Rishi Tea

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drank Unity by Rishi Tea
16 tasting notes

I am still feeling a little under the weather, so I brewed two SUPER STRONG pots of this and I am no longer coughing. On my way to recovery! Sweet and spicy and full of beneficial herbs. I brewed two heaping tablespoons (for 13.5 oz) for about 10 minutes.

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drank Matcha (Powdered) by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank Matcha (Powdered) by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

I wasn’t able to write what I drank yestserday! I had a huge water bottle full of this – about 24oz. I love how quick it is to make since I was in a rush out this morning. I thought that using a lot of water with the matcha tasted better than using a little. Its very creamy and rich with almost a fishy scent. I’m not sure if I’m using the right words to describe it, but it was delicious!

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

Dinner beverage. Almost out of this one, so I added some of my vanilla rooibos to the mix.

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

This has become our night time beverage :)

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

Brewed this plain today. Delicious. Anise stands out just a touch. Lovely taste and caffeine-free, which is what I need for tonight.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

Good Morning!

Blended this with PG Tips loose leaf. Delicious blend! I use only one tsp of WCC and one tsp of PG Tips for 2 full sized mugs. Can’t wait for my boyfriend to try it out. :D

205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

Yum! I try to use this as sparingly as possible. I love this blend so much! I added some Caranda Fine Foods – Usambara African Breakfast to the mix, agave, and milk. Delicious :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

Had this last night! Just added 1/2 a teaspoon and mixed it with Adagio’s Rooibos Vanilla. So tasty! There are more spices than rooibos in there. I just added a tsp of honey but like usual it tastes great with or without it!

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

WOW! I was in the mood for something spicy! I heated some skim milk and added the chai mix. I let it steep for a long time (more than 5 minutes) and added some brown sugar. How divine! It is so delicious and hit the right spot! I’m off to sleep now =)


I use brown sugar in my chai as well. Sweet goodness!!!


I have never tried brown sugar….can’t wait for a cool, rainy Saturday to experiment.


…whoops, brown sugar in my tea, that is … got click happy….

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

When I go to scoop out some of this into my infuser cup, I notice that there are a lot more spices than there are rooibos. I always need to add milk and sugar to it. This time I tried it with one tablespoon of condensed milk. It was very tasty :)

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank West Cape Chai by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

Made this for my friends tonight! Made it over the stovetop! So good! The tea tasted spicier than the mix I usually make on my own, so I had to add copious amounts of milk to smooth it out.

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Nice fuzzy crisp needles opened up with a tropical rainforest, dewy, wet, and damp. Honestly, the wet leaves in the cup after the first steep smell as how I imagine dark subtropical forests to smell. Rich, earthy, and floral. The flavors expound on the aroma, with intense juiciness (a la stone-fruit), straw, and detectable fresh and raw zucchini flesh, very clean. Later steeps elicit a more restrained arboreal character, bringing back memories of humid, indoor botanical gardens, a collection of plant pheromones.

Finally, as the leaves begin to breathe out their last bit of energy, the soup fills with pea tendrils and pumpkin seed. Ah, delightfully enjoyable tea once again fills me with a bright new-day spirit. No wonder this tea has won multiple awards.

Full Blog Post: http://tea.theskua.com/?p=143

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