Adagio Teas

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drank Hazelnut by Adagio Teas
1629 tasting notes

This tastes great with milk and sugar. It is warm and nutty.

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I’m in a Black Tea Mood today. I’m drinking this one right now. It’s the last of my stash and it will be missed. Might have to reorder again some day. Good-bye for now – old friend.

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I’m getting low on this…enough for one more cup after this one. This is probably in my Top 5 Flavored Blacks from Adagio. The aroma is awesome, too!


I keep hearing good things about this tea. I should try it next time I order…

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Backlogging but it was very memorable today! YUMMY!

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Seemed to have understeeped today…a little bland but I know the true flavor of this tea and LOVE IT…just have to remember to get the water temp and steep length correct!

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Yum, Yum, Yum, to my tum, tum, tum

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Especially good today…don’t know why…LOVE it more and more each time!

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

LOVE the way this one smells!!! The color is a dark black Tea Color. It’s a nice Black Tea taste with Apricot highlights but not over the top fruity. I like it!

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drank Cinnamon by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I love the smell of the Cinnamon prior to steeping and I think it would be ok if the taste wasn’t a sweet cinnamon…almost like a Cinnamon Red Hot Candy. If it were just Cinnamon and not sweet I might give it a neutral. I’m afraid I am not able to handle this one like I first thought. I hate to give it a thumbs down but I’m not sure what else to do. Sorry.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Backlogging about 6 cupsworth – bagged – from the last two days – It’s been crazy busy and I haven’t had a lot of time to spend with my new-to-me-teas to give them an official first impression review. PLUS…yesterday was even crazier so I ended up drinking a lot of bagged teas.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Bagged Version is pretty awesome, too!

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Loose leaf in a bag…NICE!!!

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Must have understeeped this today…not as minty as usual but I am getting low…prob only one more serving left. I know it’s usually minty and good so I will keep the rating where it is.


I think mint is one of the most volatile of flavors so it might simply be that the last of the tea has lost much of its mintiness naturally.


Hey, were you still interested in a trade?

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

I saw. I Bought. I drank. I enjoyed. Repeat As Desired…yes, please.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Indeed but can be overpowering. A small bit added to some chamomile in the evening can be very nice.


Yes, it can be…I like it powerful tho…understand some don’t…lol…

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Drank just for the aftertaste

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Exceptionally good today…

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Drank after a garlic cream cheese bagel for obvious reasons…lol…resteep wasn’t as strong at all…probably won’t do the resteep method again…but the resteep was while listening to the Bee Gee’s…“Tragedy” specifically. :) I love my peppermint tea!

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Had a garlic-type spiced dish for lunch…needed some minty freshness…oversteeped on purpose…LOVELY!

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Drank earlier today…sometimes you just need something minty fresh, ya know!?

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
6768 tasting notes

Oh I how I LOVE Minty things! This was no exception. Very Simply Put…MINT. LOVE IT. I must say it wasn’t as hardcore as the Rishi one I have tried in the past but I do love this cuppa

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