Steeped it for a while, it turned a lovely dark brown. Smells a little strange; not lemony, per se, but – and this is gonna sound weird – a bit like that sickly sweet smell that you get when you leave some soda out for days. Yeah, not too pleasant.
Drinking it, it’s a bit of a shock, when you’re expecting lemons or even, say, raspberries. I don’t know what this flavor really is, other than it’s not, um, too pleasant. It’s drinkable, if you’re not focused on it, like you’re working on something else at the time, but if you’re trying to enjoy yourself and you are not a fan of heavy, tartish, spicy flavors in your tea, you might just want to try this one out in a sampler. I mean, at least CS tried to make a different kind of tea, but it isn’t pleasant tasting, at least, to me.