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Last, 4-grams sachet from Ronnefeldt’s Joy of Tea variety box.

I have been expecting, based of dry aroma, it would be mostly lemony. Candy lemony.
I wasn’t so off — it was indeed quite sweet, probably thanks to licorice root in; and indeed quite strong in lemon. A little of warming ginger, but not spicy nor fiery; and fresh taste of lemongrass and spearmint muted quite strongly the ginger root (technically, rhizome), so it was overall okay-ish. Maybe I have been expecting more of the ginger, or more of the lemon taste; or both… definitely not expecting other ingredients in.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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A 3-gram sachet of rooibos and herbs

I was in a mood for something relaxing, as the days at work are very tense recently and I am doing big decisions, while I have no experience of management at all. Yes, theory is great, but reality is…

So, the tea. II brewed it without checking the ingredients first, so I wasn’t sure what to expect, but honestly it’s very nice! Rooibos was nicely woody, but not overpowering, herbals were fine — spearmint nicely refreshing, orange peel giving me refreshing vibes and a hint of cinnamon in the aroma added a touch of coziness. Definitely not medicinal and there are no other unpleasant notes; giving this type of teas a high raiting.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

You will do just fine!

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Sachet is 2.9 grams; with somehow familar scent but I can’t put my finger on what is it.

Suggested 8-10 minutes steeping time was a bit too long in my opinion so I did just about 5 and it is sufficient. I wonder why Germans think that at least 8 minutes makes “safe foodstuff”, as I have seen it many times with this warning.

Anyway, I am sad that it only contains aroma of almonds and there aren’t any in the sachet. So, it indeed smells lovely, almond-cinnamon with fruits, probably the raspberry (which could be partially the fruits as well as the hibiscus in); but doesn’t taste like that. It’s raspberry & orange with cinnamon, luckily not tart. No heartburn from this tea, even I am sure it contains the high ratio of those two red ingredients which most often cause it.

In conclusion, it’s not a bad tea, but the almond flavor is indeed missing. Especially when it is so present in aroma.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Masala Chai by Ronnefeldt
2060 tasting notes

Today it’s one of the colder days… so that’s here 20 degrees centigrade, which is highly pleasant, all night rain; so fresh air all day… and it was raining even during the day, but not when I was coming “home” from work. But this week started and will be stressful, so I am actually glad that it’s not sweating hot too.

I decided for this tea today (again from their Joy of Tea line), as I think that not many, if any, colder days will be in the remaining month. Sachet was 4.3 grams.

When I opened the covering sachet, I was struck by allspice, but there is none by the ingredients. Hmm. It’s that fennel with anise then?

Flavourwise, the base is a bit thin, and from spice it’s mostly black pepper and hints of ginger. The ginger is quite muted and not fiery; followed with sweet cinnamon and herbals. The herbs are making not so good aftertaste, which is also very drying. Pairing with chocolate thins filled with salted caramel was a good idea; I just hope I won’t finish a whole box in one sitting.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

That 20C sounds like bliss! We have had a similar break in the heat but especially in the humidity. After no rain for quite a while and 93% humidity in the mornings ruining the “cooler” part of the day, today started out overcast, cool, and with much lower humidity. I was able to have breakfast and lunch outside for the first time in a couple of weeks. The sun has come out now but there is still a breeze so it feels pretty pleasant.

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Again from Joy of Tea line, 2.3 grams sachet.

Hm. What to write about this Earl Grey? It’s classic, autumn harvested Indian tea base, which was okay after 3 minutes steep. Luckily, not very heavy as in today muggy weather it will just make me completely wet of sweat. The flavour of bergamot is also somehow classic and okay. Nothing exceptional, but served well as a morning mug of tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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When I have opened the transparent sachet (which covers the sachet with tea), I was struck with peppermint candy aroma. Strong, candy, peppermint. I asked myself where is the lemongrass?

Sachet was 1.4 grams only (based on the packaging info) but I think it has to be much more; it was quite full, and based on the flavour I wouldn’t expect such little tea in.

Sadly, lemongrass was not much present in taste either. The peppermint went more into refreshing, menthol note and actually it’s nice and not musty at all. So yes, it is a fresh cup of tea and definitely welcomed just before heavy and hearty dinner prepared by my co-worker.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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“Ein Klassiker”

Classic red fruits tea, which tends more into strawberry and raspberry than any others. Plus points for no stevia, but otherwise quite generic and won’t buy it for the price of whole box.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Again from Joy of Tea line, 2.5 grams sachet.

Well, I don’t have much to write about. It’s tasty, black tea; some muscatel as it is a Darjeeling, but somehow very basic and simple, daily-drinking tea. Probably strong in caffeine.

They claim they put FTGFOP tea in and based on the flavour I can believe it; but probably the sachet isn’t releasing much of complexity, or it’s second or autumn flush, not a FF teas I was used to recently.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 14 OZ / 400 ML

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drank Royal Assam by Ronnefeldt
2060 tasting notes

If morning tea was strong, this was it’s partner. 2.6 grams in the sachet.

How do I start? Strong tea with different flavour profile, less tannic and more malty and more spicy (peppery), longer aftertaste. A bit better, but maybe it is just more preferred flavour profile, than Ceylon tea? Higher quality? Dunno

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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A breakfast tea for breakfast.
Joy of Tea line, 2.2 grams sachet.

Well, it was shortly before 7am when I have prepared this tea and hardly enjoyed fully, as I had to drink it in a rush, which is never good for a good cup of tea.

Anyway, steeped rather shortly; it’s quite crushed and I am glad I did. It’s very strong! And because it’s from Uva in Sri Lanka (Ceylon), it has got its qualities for sure. It seems I almost could copy and paste my note for Uva by Basilur; strong malty notes, complemented with woody notes and some nuts (instead of tobacco) are here as well.
A great wake-up-call-tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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It seems they have renamed their line LeafCup (and Tea-Caddy) to Joy of Tea, sachet of this blend was 2.5 grams, prepared in my 500 ml nordic mug.

They claim it should me green tea with mango-citrus flavour and I have to agree with the first half. The Chinese sencha base was fine and quite fresh, grassy; and there was indeed mango (tropical fruits) flavour for sure too. However, I hardly noticed any citrus notes, but maybe it was the “lightiness” of whole tea which was pretty nice. It was light as a Morning Dew (translation of name by the way) :)

So far so impressed by Ronnefeldt teas. I just wish they are a bit cheaper.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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I was buying tea today. 4 loose leaf blends and box of Ronnefeldt teas. I was running low with black teas, so I have decided to try some truly German company; it costed me 9.95 € for 15 different teas. And because I was craving something that could be refreshing, I just picked this one.

It seems they have renamed their line LeafCup to Joy of Tea, sachet of this blend is 3 grams.

Rooibos with orange peels sound a little bit classic, vanilla is a nice addition and it works well together. It’s indeed creamy, smooth and orange. I would like a bit stronger citrus note. Vanilla level is just right, not cloying.

Probably a bit overpriced, but definitely a good blend and I would gladly accept if offered in the late afternoons or evenings.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

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drank Lung Ching by Ronnefeldt
2060 tasting notes

Hihi, well in such short time I have this tea twice; once in café and now at home… as it was a part of my Joy of Tea box.

Well, I have nothing to add to my previous note. Not so nutty, but grassy tea indeed. Refreshing in hot humid day. Somehow standard green tea in sachet á 2.4 grams.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank Lung Ching by Ronnefeldt
2060 tasting notes

I have ordered this in Bellini Eiscafé in Chemnitz on Tuesday and it wasn’t only thing; so my note will be a rather short. Paired with Tiramisuteller (A plate of Tiramisu), that were 3 big portions of ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate topping and of course, the tiramisu pieces. I guess I gained some weight just with this afternoon “snack”

But I have digressed from tea. It wasn’t that hot to order an iced tea, so I have decided for hot drink. To be honest, I have been afraid that they will give me a boiling hot water, but they did not and their sachet version of this tea was appealing. Of course, I don’t have any harvest details.

The tea is after 2-3 minutes long steep steeped enough and I got very fresh notes of it; mostly grassy and cut grass notes, followed with, sadly very little, nutty notes (but maybe my taste buds were full of that dessert). But it was refreshing and that was what I have been looking for. And in the end, it was also nice “mouthwash” for the tiramisu plate. Not bad!


I just Googled the restaurant and gained three pounds just looking at the desserts! I can see the need for some clean, virtuous tea to was them down with.


I love the description of that dessert plate! Wow!


I agree, that’s quite a snack! :) I hope it was as good as it sounds.

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A mild, sweet flavour. Perfect for those who dislike strong and bitter teas.

Flavors: Nutmeg

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I am on the training and this was a tea I had for breakfast; and it was fine. Nothing too special, but it filled my craving for “fruity” black tea well.

The bergamot flavour level was just right, even a bit pine-y; so… good considering a tea bag. But I had better EGs…

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Hot Chocolate by Ronnefeldt
280 tasting notes

This tea reminds me
Of my Teavana days. I bought it because it smelled amazing, it doesn’t smell as amazing as the sample though. It is one of the better choc teas out there, with milk and a little sugar. It was alright. Not a repurchase but it was ok while I had it. And I had a ton!

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This one puzzles me a bit. I think I can sense some good flavor, but it seems quite thin. I can still taste the water through the tea, which is unusual for an earl grey. I tried steeping longer, and that added more body, but not really more flavor.

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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Irish Malt by Ronnefeldt
12 tasting notes

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drank Irish Malt by Ronnefeldt
12 tasting notes

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drank Teavelope® Camomile by Ronnefeldt
1650 tasting notes

It’s a smooth, fragrant, flavorful chamomile. Nothing to complain about, nothing to rave about. Fresh and good quality but nothing I’d seek out since I don’t buy plain bagged chamomile.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 295 ML

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