed by the flavor but this is destined to become when of my “wake-up” teas in the morning. The only problem I have is that with my Breville I have to make a minimum of 2 cups at a time. Then a resteep and then another resteep…. OK 6 cups in a row of this is getting a bit much. As always I use a bit of sweetener. I steep mine for 4 min. the first batch and then 5 on the resteeps. I still hated to throw out the tea leaves because they smelled so good. I might have been able to get another steep :) Bergamot, bergamot, goooo bergamot!
I was a little worried about it being too cherry candy flavored. So I got a sample at the store that led to buying a whole cup and, of course, buying 2 oz. It has a very nice cherry flavor which is well balanced by the vanilla. It is a comfy cup on a cold day!
I’m a newbie to brewing and tasting, so take my review with a grain of salt.
I found this Earl Grey to have a much stronger bergamot taste than other Earl Greys I’ve had from Twinings and Republic of Tea. And the Republic of Tea one I had was Earl Greyer, which I assume meant it was supposed to have MORE bergamot. Compared to this, it doesn’t though!
Despite the strong bergamot taste, it wasn’t bad. I usually understeep teas because I hate the bitterness of over-steeping, but this one I steeped a bit longer than usual since I was distracted. I did 3 minutes when I typically try for 2. And it didn’t come out bitter at all which was a huge relief.
But the bergamot is pretty overpowering. I will finish the 2 oz I bought, and then search for an Earl Grey that has less.
Edit: As time goes on, and I try to finish what I have, the bergamot becomes really off-putting due to how overpowering it is. Bleh.
Hey, everyone has different tastes. Don’t keep apologizing for being new. You seem to be doing great. Don’t forget to add your profile. I also shop at Sereneteaz. Not too many Steepsters seem to but it isn’t too far from my house. OK, actually its about 20 miles but there isn’t much else besides a Teavana (which is also good!) in my area. OK again about 20 miles. Through rain, snow, sleet or hail the Steepsters will do anything for some tea! Welcome!
I’m not big on coffee. I used to be, I used to drink it daily. But, I discovered after a while that the reason I was feeling sick every morning about 11 am on the mornings when I would be at work after drinking that cup of joe … is because of that cup of joe. So, I switched to making tea my only caffeinated beverage and I’m much happier (and less sickly) because of it.
Plus … tea does taste better.
So, I am generally hesitant when I encounter a coffee flavored tea.
I liked the flavor of this, though (I mean, hey, I liked the flavor of a cup of coffee, I just didn’t like feeling sick.) This has that coffee bitterness to it (not my favorite aspect to coffee, I’ll admit), but also the richness and deep, robust flavor of coffee. I can taste the roasty notes.
The chocolate notes of this coffee flavored tea is it’s saving grace for me. I love me some chocolate.
Not a bad tea, but not something I’d order for myself. I’m glad I tried it, but, don’t need to try it again.
I haven’t had this tea in an awfully long time! I’ve been a good girl and not buying any teas till I’m down to 40. Well, I finally made it… just in time for Christmas. I bought 9 teas today to share with my daughters. I just couldn’t wait.
This tea is a little less amaretto flavored than I remember. It is still very tasty and it is
always nice to have a nice relaxing chocolate tea with no caffeine. Very enjoyable. Resteeps well.
I forgot about this tea until I saw it stuck back in one of my drawers. It was just what I need on a rainy winter (theoretically spring)day. Started off with a few snow flakes and quickly turned to rain. :( I was glad to see that I rated this at 100 the other time I made a tasting note. It is still a 100 but not as an everyday tea. This is just a little more special. The chocolate flavor is good, not too strong but not weak. It has an amaretto flavor to it that is awesome for those of us who drink amaretto occasionally. (Is it heresy to admit to drinking something other than tea?) This a good tea for my switch from caffeinated tea to caffeine free teas. It still has a lot of body and isn’t fruity.
Just sitting here enjoying my tea :) and watching Vikings. :D
Awesome! This tea has a wonderful chocolate amaretto flavor. Zero calorie! I am not usually a big fan of chocolate teas but this smelled so good that I had to try it. I add 1/2 a tsp of Nectresse (Zero calorie natural sweetener). It completely fills my need for a sweet treat. No caffeine so I can drink it late at night. I bought 2 oz yesterday and I am going back to the store tomorrow to get 16 oz!