Celestial Seasonings

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I am not sure about if adding vanilla to Sleepytime improves it or not. It is still good but the vanilla smooths over the overall flavor which makes the rest of the herbs harder to taste, although it also adds a bit of sweetness into the mix.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Chai tea is my favorite and this is such a great chai blend. I like having it with a bit of french vanilla creamer. It’s so yummy!

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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I never thought I’d find a chamomile that I’d like; the smell is usually way too overpowering to me. Well, I was very wrong; this tea is a decent mix of sweet honey, fragrant vanilla, and chamomile. Naturally sweet, but not too much.

1 min, 15 sec

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Randomly saw this in my pantry and brewed some up. To me, the taste is very close to watered-down Throat Coat while chewing Double Mint gum. It’s not a “bad” taste profile…but I wouldn’t consider drinking it every night to go to sleep. Plus, the flavors only come out if you steep the bag more than 10 minutes. Not a big fan of this whole “waiting” thing.

Upside though: there’s a bear on the packaging.

Full review here: http://theteablag.blogspot.com/2010/12/boring-tea-is-boring.html

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I think this makes a good ice tea (for being a bagged tea), in fact one time I put my mug on the floor by my chair and when I looked down my puppy was taking a few licks! She NEVER drinks from anything except her waterbowl, so she must of thought it was good as well =)

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Very appropriate for winter evenings, especially if there’s a book and a fleece throw involved. Purring cat optional.
Tastewise, the plum really doesn’t come through. It smells like it should, but the flavor disappoints just a bit. Nice cinnamon and cardamom, but a bit acidic for my taste. Could stand to be a bit richer. Still, a nice tea for the price and convenience.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I was looking for a bold morning brew to wake up my senses. This didn’t disappoint. It tastes like someone left a few morsals of dirt in my mouth after drop kicking me in the face…which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It doesn’t make me smile, but few things do in the a.m. Hey, it’s cheaper than Red Bull!

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I kind of forgot to time this for green tea. So, what I have is very raspberry like. I like it.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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So, I have actually had this before, but that was a week ago. Mainly because the taste was overwhelmed by the raspberry. So, three bags in a three cup pot (reduce the raspberry taste maybe), and the water wasn’t quite boiling (just beginning to bubble with that low roaring sound). If someone would like to comment on the water temperature and how to tell when the water is appropriate for green tea without actually using a thermometer, I would be appreciative.

So, first cup: lovely reddish brown and smells of raspberries. However, I wouldn’t really know what green tea smells like, so maybe that other smell that is kind of hiding behind it is the green tea. The taste is a little on the tart side of raspberry. BTW, I can not express how much I needed this cup of tea. Not really caring about the taste at this point. It is warm and wet and the ritual of making it comforts me.

Second cup: with the sinus dragon now defeated by Knight Tea, the taste is more tart (tarter?) than the last. But I can also taste something under the tartness that just might be green tea.

Third cup: slightly more astringent. Definitely more of a green tea taste. I really need to try this stuff without anything mixed in. Since I’m not sure exactly who bought or gave me this tea (I didn’t buy it), I’m been trying to get used to the idea of actually trying green tea, which I’ve only had iced and did not like.

Will look into acquiring actual green tea. As for this, I like it but I think next time I’ll go back to four tea bags to a pot. The tart is nice, but I prefer the sweet too, and that I got with the four bags I used previously.

5 min, 0 sec

Re: water temperature. According to http://samovarlife.com/how-to-brew-tea, “Boil water and let stand for 2 minutes, cooling to 180-190 degrees. Pour 16 ounces of water over 1 tablespoon of tealeaves and steep for 2-4 minutes.”


Thanks, I appreciate it.

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Dry, this tea smells faintly of peaches, but when you start steeping it, it has a deeelicious light peach scent.

Before adding honey, while it’s still quite hot, it tastes faintly of peaches and white tea. The flavor in this tea definitely comes out more when you let it cool for a little bit. After it cooled down (but before I added my usual honey), I tasted it again – it has a very nice, delicate white tea and peach flavor. I added a little honey, which brought the peach flavor out a bit more.

Very nice for bagged white tea!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Such a great holiday tea for the evenings! Good, strong peppermint flavor.

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Used to have this every night before bed. It’s a bit bland for me, but it was a nice night-time tea fix.

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It’s tasty! Not as good as Twinings English Breakfast, but it’s good in a pinch.

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This tea is a bit more flowery tasting that I prefer. It is a nice light tea perfect for a spring morning. I think I might make a cool batch and try again. The color of the tea is bold and the scent is pleasing.

5 min, 30 sec

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Have you ever had a Thai Iced tea? This tea really threw me for a loop. I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting a hot Thai Iced tea, but I wasn’t. That is exactly what this is. It’s Thai Iced tea… except hot. So, I supposed if you brewed this, chilled it, served it over ice with some cream or soy creamer you’d have a pretty good Thai Iced tea. It’s even the right shade of red-orange and has the right ‘thickness’. It kinda freaked me out a little. And btw, it tastes and smells a lot better than it smells in the box.

I have to give it a decent rating because I assume that is what they were going for and if so, it’s spot on. It’s not really for me though.

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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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A very tasty mint tea – I’m drinking it tonight for an upset tummy. :( It certainly helps, and it’s quite refreshing. I added a few drops of honey.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

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This is the first time drinking this tea. I haven’t tried a decaf before. I’m using four tea bags for this tea pot. The tea pot usually give me three cups plus one bag for the pot. I might reuse those teabags later, but I doubt it.

First cup: interesting. I’m not getting a lot of sweetness (just finished a slice of coconut pie) or flavor. Kind of like drinking warm scented water. The tea smells of chamomile.

Second cup: Tea still smells of chamomile. At first taste, it’s a very weak herbal tone, then the finish is a more stringent “tea” taste that was missing from the first cup.

Third cup: Not sure if the lack of taste is because of the decaffeination or if it’s a tea bag. Will definitely save the bags for another brew. Surely, green tea is supposed to have more taste than this.

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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160 °F / 71 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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If you can believe it, this is the cause of one of my first memories with tea. I remember this and many other Celestial Seasonings boxes at my friends’ house. We would have cups of Sleepytime and Mandarin Orange Spice! For me, this is a go-to blend from Celestial Seasonings. It’s got a nice blend of flavors and the spices don’t overpower the orange if it’s steeped well. I have left my bag too long in the cup before.. resulting in a very unpleasant cup. While it’s not the best tea I’ve ever had, it is nice occasionally.

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A very nice blend of chamomile, spearmint and lemon grass that I find enjoyable and this is coming from a person who is not that fond of flavored teas. Personally I think it is the spearmint that sets it apart or at least for me as I heavily lean toward sweeter spearmint over its stronger peppermint counterpart. The chamomile is a nice herb to help unwind with closer to bed time and the lemon grass and spearmint add some nice flavor and extra sweetness as a sugar-free alternative to honey.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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This tea does live up to its name – it tastes exactly like candy cane! It’s minty, and the vanilla flavour is strong! But that’s also why I don’t like it much… it’s way too sweet for me. I was looking for something more refreshing and with a cleaner finish.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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My mom (Andriel) was lucky enough to attend a convention in Denver, CO a few months back. While she was in the city, she toured the Celestial Seasonings factory! (Um, jealous!) She brought back the Nutcracker Sweet for one of my Christmas gifts. I was reallllly sick with the flu over the holiday, so we celebrated the holidays in January. I just tried my new tea for the first time yesterday, and WHOA. I love this tea! I know a lot of the reviews were “ok,” but I love everything about it: The smell makes me feel like I am 7, staring at the Christmas tree in my pjs… The taste is sweet and almost creamy, without adding honey or milk. The color is pretty, and it is DEFINITELY making my work day better!

Thanks Mom!

200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec

Gee, I wish I could find a tea that made me feel like I a seven-year-old at Christmas! Glad you like it!


I feel this way about Nutcracker Sweet too! I’m excited to get some more when the snow starts falling…:)

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