Rishi Tea

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

Making an attempt to re-steep this tea…I am not sure that it will be very flavorful, the second time.

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

Mmm, still good, even the next morning with last night’s leaves.

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drank Peach Blossom by Rishi Tea
1812 tasting notes

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So amazing. Must find more. Like drinking a cup of summer water. Raised my expectations for green tea.

For those who are especially motivated, I was told to brew this by putting one tablespoon in an ounce of cold water for 2 minutes, and then add a cup of hot water and immediately decant. That certainly worked out okay, though I also enjoyed it brewed for a most excellent flavor.

160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Now that’s a preparation for sencha I haven’t heard before:)

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drank Kukicha by Rishi Tea
124 tasting notes

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This is very different from other golden Yunnans I’ve had. The leaves are a lot smaller and darker. The tea brews up much darker as well – a deep reddish brown. The smell is woodsy and honeysuckle. The taste is oak and dark chocolate. Moderately bitter without any noticeable sweetness. The astringency is much more pronounced than other Yunnans.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Tangerine Ginger by Rishi Tea
251 tasting notes

i seriously think they need to rename this one to Ginger Tangerine. This is definitely ginger. Not the sweet pickled sushi ginger kind of vibe. This is the hot, I ate too many ginger altoids kind of ginger. (I must admit that I do that. I love ginger.) It has a nice hot ginger aftertaste that lingers. I think this would be a great tea to drink for a sore throat or an upset stomach. I’ve been having my spring time (Florida) allergy attacks, and this is clearing up everything beautifully. While this blend does have hibiscus and licorice in it, they are overpowered by the ginger. I do taste some citrus notes, but they don’t have the same punch as the ginger.

Just in case you weren’t sure about the ginger, the fact that the word ginger appears in this review 11 times should be a clue.


I think my husband would like this one – he loves ginger! I make him ginger beer in the summer (basically – in a blender – ginger lime juice and water – it’s STRONG!!!)


I’m a big ginger fan, but certain companies can really mess up a ginger blend tea. I’m glad this one ranked so high…even with the hibiscus. Ugh.

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drank Earl Grey Supreme by Rishi Tea
69 tasting notes

The smell is promising, bright bergamot and cola, but the taste is flat and a little soapy. Pretty one dimensional – bergamot. No real bitterness to speak of. Mildly astringent. Brews up dark brown. A mild afternoon tea. I no longer feel the need to nap, so it did the trick.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank China Breakfast by Rishi Tea
1112 tasting notes

Very delicious Rainy Monday Morning tea :) I love the natural sweetness. It’s so sweet dried fruit to me! I would think that it had some sort of addition to it if I didn’t know any better. Enjoying it with half and half and sugar.

I decided to do another steep (rainy! monday!) which does not work with all black teas, but this one was very flavorful – it’s no second steep of Jackee or Tiger, but it’s good!

Which leads me to ask – do you drink a black tea which has a really fantastic second steep? Do share :)

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

I’m more of a one steep only black tea drinker. I’m mostly drinking it for the caffeine and that of course is gifted in the first steep. However when I go to teahouses with friends, the pot tends to get refilled and I drink it and it’s just fine – I barely notice a difference in flavor. Maybe because by that time I’ve already been fully caffeinated and buzzed by the first pot and pretty stuffed with tasty tea sandwiches. :)


I usually only drink the first one too, but there are some interesting teas like Jackee Muntz that have a such a delicious 2nd steep! In Jackee’s case, it tasted like butterscotch! I would love to find more of them to try.


I don’t normally steep blacks twice unless I’m feeling monumentally lazy and just brew it up for travel-cup purposes. Sometimes I get a decent cup, other times it’s just water with little to no flavour. My Tan Yang Te Ji, however, provides an excellent second steep, especially if it’s brewed with as large a leaf dosage as TeaSpring recommends. But only if you like smokies, because it gets properly smoky the second time around.


Angrboda – China Breakfast calls for a tablespoon rather than a teaspoon of leaves – I wonder if that is the reason it does so well on the resteep like your Tan Yang Te Ji. Also I noticed that Chinese Blacks tend to be the good resteepers, and not Indian etc etc. Hmm!


It’s not unlikely. I tend to get a bit stingy with leaves though, and just brew it western style. I’m especially torn if I stock up on the Tan Yang, because they only have the much more expensive leaf grade left. I might have to look into finding that type from somewhere else. Anyway, you’re right I’ve noticed that about chinese blacks too. Indian blacks seem to have a tendency to turn bitter where chinese blacks turn stronger. I think that’s why I tend to prefer chinese over indian.


I was just going to say that I’ve had pretty good luck with steeping my blacks twice lately, and then I read Angrboda’s comment and realized that I’ve been mostly drinking chinese blacks! So, I had been attributing the success to my steeping parameters (a little extra leaf, 3 minute 1st steep, 5 minute 2nd), but now I’ll have to try some different teas to compare. I’m inclined to think that a lot of quality blacks (yes, like Jackie) could give a 2nd infusion as long as they aren’t completely wrung out on the 1st.


All the Samovar blacks I have tried so far steep well for a second and even a third. Earl Lavender, Breakfast Blend, Russian Blend all came out basically the same on the second steep and close on the third.

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drank China Breakfast by Rishi Tea
1112 tasting notes

So today I feel like I’ve been hit by one of those SUV minivans that seat 8 instead of a bus – I guess that’s an improvement. I still did not hear my alarm but only got up 1 hour late. I thankfully made it to work on time. Ooooh my body hates daylight savings time!!!!

I also remembered my lunch today, which means that I have half and half :)

I am really enjoying this once again. Bold and raisiny. Wholesomely sweet and very satisfying. I am drinking my cup at an alarmingly fast rate!!! That means I love, love, love it! I am really enamored of that raisin molasses taste that is very unique to the Chinese black teas like this one and Panyang Congu.

EDIT: So much for being more together today – I just went into the restroom to wash my teapot and discovered half the buttons on my shirt are unbuttoned!!! OMG!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec
the quiet life

Daylight Savings Time is EVIL. We were all walking around Borders like zombies yesterday. But yay for tea! :D (And I totally feel your pain on the shirt thing. My seatbelt sometimes likes to undo mine. So embarrassing! :( )


The tea sounds wonderful and your shirt? Probably everybody though you were stylin’!!!


the edit made me laugh. :) this morning was not any better than yesterday for me either.


Dude! Why is this week conspiring against all of us? Though I will admit that the shirt note made me giggle.


Blah, Daylight Savings Time is teh evil – maybe I should move to Saskatchewan (where they don’t have a time change).

As for the shirt, lol. So long as any nipples weren’t showing it wouldn’t be anything the so-called fashionistas haven’t done. ;)


Oh, I can identify. I hope that today is going better. I love your tasting notes!


Doulton – today I actually heard my alarm but it took me fifteen minutes to move after hearing it! I am still really out of it and I sat on the armrest on the train which lifted my skirt up! Thankfully we are still in opaque tights weather and no one got a huge show. Clearly, the government instituted daylight savings time in a plot to see me naked.


Okay, that last line had me laughing. You win first laugh of the day and I had to send that out on twitter.


takgoti – :) :) :)


Ahhh, it’s great that guys don’t have to worry about this stuff ;)

Poor Jacqueline, today’s just not your day.


@Ricky: No but you do have to worry about whether or not you forgot to do your fly up after taking a leak. ;P

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