Rishi Tea

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drank Keemun Golden Buds by Rishi Tea
1629 tasting notes

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drank Masala Chai by Rishi Tea
181 tasting notes

Best store-bought chai I’ve had so far. Single cup. Nice balance of flavors.

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I added a bit more than last time and oversteeped it a minute or two. Has a really nice, full flavor for a Silver Needle.

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I just opened this tin today after drinking 2 other Silver Needle blends from other companies. I listened to a few of the other reviewers on the steeping time (keeping it to about 2 minutes) – really enjoyed it. One of my new favorites!

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drank Citron Oolong by Rishi Tea
124 tasting notes

This one is all about the citrus scent. The flavor is light and barely there. If you warmed up a glass of water with a lemon wedge, I imagine it would taste like this.

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drank Plum Berry by Rishi Tea
39 tasting notes

This is the first white tea I have EVER steeped that long, as per Rishi’s instructions. I am pleasantly surprised. This is really nice!

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Grey by Rishi Tea
181 tasting notes

Was off Earl Grey for a while, but today it was just right!

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drank Earl Grey by Rishi Tea
181 tasting notes

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drank Earl Grey by Rishi Tea
181 tasting notes

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i let it steep for about 15 minutes. it is smooth and mellow.

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drank Earl Grey by Rishi Tea
16 tasting notes

This is the Earl Grey that turned me onto this style. I used to HAAATE it before!

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drank Jade Cloud by Rishi Tea
3 tasting notes

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drank Ancient Tea Flower by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

Spent a good portion of this evening descaling the Zojirushi and I was too lazy to boil water the old fashioned way, so this is my first tea since the unknown type of genmaicha I had at the sushi bar at lunch. Since it’s so late and I’m tired, I didn’t want anything with caffeine, which, in my pantry, REALLY limits me. But I haven’t had this one in a while and it sounded good so I went for it.

Months of being forgotten about has not been detrimental to it. It’s still good. Sweet but musty/musky – very similar to a diluted honey in taste, though not as sweet. Doesn’t have the depth of a plum honey (which is usually the type of ‘honey’ taste I find in teas that say they taste of fruit and honey) but a more clover honey. Not overly complex in taste but really nice. I like it.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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Make sure the water isn’t too hot, don’t use too many leaves, and steep for only a few minutes. Most delicious tea. One of my favourites, and rishi just got 1st place in the world tea comp with this one.

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drank Jade Cloud by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

The roasty, salty of this is a great counterpoint to the fresh, sweet and pungent shincha I’ve been downing. While shincha is a spring taste, this one brings fall more to my mind.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Jade Cloud by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

Must. Order. More. Tea.

I have such a small hand full of oolongs and greens now which is sad because that’s pretty much what I’m going to have in the evening. In fact, I have enough leaf to do one, maybe two more cups of this tea.

So the big question: do I order more Rishi so I can get more of this only Chinese green I love? Or do I go somewhere else to get new teas and just suck it up for a while and be Jade Cloud-less?

These are the tough choices in my life.

But on the plus side, kitty-girl is happy and drugged up and the lump wasn’t a tumor. Woo!


I won’t lie, I’ve been thoroughly impressed with Rishi so far. This is one of the ones I ordered, but I have yet to drink it. It’s on the queue for tomorrow.


Doi. I’ve been doing math all day, it’s the math’s fault. I totally meant to say YAY! about your cat. You must be relieved.


I really, really like this tea and would be sad if I ran out so I don’t envy your decision. Good news about the kitty!


Really glad to hear about your kitty. And no Rishi tea for me. Boo.


Yep, kitty is doing great and we are relieved! YAY!

@takgoti: Math is evil. This tea is good. Though I will say that I have enjoyed it more after it has gotten a little older. When I first got it, I got a saltier taste from it but it seems to have mellowed a bit that makes me like it even more.

@jennlea: I’m hoping to find a tin of this in the store so I don’t have to choose!

@Jillian: Why no Rishi? I’ve only tried a few of theirs and this is my favorite. The other two are decently good.


Because shipping costs are evil. It’s $20 minumum to get a package from them shipped north of the border. Hmph.


Ah, that would totally do it! The few Rishi things I’ve picked up were actually in a store so I haven’t ordered anything directly from them. And the first ones I got, I got for the tins. :)

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drank Jade Cloud by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

After wasting pretty much my entire day doing no work but instead reading through the site Texts From Last Night (thanks takgoti, I totally blame you!) tea has been the most worthwhile thing I’ve done today.

I’m actually liking this one more as it gets older (seems less salty which is something that can keep me away from Chinese greens). I keep thinking I don’t really like this tea so I don’t drink it. Then I figure I really need to use the tea so I can use the tin. So I make some and realize that this is actually really good and I should drink it more.


Hahaha, that link was actually posted by my friend Jen, but it is addicting. Now I’ve been reading it for a while today and I blame YOU! And don’t even get me started on fmylife.com.

I ordered this tea yesterday, so thank you for reaffirming my purchase.

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
181 tasting notes

This smells like bubble gum! It tastes like peach bubble gum, which isn’t as disgusting as it sounds.

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drank Wuyi Oolong by Rishi Tea
9 tasting notes

Great tea. My first entry into Oolongs, ensuring I’ll keep going back for more. Really nice roasted flavor with an earthy palate.

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drank Sencha Sakura by Rishi Tea
16 tasting notes

I made cold brew! Tea in a glass pitcher, fill with cold water and let sit in fridge for four hours. INTOXICATING!

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drank Purple Bamboo by Rishi Tea
16 tasting notes

I filled my guywan halfway and have been doing super quick infusions. I am on my fourth. FYI: Goes great with chocolate which I am eating for breakfast.

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drank Purple Bamboo by Rishi Tea
16 tasting notes

Complex and unusual. I prepared in a guywan about 1/3 full. The aroma brings you in, the initial taste is light and fruity and the back of your mouth tastes deep and rich floral notes. Hoppy is right on point. New favorite.

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