Rishi Tea
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Got this one for a holiday gift. The dry tea comes in little plant-based special knit tea bags. It has the exact scent of cacao & dark cabernet.
Brewed, the scent is chocolate biscuit and the color is a pretty mauve-berry wine color.
The taste is warm wine, tangy berry, and a hint of cocoa. This has a unique taste. I like that it is caffeine free because these flavors are suited to evening to me with the strong wine taste. As the tea “liquor” :) cools,,, the chocolate flavor starts to come thru a little more. This is definitely a fun limited edition to try,,the box says the Maqui berries have a vivid purple color,,as do acai berries,, giving this herbal its pretty mauve color.
This is a nice mint tisane. Lots of peppermint flavor. The rooibos is there but it’s light. This is wonderful after a day of indulging in too much good food and way too much sugar. Mint is a wonderful thing.
My sister gave me several different Rishi tea bags, and I’ve been happy with them so far. They’ve been very convenient and great quality. I’m looking forward to giving the rest of them a try.
I was looking for another green with distinct personality and a friend suggested Rishi’s, Kukicha. Beautiful bright green mix of chopped leaves and pale green stems yields a crystalline, emerald green cup. Clean and vegetal, much like a good dragon well, but toasty like a good genmaicha, without the rice. A lovely tea if you want a refreshing, sprightly green, with a fine and distinct character.
At first I was dismayed that there was hibiscus in this blend, but after tasting, the hibiscus doesn’t bother me too much.
Sweet. fruity. Tart. The green tea is buttery with notes of veggie. The raspberry notes are prominent (and are accentuated by the hibiscus), and I’m glad to say that there isn’t a TON of hibiscus in this. Rishi did hibiscus right with this (assuming that there is a right way to do hibiscus, that is.)
Overall a pleasant cuppa. I like that it’s organic. I’d like it better if there was no hibiscus if for no other reason than when I read “hibiscus” in the ingredient list, the word makes me go “eww.”
Here’s my full-length review: http://sororiteasisters.com/2013/10/18/organic-raspberry-green-tea-rishi-tea/
So this is what I’ve been missing with years of bagged green teas? This one was my first attempt at a self-brewed loose leaf sencha, and I’m not sure what to think. That vegetal aroma takes some getting used to – more so than the taste – and I preferred it on second steep. Think I’ll make the water cooler next time.
okay, this is my second review…. my unhurried, long technique, ANNOYED review.
Pros: great big chunks of ingredients, tons of vanilla seeds, simple intructions, handy storage.
CONS: simple instructions THAT ARE NOT SIMPLE FOR SOMEONE WHO IS DISABLED. my kitchen is covered in milk and a tea cup wound up filled with the chai i had to filter after the simple technique was completed. oh yes. NO CHOCOLATE.
this was my first cup of tea of the day… i have a mess to clean up. i’m annoyed….. i generally don’t like it when my tea annoys.
this time the blend gets numbers and i’m not in the mood to be kind =0|
1) don’t mislead me WHILE
2) inconveniencing me WHILE
3) telling me that if i make a ghastly mess of my kitchen it will all taste better.
i am cross enough i may just call the company on monday. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
agreed. it takes a fair bit to make me genuinely cross…. i’ll be making that call on monday. i’ll be talking to management.
i have amended the numerical score on this blend after speaking with rishi. they were upset that the blend was off and the chocolate was undetecteable (expecially when they realized that i wasn’t expecting a chocolate bar flavour), and horrified when they realized what challenges and frustrations the blend offered my disabilities. they apologized sincerely, went through their database and sending out what they hope are well matched apologies.
i will not say it is a good chocolate chai because it is not.
it is an exceptional masala chai though.
and the company is committed to sincere and attentive customer service.
customer service manager listened to every word i said very clearly and was very helpful. i feel that should be reflected in numbers.
huge chunks instead of pulverized ingredients…. smells great. lots of chocolate. vanilla seed floating in my tea once steeped. what’s the name of this again? chocolate chai. okay…. where’s my chocolate? how can it be there when it’s dry and NOT be there when it’s steeped?? grrrr.
we are not amused. i need a ‘we are not amused’ button to hit. i will assume operator error and i will try again before i assign numbers, but if i had a big red button in front of me right now it would be hard not to hit it.
i know!! and there are other things i really do like about the blend… piles of vanilla seeds, a good balance of spice, i am picky about chai. this is a good one! but don’t tell me it’s a chocolate chai and then have imaginary chocolate, it will just make me cross… especially if i’m having a kidney deficient weekend! }=0[
Those insensitive jerks. What’s also annoying is when a tea smells awesome but then tastes not even close to hot it smells. If it smells like chocolate, then damnit, it should taste like it too.
it is not okay to make something as wonderful as a tea into a liar. anthropomorphize aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall you want, but keep your personal neuroses out of my teacup!
Lol, it’s ok, I gripe just by reading your emotional reaction…I now have bloody palms, my nails have deeply penetrated the skin, that’s how infuriated I am at the whole situation…I don’t think I could bare tasting the subject, would be just too much to handle…
OMG, they would freak out!!! but no worries, they don’t hang out around here much.
Joke aside, I never ordered from them, but I’ve read great notes about their teas, they seem to be above average quality…
definitely on quality! it’s a beautiful to look at. if it weren’t a ‘chocolate’ chai i’d give it rave reviews….. but don’t say ‘chocolate’ or whatever and then ‘oops i forgot’. it annoys.
i’ll try it again. as a chai a REGULAR chai it’s the best i’ve had. but that won’t go in THIS review because this is supposed to be a CHOCOLATE chai. i am tempted to call BS which is as far as i go in a respectful forum…. but i think you know what i mean!
Absolutely delicious,,,didn’t know what the alluring flavor was until I read the description here. The roasted barley flavor is a very addictive undertone. It feels like sipping a creamy latte but I was just drinking the tea plain with no additions. It has a bit of caffeine, otherwise, I would drink this all day and all night, it is so good.
It has been a while since I have had one of these and I neglected to do a rinse before steeping. I picked up three or four of these at the bulk tea section of my Whole Foods, which also carries packages Tea Embassy tea as well. I live in a good place to be a tea lover! The first steeping was at under boiling water for two minutes and the taste was really bland. Second steeping was with boiling water for a minute. It is a little bitter, kinda earthy, but not very enjoyable. Third steep, boiling water. Maybe 20 seconds… much better. Fourth steep was for a minute. Tastes good, but not as delicious as I remember this tea tasting the last time I had it. By now I’m totally geeked out on caffeine and need to end this experiment before I get the jitters any worse! Learned a few lessons that I can look back on next time I’m in the mood for this tea, so that is a win.
If you drink this tea bareback (that is, without sugar, without cream, without milk, just bare tea), then you’ll find a sweet tea with a floral aftertaste.
I used this tea when I experimented with making spiced tea (I had been reading “Chai, The Spice Tea of India” by Diama Roseti). Perhaps I was just too ham-fisted with the cinnamon, cloves, hot pepper, etc, because the flavor of spices dominated the flavor of this tea. In the hands of a professional chai chef, the flavor may have been more balanced.
In a nutshell, I don’t regret buying this tea, which is more than I can say for some tisanes brought from a well-known tea company, whose teapots tend to be much better than their herbal brews!)
From Considering a new Travelling Tea Box
Rich coconut aroma rises from the pot as soon as the water hits the tea. I can smell it from several feet away. Not so overpowering in the cup, but still smells strongly of baked coconut (like a macaroon?). The flavor is also dominated by the coconut; I can hardly taste the tea. Finish similar: all coconut, very long.
I’m not sure how to rate this tea. I love coconut, and it tastes yummy, but it seems just over the top in terms of the coconut dominating the tea. It could just as easily be “coconut white” or “coconut green”. I decided that I should give it a good rating since I claim to rate purely on how much I enjoyed the tea, and I did enjoy it. It is also something I might buy, though I think I would drink it infrequently. Perhaps I should just remove enough from the travelling tea box for a few more cups.
As the tea cools toward room temperature, the oolong begins to peek out from behind the coconut. Still good.
TastyBrew sent a bit of this one over to try. I really appreciate it! I let the water cool a while, as there is supposedly green tea hidden in all of these spices! The first taste was a bit surprising. I don’t think I’ve had chai spices with mint before. The spices and the mint are both equally balanced. It’s very intriguing! The mint is very sweet. The texture is almost creamy somehow, very smooth. The second steep I noticed licorice, so that may have helped the sweet and silky. I guess it had to be at a bit higher temp for the licorice. I didn’t notice much in the way of green tea – it seems like mostly mint and spices. It is different, so I love it!
Happy Halloween everyone! I’ll be sipping some Necessiteas pumpkin cheesecake later (that TastyBrew also sent over). I drank some not too long ago but I’m already wishing I was drinking more.