Mariage Frères

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Oh la la it’s so good ! I’ve let the salesman at Mariage Frères choice for me an Oolong and he picked up this one and he was so right. It’s exactly what I wanted : a mellow, nutty and earthy Oolong.

The small tea leaves are folden but full. The dry leaf smells like chesnut and the very dark liquor is the same but with this heavy earthy taste, the kind of taste the earth has probably after the rain.

I was sceptical about this plain Oolong (at Mariage you should buy at least 100 g and this is an expensive tea, so it was risky !)and I was so wrong, it is really a wonderful blend.

I have now more and more difficulties to drink flavoured teas. At least at picking them first in my cupboard.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

hmmm i may need to add this to my shopping list if you enjoyed it heh :)


it’s really a very nice Oolong !

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drank Summer Snow by Mariage Frères
880 tasting notes

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drank Summer Snow by Mariage Frères
880 tasting notes

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This is a sample kindly sent by cteresa. This is clearly not a tea I would have bought by myself because I am not familiar with Lapsang Souchong and was quite afraid of.

But I am nicely surprised because even if for a LS beginner like I am the smocky taste seems heavy, it is so lovely blended with a light bergamot that I can only love it.

The tea base is really mellow and the bergamot touch is perfect to help to
tame this type of tea.
As it cools the smocky taste seems lighter now.

Thank you so much for permitting me to discover this type of teas cteresa

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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thank you to sil for this gem…..

i didn’t get caramel and toffee out of it (i never do) but i got SOMETHING! it wasn’t just tea….

i got brown sugar, coffee? or something akin to. vanilla. an unnameable fruit tone…. very smooth.

thank you, sil! i’m a day behind, but it was a lovely celebration!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Heh. Glad it was something to look forward too


I am crazy maybe, but I always get a coconut-y vibe from Wedding Imperial. I like it nonetheless, though it is a tea which keeps me on my toes, must pay attention when brewing it!


now that you say it, yes, perhaps a roasted coconut? a very decadent treat to celebrate the ending of my scariest course!!!! tomorrow i will celebrate again =0)


oh, congratulations, here is to a great celebration! This sounds like a good tea to celebrate with!


THANK YOU THANK YOU! i think fauchon’s naissance is the route to go…. =0)


i really need to try my fauchon teas…maybe this weekend…

Terri HarpLady

I really need to try Fauchon teas, period! LOL
congrats, James!


i only have 2, but i can send samples terri =o)


justjames… i can take care of terri…we have an ongoing box that travels and maaaybe she’s getting some in the next round as my christmas treat to her and tastybrew heh


also..did you know that 13 teas from MF only comes to about 16$ per 100g CAD which is like the same price as bad tea from david’s tea as well lol


Sil! 13 teas! That’s 1300g.


i did! it’s the shipping that (i’m going to go the polite route here…) ‘attaches one to another object by an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis.’ =0)


i will keep you guys posted…it’s only a matter of time before i crumble one way or another… after all there’s still my stupid “real” bonus to come this year.. in addition to the “fake” bonus they already gave me lol


Hmmmm…. I wish I had money…

Terri HarpLady

(Just sitting here smiling & enjoying the conversation, especially the part about people (mainly Sil) sending me tea, lol)


see this is where there difference between money and credit blurs for me. mmph, financial responsibility. credit rating. tea. risk. pro/con. dammit.


terri…. not nice to make fun of trying to be responsible mostly grown ups, lol.


is it bad that when i’m in the modd to splurge on something like this..the 1300g of tea that i’d be getting doesn’t phase me only because it means that i can share? lol I’ve had bags of tea i bought, love but then only have like 2 cups out of because i get to excited to share the tea lol


Oh yeah, I spend like a blind fool when I’m buying tea. Sil, are you ordering directly from mf? isn’t shipping going to…impale you unpleasantly?


keychange – both MF and the o dor have shipping that sits at about 25 euros. If i get 10+ bags, because the teas aren’t terribly expensive in the grand scheme of things, it offsets the cost of the shipping without making the price per bag exorbitant. 13 teas brings the cost per 100g to about 16 CAD, which, as i mentioned is about the same price as a number of david’s teas – a company that i am not overly a fan of. heh


Well I’ll be damned!


Sil, that is my plan for my next order. Buy sufficiently of the loose leaf teas so it offsets the shipping, so one just big order. Though next order will be no sooner than November (ok, october, but totally definetely!) 2014! For this winter I am shamefully well stocked


okay, now i read your 16$, but i didn’t realize your number included/justified/explained/finessed shipping sil, lol.


james..oh yes..i always look at total cost to get to my greedy little hands. my first order of DF teas arrived today and i AM SO DARN HAPPY OMG YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! however i also received my verdant BF order AND teas from omgsrsly…so um i have some drinking to do before i can order lol


it sounds like a day totally appropriate for the season….. enjoy =0)


sooo supposed to be doing work..but totally organising tea now lol

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Casey and I are drinking a pot of this tonight. We are maybe two pots away from a sipdown.

This doesn’t taste as strongly flavored as last time, but I’ve been drinking a lot of flavored teas today. I’m also noticing some vanilla, which I wasn’t sure was present last time I brewed this. It’s also more astringent than I remember it being. I still plan on ordering some of this when I place my big Mariage Frères order in March, mostly because Casey really likes this, but otherwise I probably wouldn’t purchase again.

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate, Malt, Tannin, Tobacco, Vanilla

150 °F / 65 °C 4 min, 0 sec 6 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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Casey really likes this tea, and brewed this first thing this morning. To him, it reminds him of pipe tobacco. I can’t really speak much to this. I can’t remember the last time I’ve smelled pipe tobacco.

I’m not a huge fan of this tea. It definitely tastes like it’s been artificially flavored, and I’m more of a “pure tea” fan. It’s pretty good for a flavored tea, though. It has cocoa notes and maybe a hint of caramel. I’ll keep this in stock for Casey, though.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Rouge Bourbon by Mariage Frères
1501 tasting notes

Backlogged from earlier tonight.

Went to Faubourg with some friends tonight, a French patisserie in downtown Vancouver. They sell Mariage Freres tea there, and this was the first one that caught my eye. (For the record, they also sell them in the tins, however 50g is $38… Holt Renfrew is $24).

I found the smell of this tea to be standard rooibos, however the flavoring was very vanilla-rich, almost like a custardy booze. I re-steeped it twice with zero flavor loss, however I still wanted more out of this. More… bourbon? I dunno. I guess I just expected more from such an expensive tea, and one that’s hard to find here. I’ll order it again if it’s around, however I’ll likely never buy any loose for the house.


Is it worth going there, as someone who doesn’t eat gluten? Do they do tea to go or just sit down tea? :)


They do anything to go (as well as pre-orders), and do tea lattes too. EVERYTHING had gluten in it, except for the macarons… however no one who was working could tell me what the flour was that was used. The first gal tried to tell me, “macaron flour” and I laughed. She blushed and said I should call in the morning when the bakers are still in the store, and ask them. It’s also a surprisingly large store, with a movie playing on the wall and two stunning leaf/tree/crystal sculptures. It is however right next to a Cafe Artigiano, which I find to be much more gluten-friendly. I ate a lemon tart and just scraped it out of the tart. Super yummy, even though probably a bad idea in hindsight. :$


My guess is that the macarons are made as meringues as the outside shell, with buttercream inside… and thus, gluten-free.


French macaron are almond flour, sugar and egg whites. :) I couldn’t actually scrape out the tart. I’d end up either so sick, or with terrible brain fog. I can’t even do a little bit of regular soy sauce with my sushi anymore. I’ll have to check them out for tea to go. :)

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It annoys me every time to have to classify a Darjeeling into black teas . Yet it is … technically . But the heart of Darjeelings remains green in my opinion. Darjeeling Chameleon should be the real name of these teas .

This Sungma is quite exceptional . At the same time I really like Sungmas …

The liquor is really orange , a dark amber.

This Sungma is not bitter , just a touch . The taste is sweet and fruity . Muscatel is indeed the guest of honor in this summer Darjeeling and normally of most of summer Darjeelings and I am absolutely delighted because this is what I love . It does not have a too green taste. The texture is light, almost Sparkly .

I still love this one and it remains a staple.

Pics of my session with Sungma are available here :

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec

i agree ysaurella!


Good suggestion! Darjeeling Chameleon"! Je suis d’accord! ;-)


I just have now to convince the Darjeeling producers to change the name of their label :D

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I spent all my day with this unique tea. This morning and tonight as well. In the middle I went out with my daughter in a funfair.

Weather is quite hot around and Darjeelings are the type of hot teas I can drink with pleasure during summer time. They are refreshing teas, energizing teas. Not heavy at all, light but deep on the same time. Deep joy.

I particularly enjoy sungmas and this Mariage Frères is really a staple for me.

Flavors: Muscatel

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Hope you had fun with your daughter at the fair :-)


she had a lot of fun with one of her ‘old’ friends :) and we ate waffles…so yes lot of fun and calories !

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This is a sparkling, shinning Darjeeling.It resteeps very well.
The more I drink you the more I love you !


I like that you used «sparkling», It is le champagne des thés after all :-)

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I bought this one because of Nicole!
She kindly sent me months ago a sample of Sungma Darjeeling from H&S and I loved it. Unfortunately it is not available here in France and I found this Sungma at Mariage Frères so I decided to give a try.

It was clearly a good idea : this is a fruity, light and energetic Darjeeling.

The classic muscatel taste is really there.
However it resteeps quite nicely (2nd steep) and even if you oversteep it (15 minutes this morning as my boss came in my office and I forgot to pull the basket off my mug :S) it doesn’t become bitter : incredible.

Sure I got my Darjeeling staple :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I’m so glad you found a local vendor. :)


yeah but it’s different from the H&S- H&S has more a joyful Darjeeling attitude than is one which is a little darker – I miss the H&S :)

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This tea is so damn old right now, but it’s still really great. Had some Thai red curry and a pot of this for breakfast. What a good start to my day.


heeeey! welcome back :)

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This is one of the Darjeelings that I am trying to sipdown because it is getting old. I ordered this just about a year ago now. This morning I am having it after my favorite breakfast: tofu scramble + potatoes + hot sauce + lots of nutritional yeast. Anyway, this tea has a real peppery aftertaste today which I am actually rather liking.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

i’ve recently ordered and am drinking 2012FF Vintage Castleton Darjeeling. Even after two years from the time of picking, it still tastes great. Debating on whether to try some of the specialty Darjeelings they have recently posted on their website.

Happy Steeping


Those are on my wish list too. Which are you most wanting to try? I’ve been especially curious to try the Darjeeling Beauty. Have you ever had/heard of a tea like it?


They all sound interesting. When their full line of 2014FF Darjeelings come in, I might try their special line if they are still available at that time. Right now, I’m still enjoying the Vintage Castleton and the High Mountain Oolong teas from Taiwan Tea Crafts. I still need to allocate some time to write a review on their wonderful Da Yu Ling.


The problem is, if I like their specialty teas, then it will substantially impact my tea budget. What’s worse, if my wife likes it, then she will constantly ask me to buy more. I can’t fault her for taste though. She has Japanese tea ceremony crudentials/certifications and she buys some incredible Japanese Greens. I went with her to her friends house and her friend is an instructor for Tea Ceremony. She served some Matcha that was the best I’ve ever tasted.


That’s very cool that your wife has studied/practiced the Japanese tea ceremony, and that you have friends who also love tea and tea culture. My boyfriend is a really good enabler when it comes to my tea budget, even though he is more into beer than tea. I’m still a Matcha (and tea, if I’m being honest) newbie, and I’m not sure if I would even be able to imagine what a really good Matcha would taste like.

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It usually rains for days on end during the winter in Napa Valley. Most people don’t even call it winter, they refer to it as “the rainy season”. But we haven’t had a good rain all season, and today it’s very warm. It must be in the 60s and it’s just past 11 AM. There are blue-belly lizards out sunning themselves on the rocks. There’s no need to turn on the heat and the windows are open in my house. People are talking about drought this summer and the possibility of budbreak occurring soon, which isn’t supposed to happen until March. I’m trying not to worry too much about all of this, and to just enjoy the sunshine.

Anyway, about the tea…I don’t know what the heck I did wrong with this tea last time I brewed it. I had given this a dismal rating, but this time I didn’t even have to finish brewing it and just by the aroma I could tell this was going to be lovely. This has just wonderful florals and a beautiful muscatel aroma. It’s nutty, but not too much so. It’s citrusy, but not harsh. I’d definitely buy this again, and I’m glad to have been able to try it a second time!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I’m brewing this to Mariage Frères’ instructions for this morning in my new teapot: I may have over leafed it. It’s been so long since I’ve attempted to use an recommended amount of tea that I have misplaced my tea scale…That’s embarrassing.

Ugh. I really didn’t think there was anything special about this tea. It was incredibly smooth and, but just didn’t have enough going on. Oh well. I have a lot of this, so hopefully my next steeping will be better.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Kimberley by Mariage Frères
2 tasting notes

Well I purchased 100g of this tea randomly because I needed something fruity and100% theine-free in my cupboard for my late night treats ..
This tea is actually not popular in the Marriage Freres scented tea collections, well in a way that’s one of the reasons it attracted me ..
First of all, the smell of the dry leaves is lovely without killing the rooibos natural fragrances. Sweet, light and mellow, a true defintion of warm joy. Light roses, cherry, strawberry and mallow are all in ..
Once steeped it offers that yummy jam fragrance —→ And once in my mouth : An explosion of taste and rich mellow Hmmm quite refreshing too .. And after few sips it leaves that greedy taste of fine almond in my mouth..

A true sin of gluttony

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank American Breakfast by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

noms. delicious afternoon cup. this one will be back in my cupboard i’m certain of it. Just need to get through another 4kg haha


kg???? Dang, that’s a lotta tea


Yeah…. I brought back 3.5kg with me when I went to Paris….I was at something like 8 at the beginning of the year or something…would have to go back and look at my numbers… But I was aiming for getting down to 4kg by December…and I’m almost there already :)

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drank American Breakfast by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

Almost out of this one…sad. I still have hopes that come christmas holt’s might bring this one in, but suspect it’ll be french breakfast they have…which is a close second to this one, so not too bad :)

Evol Ving Ness

They should be hauling in the Christmas stock say about Halloween, right?


You mean Holt Renfrew? Last winter I think they only carried Sloan and TWG at the Vancouver store :(


yeah. they have MF here every year…like 1 twg, a bunch of fortnum and mason and sloane customer holts blends. I can always pick it up at balzac’s as well

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drank American Breakfast by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

if i have paris breakfast, i might as well drink up some american breakfast as well. Still trying to decide what tea(s) to bring with me next week – suspect i’ll stick to maybe just 2 as i’m not sure how much time i’ll spend on tea. still really like how this one is much more malty, cocoa-y and smoother than paris breakfast. I’ll be sad when this one is gone.

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drank American Breakfast by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

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drank American Breakfast by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

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drank American Breakfast by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

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drank American Breakfast by Mariage Frères
15575 tasting notes

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