Celestial Seasonings

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This tea, with a little honey, is what gets me relaxed and asleep when nothing else will. Chamomile and other herbal notes come together to put you to bed, lovely.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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Holiday tea 2023 #12

Another from CameronB!  I guess a handful that Cameron sent over were, in fact, holiday teas. :D  So they ended up as my only “new” holiday teas for the year.  This is a good thing though, as with less than a week left in the year, I have NOT met my sipdown goals!   I forgot I had this tea YEARS ago and was able to refresh my memory.  It’s an okay Celestial Seasonings blend in my opinion, then and now!  I guess I forgot it was a decaf green.  Kind of a weird base for peppermint?  But the blend works overall.  I would NOT use two teabags for a mug with this one, as the peppermint would be a bit too harsh with two bags.  Otherwise, it’s a perfect complement of background flavors with just the right amount of sweetness, peppermint rightly taking center stage.  I think I steeped it JUST RIGHT.  Second steep was also worthy. I appreciate that a billion teas later, after last trying this one, I would still rate this a 74. :D
Steep #1 // 35 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 50 min after boiling (forgot about it) // many minute steep

Holiday tea 2023 #13  Simpson & Vail – Gingerbread
Holiday tea 2023 #14  Bird & Blend – The Night Before Christmas

I didn’t have enough time for all my holiday blends this year!  Merry Christmas to all!

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This was my last bag of this one. I really like this, though I don’t usually like peppermint. There is something creamy about it, as it is supposed to be vanilla. And I love anything vanilla. It does taste like a candy cane. This is one of the better Celestial Seasonings that I’ve tried. Nutcracker Suite is my favorite though.

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Uh I like this bagged tea. Don’t ask why or anything but I do. It is a nice throw it in the cup when you don’t want to work at it vanilla honey tea that is warm and yum. So there. AND it comes from down the road right here in Colorado…ha!


Lucky being so close to CS! :) I love their teas in the evening!

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Ultimate comfort tea before bed, full of flowers.

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This tea tastes like nostalgia to me. I’ve been drinking it since I was a little girl. Of course, we all know it isn’t really a “tea,” but let’s not hold that against it. Sleepytime accomplishes exactly what it promises. If I need a little help chilling out before bed, a cup of this does wonders. It doesn’t hurt that it tastes pretty good, too. Strong chamomile up front, with the spearmint finishing up each sip in a nice cooling kind of way. A lot of people like it with honey. I can go with or without, depending on how I’m feeling. Which, after a mug of this liquid herbal comfort, is always chill, chill, chill.

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I actually really enjoy this. Like others have said, there are a lot of competing flavors in here and the only thing that I can really pick out as dominant is the lemon flavoring. It is a strange concoction and the flavor is unlike anything else, but I do find it to be very pleasant and relaxing. I understand the mentions of medicinal flavor as it is lemony, slightly minty, and it coats your throat a little bit going down. Overall, I can’t quite explain why I like this stuff so much. I admit that it’s strange, but I love it. As a side note, I also definitely notice a slight cognitive enhancement when I sometimes sip on a 36 ounce jug of this stuff iced throughout the day. It provides an energy boost, but at the same time relaxes…this is definitely due to the eleuthero (which I also recommend as a great herbal supplement) and B-vitamins. Overall, I really like this stuff. Definitely my favorite bagged tea.

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At first slightly apprehensive about this tea, as I feared it would be rather bland tasting on its own without any added sweetness. However, the combination of chamomile with the ever so enjoyed flavour of vanilla is suitable for nighttime indeed!

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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Definitely a sweeter tea, especially with a little added honey. Has a slight coconut/banana aftertaste that I wasn’t expecting but overall not too bad!

185 °F / 85 °C 6 min, 15 sec

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This is probably the most mediocre herbal tea I could possibly imagine. Celestial Seasonings? Check. Chamomile? Check. Artificial fruit flavor? Check.

The flavor is primarily that typical Celestial Seasonings chamomile dust, although the apple and honey so show up just a touch at the end of a sip. This is not an exceptional tea. This is not even a good tea.

And yet, I am typing this as I finish the last bag from a box I bought less than a month ago. I cannot honestly recommend this tea to anyone as something to seek out, but if you have a box around and enjoy chamomile, you will probably finish it the same way I did. It’s the kind of tea you can break out every night after work without even the thought of rationing it out. Will I buy it again? Probably not. I do like Celestial Seasonings Chamomile, but the other blends just do more for me. But, like I said, I drank an entire box in just a few weeks, so there is obviously something about it that works, even if it only manages to be dully “okay.”

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Seriously sad I wasted money on this after reading an oh so heavenly review on another blog.
Will stick to Stash double spice chai.
Celestial’s chai India Spice, way to bleh for me.

7 min, 0 sec

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Fruity and tart. I’m not sure how strong the raspberry flavor is because I don’t have a great reference of the original flavor—all of the raspberries I’ve ever eaten were a little bland. This tea though, quite nice!

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Steeped it for a while, it turned a lovely dark brown. Smells a little strange; not lemony, per se, but – and this is gonna sound weird – a bit like that sickly sweet smell that you get when you leave some soda out for days. Yeah, not too pleasant.

Drinking it, it’s a bit of a shock, when you’re expecting lemons or even, say, raspberries. I don’t know what this flavor really is, other than it’s not, um, too pleasant. It’s drinkable, if you’re not focused on it, like you’re working on something else at the time, but if you’re trying to enjoy yourself and you are not a fan of heavy, tartish, spicy flavors in your tea, you might just want to try this one out in a sampler. I mean, at least CS tried to make a different kind of tea, but it isn’t pleasant tasting, at least, to me.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 45 sec

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i love this shit.

200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 30 sec

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this is definitely one of my favorites. its been my ‘go to’ tea lately. with a bit of honey. delicious.

195 °F / 90 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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From http://www.crazyteachick.com:

I’m a huge fan of Celestial Seasonings and their always-wonderful tea. Huge fan. I was recently in Target (my second home) when I noticed the company’s Fruit Tea Sampler. Upon examination, I realized that the sampler contained a few teas I hadn’t tried before. Gasp.

I recently reviewed one of the other teas in the sampler, the Raspberry Zinger. I love it muchly, and trust me, the True Blueberry is just as good. It doesn’t taste sugary, but it has a SLIGHT sweetness to it that makes it almost like dessert, or reminiscent of a blueberry yogurt flavor. As an herbal tea, it’s caffeine-free, and the ingredients are “hibiscus, rosehips, orange peel, natural blueberry flavor with other natural flavors (contains soy lecithin), blackberry leaves, wild blueberries and blueberry leaves”. The word blueberry is mentioned three times just in the ingredient list, so that’s a good thing, right?

Wild blueberries (that just sounds exotic) are used in the tea, and it’s no secret how good blueberries are for your body. There’s almost an grape-like flavor to these blueberries. I’ve tried the tea cold and it’s great that way, but it’s even better hot, like a warm slice of blueberry pie. Just pour boiling (or almost-boiling) water over a bag and steep for around 4-5 minutes.

Anyway, it’s hard to express in words what truly should be expressed through taste, so try this tea, and try it soon!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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I’m still on the lookout for Republic of Tea’s Honey Ginseng on a store shelf somewhere, but in the meantime I spied this offering from Celestial Seasonings and thought I would give it a try. The lemon is the predominant flavour, but the honey sweetens the acidic bit of the lemon, and the ginseng is working to clear my sinuses. Luckily I can’t taste any of the licorice mentioned on the package. While this wasn’t the tea I was looking for, I’m glad I picked it up; it’ll make a nice caffeinated alternative to NeoCitran or homemade honey lemon tea for a sore throat.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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Love this. Definitely – somehow – tastes just like a sugar cookie, with no milk or sugar added. Smells WONDERFUL, looks beautiful, and I guarantee that you canNOT screw steeping this tea up. It always somehow comes out tasting delicious.

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Believe me, I really don’t like bashing a tea, especially one that I’ve only had one brand of. Maybe Celestial Seasoning’s Chamomile is just a miss for me, but personally, I would come close to drinking stale Lipton’s that’s been unsugared and left in a fridge with its lid off than drinking this ever again. Dreadful, just dreadful. Smelled, tasted awful, made me feel queasy afterwards, Had to dump the cup of it and let roommates have at it, because I absolutely loathe it.

Pretty color, though. Dreadful smell. Gave it more points than I felt it deserved, because it may be that I simply hate chamomile.

4 min, 0 sec

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Pretty good. It smells of peach and a little something extra. At first I thought vanilla, but after checking the ingredients, it might be chamomile. Orange peel is the first ingredient, which is odd, but it doesn’t taste citrusy at all. I like how this tastes. I’m not quite blown away, but it’s pleasant.

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This was the first chai I tried. It was good for a beginner. The flavor is light and little bitter so milk and honey is a must. It smells better then it taste.

Boiling 8 min or more

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A pleasant enough alternative to the original Sleepytime of my childhood. Like many others have already mentioned, Sleepytime is like an old, well-loved security blanket. Sleepytime Vanilla makes me feel like somebody took my blanky, sloshed it around in some vanilla-flavored washing machine, and handed it back to me, swearing it was better now that it was all clean.

I didn’t find the vanilla scent off-putting, but it made me suspicious. Once I snuggled closer (and added a teaspoon of organic honey)… yeah, it’s my old blanky, but it doesn’t taste like it had been dragged through the spearmint field and left to bake in the sun in the same, familiar way. Is this a good thing? A bad thing?

Maybe I’ll just rub the satin edging between my fingers awhile longer and see if I can make friends with a new-ish blanky. Change isn’t always bad, but as soon as Mom isn’t looking, I’m gonna run off to the spearmint field.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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