Adagio Teas

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The perfect steep. Good on the 2nd steep too!

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Extremely Strong today. Nice and BOLD for a Monday Morning! LOVE IT!

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Needed a Black Tea to start my day…this will do the trick!

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Backlogging from earlier today. GREAT on the resteep. Awesome! Had 3 cups!

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Yup! This does the trick for a Monday Morning! Awesome Cup…I like to oversteep this one…

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Finally got some of this! What an interesting and creative cup! The aroma is beautiful! Very Lovely! Even after steeping it’s a nice floral/juicy smell! It’s VERY Dark black tea for color. It’s a drier citrus taste but doesn’t have an aftertaste which some Earl Grey’s do…I like that. I really like this cuppa!

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Started my day with this…yum

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First cup of the day…backlogging

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Backlogging – a little bit on the lite side today – should steep a larger amount, prob. Still good tho

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I usually type these reviews as I am steeping and tasting unless marked backlogging. I am steeping right now this cup of English Breakfast. I am somewhat amazed that there are 6 tastes but only 1 comment with feedback. Anyhow…on to my 2 cents worth…While steeping I find this to smell a little different from other English Breakfast Teas I have tried before. It’s more of a Woody smell than I expected. The color is a tad lighter in color than some black teas…but still noticeably black tea. After steeping it’s a pale black tea smell. The taste is a bit more mellow than I was anticipating. It’s ok. I will probably oversteep next time. It has a slight smoky flavor but more sweet towards the end of the sip.

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drank Thai Chai by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

50/50 milk/water + sugar all boiled together. So very yum. Has a flavor like there is coconut milk in it. Very bright, summery chai.


Great idea boiling it all together!


Wish I could take credit but Indians came up with it first. :)

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I’m finishing up my sample tin and I’m sad to see it go. I’m going to try and steep this as many times as it allows


Dude, I hated it! Do you want to swap a sample for a sample? My tin is only minus 2 or 3 cups. Just let me know. I have a post on Adagio’s Tea Chat about wanting to swap it, but I can take it down if you want to swap.


Hah, I often am able to realize how much I like a tea by how many times I try to steep it before the end of its life. If I end up drinking hot water, it’s a really good indication.

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Running low on this. On my 3rd Cup today. 3rd Steep. Still lovely!

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

2 cups – oversteeped – still yummy!

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

2 cups…via resteep. Still LOVE.

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Was careful on the portion prior to steeping…still too much only because of the way it expands not because of the way it tastes – because the taste is awesome either way! I LOVE IT!

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I think this one is officially on my list of favorite Adagio Teas and since Adagio has so many good ones it takes a lot to be on my list of TOP Adagios! :) First steep of the day! LOVE it! Still trying to get the portion figured out. You don’t need much at all because it expands like no other Loose Leaf I have seen before. I have seen tightly bunched or rolled Loose Leaf ones before but this is beyond art! What an awesome product, indeed!

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Onto the 3-steep now. Starting to smell like vegetables. Still a great cup! Kind of tasting a hint of frozen peas type of aftertaste. Interesting but good.

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Went for the suggested Resteep just to see what happened. Awesome! Certainly a Resteep worthy Loose Leaf! Excellent! Still an earthy/mossy aroma. Floral type taste. But also like a pure water type of refreshing!

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

A first smell after the first steep it’s very earthy smelling. I think I oversteeped. The leaves expand quite a bit more than I first thought they would. Coloring is more of a white looking tea. Based on the first steep smell I was a little afraid of the taste BUT the first sip was totally unexpected!!!! It’s a soothing yet thirst quenching blend that is a bit sweet but flowery to taste. What a DELIGHT! I like it A LOT and A LOT MORE than I thought I would! Very, Very nice!

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