Rishi Tea

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drank Earl Green by Rishi Tea
53 tasting notes

I’m finally getting to the last of this today and I’ll be sad to see it go.
I’ve never cared for Earl Greys, there was just nothing in the flavor that made me want to drink it. So I was skeptical when I first tried the Earl Green, but I noticed we were selling a lot of it and I wanted to know what the big deal was. The big deal was that it tastes great. Smooth and comforting, there can be a slight astringency but only if you steep too much. The bergamot gives this tea a slightly fuller mouth feel than you might notice in an average green tea, but it should be noted that this tea is actually an oolong.

Flavors: Bergamot

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This is a great tea. It tastes like a standard sencha with a bit of added depth, and smells lovely. The added matcha powder makes this one a little bit messy. And yes, it’s green. Very, very green.

Flavors: Umami

1 min, 30 sec

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drank Peach Nectar Tea Bag by Rishi Tea
986 tasting notes

This tea comes in cheesecloth sachets and the quality is much closer to loose-leaf than a typical bagged tea. The sachets come individually wrapped. When I opened the first one, I instantly smelled peaches! Not so much fresh peaches, though. It’s a sweeter aroma, more like canned peaches or peach jam. The flavor is quite sweet as well. The main note actually seems to be honey, with the peach coming out more in the aftertaste. I’m not blown away by it, but it’s nice!

Flavors: Honey, Peach

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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drank Earl Green by Rishi Tea
91 tasting notes

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drank Blueberry Rooibos by Rishi Tea
2291 tasting notes

Snagged the last of this from MissB this evening. So happy I did. I iced it. I love this tea. It’s so freaking good, and the one place I know that sells it is just over an hour away… so not really a place I can just pop into to pick more up.

Thank you SO MUCH for this evening, MissB!!

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Blueberry Hibiscus by Rishi Tea
3498 tasting notes

One more review of this one – I made it again but this time I resteeped the bag so it was half strength compared to what I am before. I used one large bag to make one half gallon of iced tea.

The weird thing was that my husband said it tasted stronger than before. I guess that means I will keep resteeping it to stretch it even though we really don’t like Rooibos. We are very frugal. Well, in some ways we are frugal but you might not realize it seeing all the tea in the house…

I do like the licorice root in this so at least there is one point in its its favor, plus it is supposed to be good for you and I feel it HAS to be better than Koolaid or soft drinks.

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drank Blueberry Hibiscus by Rishi Tea
3498 tasting notes

As promised, I am giving hubby’s opinion. I served it to him at lunch today. He said he would drink it, but he didn’t care for it. It was cold and wet and therefore would do well enough to wash down the pizza.

I can actually enjoy the first of the sip. I sweetened it since we are in sweet tea country down here and I thought that he would like it if it were more like Kool-Aid. I failed to see that it already has licorice root which is sweet enough, so this is quite sweet now, and I actually like licorice root very much.

Unfortunately, the aftertaste is strong and thick and oh so cough syrup-y. I can actually crave the front of the sip but there is that shudder at the end. I fully intend to use this up because it isn’t so terrible that I can’t stretch the grocery budget a little with it. I have made a second pitcher and this time I made it half strength. I resteeped one large sachet instead of using two for the half gallon. We will see how that goes tomorrow…

If you like Rooibos and you like hibiscus well enough, you will probably like this a lot. It just isn’t my thing.

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drank Blueberry Hibiscus by Rishi Tea
3498 tasting notes

I didn’t buy this. It was given to me by a really great neighbor who is manager of a local vitamin store. He went to a training seminar and got tons of samples and shared them with me. It really is nice to have good neighbors. I make dairy and water kefir for him and let his dog out every day to play with my dog while he is at work. He brings me free samples and takes care of our chickens when we go to the beach.

Tonight I got a big bag of teas like tulsi and Nighty Night and this one, as well as lots of whey, recovery drinks, and supplements for my Spartan Double Trifecta son. I went ahead and made a half gallon using two of the large sachets. I wish I had read the ingredients first because it has licorice root in it (which I love) and I added sugar, which it doesn’t really need with licorice root in there,

The aroma is…pure Robitussin. This smells more like cough syrup than Robitussin does! I really can’t seem to escape that with Rooibos. It isn’t cold yet but I poured some over ice. It is good enough to drink on a hot, hot day when you want something cold and tart and fruity. I don’t know if I would buy this, and I really want to review it again after hubby tries it. He is picky and will either gag on it and like it. I don’t think meh will be an option with him.

Dominant taste is Rooibos, even overshadowing the dreaded tart hibiscus. The blueberry is there, I suppose, and the fruitiness is probably the only thing that will save it. The overall flavor has that thickness that comes with licorice root, and I really like that aspect.

Tomorrow will tell the final verdict on this one, but I like it better than Passion by Tazo, I think.


It smells even more like cough syrup than cough syrup does. That’s rough!

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
3498 tasting notes

I thought I had added this to my cupboard. It is too late now as we just finished this. This was the first tea of tea party, and my guest said, “Pour it out.” It is only the second time that has ever happened, the first time being a puerh. Having had tea time together for years now, she knew it wouldn’t hurt my feelings.

I thought it was just all right, a typical though lackluster rock oolong. Youngest didn’t care for it and poured her cup into mine. I didn’t mind it, but I won’t be buying it again. Glad to be rid of one more package, even if it turned out that I had never added it to my cupboard here!

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drank Bancha by Rishi Tea
333 tasting notes

This is a fairly mild, vegetal green—I get light spinach notes from it, mainly. It’s not outstanding, but it’s very drinkable.

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drank Bao Zhong by Rishi Tea
12 tasting notes

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drank Bao Zhong by Rishi Tea
12 tasting notes

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drank Bao Zhong by Rishi Tea
12 tasting notes

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drank Bao Zhong by Rishi Tea
12 tasting notes

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drank Bao Zhong by Rishi Tea
12 tasting notes

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drank Vanilla Black by Rishi Tea
12 tasting notes

Vanilla Bean Black—sounds absolutely delicious in theory. In actuality, it tastes like I’m drinking straight vanilla. Maybe this would be good with cream, but I take my tea black, so for me, it was completely undrinkable. I took two sips and poured the cup down the drain. Now I have a bag of tea I can’t even give away (I tried).

Flavors: Bitter, Vanilla

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This is easily my favorite tea, and I drink it every day. It’s a great Earl Grey with a full-body flavor, but the bergamont isn’t overpowering. Good, solid staple.

Flavors: Oak, Spicy, Whiskey

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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It is 7:00 pm and I was telling myself that it’s time for a cup of tea. Matcha seemed like the best idea and I do like this one. The manufacturer, Rishi, says that it should be brewed using 1 tbsp. per 8 ounces of tea but I like my tea to be strong, so I added a bit more than that. However, I may have overdone it because this time the tea tastes a tiny bit bitter and the last time I had it there was no bitterness at all.
I added a little stevia (being diabetic I don’t use sugar) and this made it better. There was a time when I would never have sweetened green tea, but I have changed. A lot of the old rules have gone out the window and I am a freer, happier person as a result.
Back to the Matcha Super Green. I can understand why they call it that because it IS very, very green and there is a super quality to it.
The bitterness was my fault and I love this tea.

5 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

Have you tried sweet matcha from red leaf tea? They sell great matcha!

I don’t own the buisness. But if you check them out at www.redleaftea.com I’m absolutely sure you will find something you love! Feel free to search my tasting notes of their teas. I love their starter matcha and almond matcha. I just yesterday ordered 8ounces of their sweet matcha, a sample of their cheese cake matcha, a sample of their delux matcha and a sample of their caramel (which I will give another chance) :) I’ll be looking forward to your reviews and hopefully, you, mine :)

White Rabbit

I just placed an order with Red Leaf Tea. Their oolong sampler package (I love oolong) and the starter matcha. Thanks for the suggestion. Looking forward to them!


i cannot promise you will like/love them, but its always a good thing to try things. but the starter matcha is good made into matvha smoothies and matcha pancakes. and to me is good in hot water too

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drank Jasmine Green Tea by Rishi Tea
1 tasting notes

good tea

Flavors: Banana, Brown Toast, Citrus Zest

160 °F / 71 °C 1 min, 45 sec

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