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drank Toasted Walnut by DAVIDsTEA
51 tasting notes

If your looking for a very nutty tea, this isn’t the one you should be looking at. Try forever nuts. This one is mildly nutty but not super nutty. The walnut flavor is present but still a bit empty of yo ask me. The tartiness of the pineapple over rides the nuttiness along side the coconut smell and taste. I liked it. But I was quite disapointed with the lack of nuttiness, that is all. Coconut and pineapple combine very smoothly in this one as oppsed to piña colada ( another davids tea) .

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drank Oh Canada! by DAVIDsTEA
788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: ~ 1.5 tsp
Water: 8 ounces hot water spigot
Tool: make your own paper teabag
Steep Time: a little over 5 minutes (using Steep.It)
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: maple! sweet maple sugar, wood
Steeped Tea Smell: sweet maple, wood
Flavor: wood, sweet, warm
Body: Medium
Aftertaste: maple
Liquor: light translucent orange red

I won this in JonTea’s first mini contest!
What is the wildest name of tea you’ve ever heard of?
My Answer: Dragon Balls

Post-Steep Additives: 1 packet sugar
brings out the maple more

It’s yummy and sweet and soothing. I loved the little maple leaf candies. I’m not bowled over by it though.

Images: http://amazonv.blogspot.com/2010/06/davids-tea-loose-leaf-rooibos-and.html

5 min, 0 sec

Couldn’t agree more with the sweet soothing smell and taste of maple! I seemed to be more fond of it than you were but isn’t the smell so amazing. Like its so accurate to maple syrup :D


Yes, warm maple syrup, makes me want pancakes


Dragon balls! I still randomly giggle about that one :) I also have to say that today’s Select cracks me up too since Harney & Sons went with the more “eloquent” globes instead of balls. And then of course I think of Dragon Balls again. ::giggle::


Oh gad, you wouldn’t believe the ‘ball’ jokes that were bandied around when Adagio’s Black Dragon Pearl tea first came out. ;D

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This tea is absolutely fantastic and is quickly becoming a new addiction of mine. It’s pretty much the only chocolate flavoured tea that I have tried that I have enjoyed so far. I am a huge fan of green rooibos, so the addition of it to “Super Chocolate” makes it all that more appealing.

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drank Lime Bang by DAVIDsTEA
51 tasting notes

This tea was SPECTACULAR! I really liked it, it had a lime (reminded me of 7-up soda) twist to a quality green tea to begin with. The tea is just straight up a solid green, with exactly what it advertises a lime BANG! Which kinda caught me off guard because I wasn’t expecting that much of a bang. It wasn’t tart like I would have expected it to be, it was just right. The green tea part of it wasn’t too grassy but at times had a herby taste too it, but it was fine for me! Well I will be having this one again :) I’m off to Florida for the next week, I will be drinking plenty of tea on the go tomorrow : Anyone have any reccomendations for starbucks teas while on the go? Please let me know. I will still try to tealog every chance I get. If only steepster had an app so I could tealog from my ipod….


i love starbucks teas! i usually get a “no-water soy chai latte” every day, I also enjoy the rooibos tea latte (bags), they tend to make the matcha (green tea) latte poorly don’t get it, for iced the passionfruit iced tea is delicious


Passionfruit Iced Tea…….. NOM NOM!

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drank Bravissimo by DAVIDsTEA
51 tasting notes

This was interesting, tried this as a taster when I walked into David’s tea this morning. It was pretty cool because of the orange peel and the zesty taste just immediatly makes me love it. This tea had something happening from the begining to the end. At the begining it had the zesty summery smell with what appeared to be at the time a candy cane minty aroma, when I first took the first sip… A bold chamomile taste with a little bit of orange peel. second sip.. More orange peel than chamomile… Third sip.. Peppermint- mint lozenge-like taste. What was unique as the after taste was of bold licorice! NICE! I love licorice. However if you are not a fan of licorice, (like my mom who tried this tea with me) then you might immediatly pick up on the licorice and not really like it. All in all, for me, a nice tea that was party in the front, business in the back. Like an inverse mullet.

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drank Exotica by DAVIDsTEA
51 tasting notes

This was great ICED! It was a combo of the most unusual combinations ever, but it just made a statement and an excellent iced tea. At times it tasted a little Chai-ish ( Maybe the cardamom). but then at others it tasted tropical and so damn liberating. I found the red pepper very strange at first, but a couple gulps later, I got used to it and the combination relationship between the fruity tenderness, the cardamom and the red pepper just started to work for me. It was strange at first I have to admit that one but it was just such a statement iced tea. On the down side, I don’t think I could imagine it hot, its just such an iced summer tea. But who knows, I’ll probably try it someday…
Something that stood out about this iced tea is that it had such a great zip,bang,zoom to it, with all it had going on. A little hard to keep track of at times, but all in all a great iced tea. I’m a fan. David’s tea you never let me down =) Ps: I saw sex and the city 2, it wasnt great….


I normally don’t drink tisanes solo so I’d probably mix it w/ black tea, but this sounds SO good!

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

This is a Featured tealog today. =)


Awesome, I absolutly love when my tealog’s get featured! Thanks :P

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drank Irish Cream by DAVIDsTEA
259 tasting notes

I liked this tea quite a bit. If you like Irish Cream, you are likely to like this tea because it’s a superb replication of the aroma and the flavor of a good Irish Cream. True, they did not add the alcohol but everything else is there.

The dry leaves are very attractive and colorful. The aroma is quintessance of Bailey’s Irish Cream. The taste is lovely and I cannot disagree with anyone who would give this a rating of “100”. I don’t because I am using that rating for the flavors that make me lose control—-as Patty Duke reputedly did with a hot dog—-. I have always liked Irish Cream but never loved it.

I got the French label which seems to think I’ll engage in an Irish jig (gigue) upon drinking this. I feel as sedentary as ever, but I also enjoyed this tea a lot. I would not make a special order just for this tea, but next time I order from David’s tea, I will probably purchase Irish Cream again.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec

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Smooth delicious chocolate with more than just a hint of mint. It’s a nice calming dessert drink. It’s a cute flavour and aroma. Makes me smile a little

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drank Pink by DAVIDsTEA
12 tasting notes

I did not like this tea. The flavour was far too floral for my tastes.

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drank Cherry Blossom by DAVIDsTEA
12 tasting notes

A mild, refreshing tea. Very relaxing

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My very favourite peppermint tea! Very refreshing, love the cool tingle it leaves.

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drank Irish Cream by DAVIDsTEA
12 tasting notes

I think this just might be my favourite new tea. The smell is divine, and it tastes delish hot and cold. I prefer it iced, with a tiny bit of agave. Adding in some real Irish Cream makes for a decadent treat, when hot.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Pina Colada by DAVIDsTEA
51 tasting notes

I can see why they call it Piña colada, and i’m sure if it were iced it would taste just like it! I was impressed with this one, as I will have more of it as time goes on. The pinapple flavoring was more of the candied pineapple taste but the coconuttiness was just right :)
I’m going to say that the pineapple was overpowering the coconut, 90-10. which was unfortunate, nonetheless solid,eventful tea. I noticed that it was green rooibos instead of what I usually have ( red rooibos ) I just find that it has more of a tea flavor if that makes any sense, as red lets the flavor do the talking and green lets the tea do the talking.
Interesting tea, will try again.. ICED!

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drank Forever Nuts by DAVIDsTEA
51 tasting notes

I strongly reccomend this nutty tea as a iced summer drink. It’s bright pink color makes it look like pink lemonade, however it retains a nutty almond flavor which sweeps me off my feet everytime.

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drank Forever Nuts by DAVIDsTEA
51 tasting notes

YES YES YES! I absolutly loved this one iced. I don’t know how it would taste hot. but iced is awesome. Firstly, its a bright pink color, kinda reminded me of pink lemonade. Then it had a nutty splash to it, but a very nutty splash. Really refreshing on a hot summer day ( unsweetened and caffeine-free) Will definately try again ICED :D I must say at first it catches you off guard with the color and nuttiness but you get used to it.

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drank Exotica by DAVIDsTEA
11 tasting notes

I just had this iced at David’s Tea with Agave. Ummmm, Tastes fresh but not too weak, I like it!

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First Steep:
The smell is like an underwhelming version of the odor of the dry leaves. There
is a really deep, musky taste that dissolves into a subtle sweetness reminiscent
of large volumes of high-end jelly beans. It’s pleasant without being too sweet
(at all), but after a few moments, a bitterness joins the aftertaste that is st
raight from a cup of bagged, bitter green tea. Enjoyable in the afternoon, but n
ot by itself worth the high price.

Second Steep:
This had a less intense aroma that reminded me of clover after a rain. It’s sort
of muggy. The taste was less intense, but in a good way. The bitterness from th
e first steep was all but gone. The after-sweetness was also gone. This left the
taste standing by itself. It’s sort of a cloveriness, but it’s really hard to d
escribe. Not bland, but not powerful.

Later, the bitterness returned. This is my first Oolong, so I’m not sure if this
is normal. The jelly bean sweetness returned, too. It’s not bad, and leaves the
tounge sort of tingely afterwards.

Third Steep:
Definitely the best steep so far. The harsh bitterness is completely gone, repla
ced by a sort of coppery tinge that leaves the tonge tingling. It’s not nearly a
s watered-down as I expected, despite the light colouring of the water.

Fourth Steep:
A fine metalic taste to it now. It has little aroma to speak of, but is very clo
very and pleasant. Very light in colouring, but very tastey. Maybe not worth it
at first, but I could grow to appreciate it.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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It’s very fruity and quite nice. I imagine it’ll be great iced. I think I ran out of it to make it iced. Next time…

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drank After Midnight by DAVIDsTEA
11 tasting notes

So good! It has a strong sent of chocolate and a very sweet taste. Good straight or with milk.


Just added this one to my shopping list

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drank Irish Cream by DAVIDsTEA
11 tasting notes

It smells mysterious, but is not that good if you like your tea straight. It is much better iced though. Sweetened iced with milk is quite yummy and it does make me think ‘irish cream’.

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drank Turkish Delight by DAVIDsTEA
11 tasting notes

I actually did not like this tea. It looks nice – mix of black tea and LOTS of nuts -, but tastes like … I’m not sure if anyone agrees me but … ‘seaweed’…
If you put a lot of sugar and milk though, it tastes good. Though what does not taste good with sugar and milk?

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Ummm… perfect for after dinner.

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I love it! I can omit a dessert if I have this. My staple after dinner tea.

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