Ahmad Tea

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drank Apple Tea by Ahmad Tea
55 tasting notes

A lovely afternoon tea. Apple flavoring goes surprisingly well in black tea, and here the flavor balance between tea and fruit is just right.

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drank Imperial Blend by Ahmad Tea
5 tasting notes

I brew this correctly only about a third of the time (no patience, in a rush, etc.). It usually is either too bitter or too flat. When it’s brewed just right and only about a teaspoon of sugar is added, the taste reminds me of the kind of tea I drank growing up in Russia. Very classic. Also, it doesn’t brew particularly strong, so it wouldn’t give you a kick like, say, PG Tips can.

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drank Jasmine Green Tea by Ahmad Tea
2 tasting notes

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drank Kalami Assam by Ahmad Tea
1 tasting notes

I drank it, its delicious, but not the best.

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drank Earl Grey by Ahmad Tea
2 tasting notes

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Used 1.5 tsp per 10 oz water at 180F. The dry leaf is a deep dark green, whole leaf with a slight twist. I sprayed it with cool water and let it absorb a minute before I poured the hot water. After a 2.5 min steep, I decanted a medium gold-green liquor with a barely perceptible haziness. The jasmine and tea aromas blend well and seem quite natural. The flavor is less astringent, more mature, and sweeter than the last cup of this tea; I credit the pre-steep wetting of the leaves for the improved qualities. A resteep of 5 min gave me a cup which was milder, less floral, yet drinkable.

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Very nice jasmine aroma to the dry leaf, which is dark green leaves, somewhat broken, with a few visible jasmine petals. 1 tsp dry leaf, 10 oz water at 180 F, 2 min. Clear light green liquor, not too astringent, vegetal (but not sweet) flavor, clean finish. Inexpensive tea, okay but nothing to rave about. I think it has been stored a long time.

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