Rishi Tea

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drank Organic Green Needles by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Organic Green Needles by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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drank Organic Green Needles by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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drank Organic Green Needles by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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drank Organic Green Needles by Rishi Tea
784 tasting notes

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drank Jasmine Green Tea by Rishi Tea
31 tasting notes

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drank Lemongrass Black by Rishi Tea
13 tasting notes

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drank Earl Grey by Rishi Tea
13 tasting notes

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drank Ancient Emerald Lily by Rishi Tea
240 tasting notes

This was a decent tea, with a real juicy pale fruit and floral character. I was surprised, upon inspecting the leaves, that it was such an interesting mix of very broken pieces along with intact, beautiful and fuzzy budsets. Anyway, a nice slightly above average green.

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drank Snow Buds (Xue Ya) by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

Well, this is a shame. The first tea since I’ve had since Monday and I suppose I wasn’t quite ready for it. It tastes funny. No, correction: I’m tasting funny. I thought I was enough on the upswing from the cold that has literally knocked me out since Monday to have some tea. But no. And to add insult to injury, this cup empties out my tin of this. Really wish it would have had a better send off. I can taste some of the nuttiness and vegetal flavor that I enjoy about this tea, but they just aren’t sitting cohesively on my tongue. Bah. Back to orange juice it is.


Nooooooooo! Poor Auggy. Get better!


Feel better soon!


You’re tasting funny? Really?

*Noms on Auggy to test it out * XD


Thanks – I am doing my best! And :P at Jillian. Aren’t you lucky that I’ve managed to shower recently so while I’m tasting funny, at least I’m not tasting funky! Hehe.

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drank Snow Buds (Xue Ya) by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

I’m getting into the nutty solid but nectary sweet taste that a lot of white teas seem to have. This one has the nutty solid white taste but the overall taste reminds me much more of a green tea. I miss the nectar sweetness a bit but this is still really yummy and can hit the spot when I find myself craving a green.


175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Snow Buds (Xue Ya) by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

I feel kind of… off today. Pretty sure my body is building up to a migraine. So I’m being careful today and hoping I can get it to detrigger (if that’s even a word). I ate something earlier and eating just made me feel worse, so I’m hoping that a nice, gentle tea will make me feel better. Or not worse. At the very least, hopefully I’ll feel mentally better about feeling physically bad, right?

This tea strikes me as a very friendly tea. Sweet and flavorful, but gentle. It’s sort of an “I know you really want sencha but can’t deal with the potency right now, so here’s a little of that sweet grass flavor but not enough to overwhelm you.” Isn’t that nice of it?

ETA: Two cups of this and I’m feeling a little caffeinated but otherwise better than I have all day. On my third cup now it is starting to feel a little weak (but it is still nicely sweet, just not as strong and some salty taste is starting to come in) so I think this will be my last one of this. On the other hand, my cat really seems to be enjoying this steep.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec
Mitch Donaberger

Careful. I used to have chronic migraines when I was a kid (they ended when I had facial reconstruction surgery, funny enough! Long story), and the bestest thing on earth for them was Advil Migraine.

It’ll make you feel weird (it’s caffeinated. caffeine is excellent for migraines as it helps the brain absorb painkillers), but that’s the only stuff that would help me when locked in the throes of migraine hell.

Cynthia Carter

Sending you anti-migraine vibes.


@Mitch: I haven’t tried Advil Migraine but I do by Excedrin Migraine in the large bottles. It doesn’t work all the time but it does pretty good and keeps me from having to turn to the prescription stuff I have – which always works but I hate how I feel with it – full body headrush for hours. Yuck! Glad you are migraine-free now!
@ Cynthia: Thanks! I ended up having all the symptoms of a migraine gearing up and then I had all the hungover post-migraine feeling but it seems like this tea has helped me miss the actual pain part of the program so yay! :)

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drank Snow Buds (Xue Ya) by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

I think I’m getting sick. Any time I tilt my head the slightest bit, the room starts spinning. So I’m either getting sick or have been hitting the bottle quite heavily and forgetting about it. Option two is not as unlikely as one might think as I’m forgetting all sorts of things today. Such as how long I steeped this for. 4 minutes? 5? I don’t recall and the timer went off less than a minute ago.

Anyway, whatever I did to it worked out well. I still thinks this taste like a mild Chinese green. It’s got the honey taste that seems fairly standard but only a tiny little hint of the brine that I seem to always get. I’m drinking it from the same cup as my earlier steeps of Ryokucha, but I rinsed and wiped the cup out good so the sweet, grassy green hints I’m getting are from this tea, not leftover from the Ryokucha.

175 °F / 79 °C

I hope you are not getting sick or if you are that you will soon be better.


Thanks! I keep sucking down the tea in hopes that whatever is going on will stop. Even if the tea doesn’t help in the end, it still makes me happy. :)


Not gonna lie, I’d have thrown up by now if I were you. I don’t get motion sick like that often [or whatever it is…ear fluid causing your ear hairs to do strange things to your brain – I’m very technical], but when I do it hits me like a linebacker. Stay strong! Drink more tea! Hope you’re better soon!


I suppose it’s a good thing I like rollercoasters because that’s what this feeling remind me off. Wheeeee!


Ah! Feel better Auggy! <333

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drank Snow Buds (Xue Ya) by Rishi Tea
911 tasting notes

The leaves smell yummy but I can’t place the smell. It’s good though. Sweet. Green. Brewing it smells like a sweet green, not white. The notes say a grassy highnote and a hazelnut finish. I totally get the grassy. Not sure about the hazelnut since pretty much my only exposure to that flavor is flavored coffees and teas which I can’t imagine the actual nut tasting like. There is a light-ish nutty taste at the end that I’m guessing is hazelnut? It doesn’t taste quite like the taste that I think is chestnut but has a similar-ish note. Anyway, it has little to no salty taste I get from Chinese greens so I’m liking this.

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Kukicha by Rishi Tea
84 tasting notes

Hello. Meet my absolute favourite COLD-BREW tea in the entire world!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Organic Kukicha.
(This tea is unbe-freaking-lievable. I probably have at least 1 pot a day. Not counting the steady supply of cold-brew harios in my fridge.)

Hario Pitcher + 2 Tblsp Kukicha + Fill to top with COLD water.
Leave in fridge for 4+ hours. Enjoy! Feel free to re-infuse and do it all over again.
(Tip: a splash of warm water before filling the hario with cold water does a nice job of getting the leaves to open up if you like it a teeny bit more pronounced.)

Seriously… try it.
And FYI you can find the Hario Pitchers I’m referring to on Rishi’s website. I own 6. Best investment I’ve ever made. Ever. And when any of you try it… let me know afterward how you feel about it. We’ll embrace.

(P.S. Word on the street is that if you use the coupon code “GIVETEA10” on Rishi’s website, you get 20% off your order. Get a hario! And by street, I mean my inbox.)

Has anyone found a favourite Kukicha from any other tea company? I’m just curious. I tried one from Adagio one time… meh… didn’t compare. And it was powdery. I want full twigs n leaves people!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 45 sec
Tea Love and Care

Hey Oh Cha! Great Kukicha review. I’ve wanted to try the green tea Kukicha myself but haven’t had a chance. I did, however, try (and LOVE) The Tao of Tea’s Kukicha. There are no green tea leaves in it, just straight-up twigs. It is the smoothest tasting tea I’ve ever had. It brews up rather dark and has a mild nutty/chocolate flavour.

The twigs are pretty thick, so in comparison to your method of refrigeration, I actually boil this tea in water for about 2-4 minutes. It really releases the flavours. It also tastes great after cooling down during the day.

You’ve got me really interested in these Hario pitchers and cold brews.


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drank Kukicha by Rishi Tea
84 tasting notes

I think this may be my favourite Japanese green that I own… :)


I know you’re into recipes, be sure to check out Rishi’s website today. Not only is it on sale, but there’s also a sole recipe there that uses this tea in a marinade!:) The thread w/ the 25% off coupon just convinced me even more- I must buy.

Oh Cha!

We’re best friends now!!! Thanks Cofftea!


Awww! Let’s meet up soon, well as soon as the weather allows. I don’t have a car and I don’t want you having to drive in questionable weather:)


Seeing that recipe got me wondering… type “recipe” in Rishi’s search box and you’ll get 11 of them! The Vanilla Mint Pu Erh hot chocolate interests me, but I couldn’t stand the 1st pu erh I tried so I’m absolutely terrified to invest money in it, even w/ the 25% off coupon.

Oh Cha!

Was the first pu-erh you tried a Shu or a Sheng? (Cooked or un-cooked?)

Pu-erhs are all sooooo different!

And FYI… You would freaking love both the Pu-erh Vanilla Mint, and the Pu-erh Blood Orange. Just trust me. Neither of them need milk or sugar or anything! Just water!! (That’s how I prefer them!) You really should try them! I don’t think you’ll regret it!


Not a clue, it was Adagio’s Pu Erh Dante. I can’t believe that was in only my 2nd loose leaf purchase! But then again so was white cucumber and that’s still one of my favorites.


Speaking of Pu Erh, check out today’s one day sale. So much for my opportunity to try it for free. Oh well.

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drank Genmaicha by Rishi Tea
84 tasting notes

I cannot drink enough of this. I go through endless cups of it at work. As usual, Rishi seems to do it best.

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
84 tasting notes

1/4 cup of this in a bottle of VODKA… Overnight… Decant… Mix with orange juice (or anything else)… enjoy! :)

I brought a bottle like this with a pretty purple bow to a party a few weeks ago… BIG HIT! I felt cool!

Detox with tea… retox with tea… can you blame me? ;)


That sounds amazing! I will have to keep it in mind.


you just combined booze and tea…two of my favorite things! this sounds great!!! :)


Waukesha! I’m from Oshkosh!:)


Oh Cha…, have you ever been to Fava Tea Co. in Appleton?

Oh Cha!

No, I haven’t! I’ve heard very good things about them though, so I’ve been meaning to drop by next time I head up north :)


DEFINITELY send me and me an email and we can meet up!

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drank Cinnamon Plum by Rishi Tea
84 tasting notes

Excellent dessert tea… I paired it with chocolate and cream cheese brownies for the supper that I made for friends last night. It was a big hit. It’s easy to see why it was one of the First Place Winners at the World Tea Competition in 2009. http://www.rishi-tea.com/2009WTE-Teas.php
UPDATE: I mulled the Cinnamon Plum Cider as directed by Rishi’s website… OH MY GOSH GUYS. TRY IT. It’s delectable! And get the best quality cider you can find, you’ll taste the difference!

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Lovely! It’s almost… cider-y? Incredible.

I paired it with breakfast:
Combine fresh parsley, fresh basil, and green onions – chopped – to a few eggs and a splash of milk. Whisk together. Cook like scrambled eggs. Top with grated Widmer’s Brick Cheese.

Add a piece of smoked salmon (locally I buy from Sendik’s) on the side. Enjoy :)

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While I intend to finish drinking this container of white tea (as tea is too precious to waste!), I don’t care for this white tea blend. This tastes too “grassy” to me (which I don’t mind in other teas, like Yerba Mate), and its flavor is too strong for my liking. At least a little bit goes a long way.

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I really love the fruity flavor of this white tea. This is one of my favorite white tea blends. I highly recommend it. Like anytime I drink tea, I add a minute amount of stevia (as I have a major sweet tooth).

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This is one of my personal favorites. This oolong has such vibrant flavors. I definitely agree with those that mention notes of moss, and I also pick up on some of the lilac aroma mentioned on the packaging, along with some sandalwood. I love the light glowing green color.

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drank Jasmine Pearl by Rishi Tea
69 tasting notes

Delicately flavored, and so pretty when it unfurls.

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