Adagio Teas

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

I’ve been on a black tea kick as of late, so I thought I’ve give one of my past favorite oolongs a try. I still like it, but after getting caught up in office mumbo jumbo, my cup was cold and yucky. I still drank what was left, but it was consumed with a little snarl on my face. Tea shouldn’t make you snarl.



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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

After trying several new teas, I had to go back to basics. Simple, mellow and tasty Wuyi Oolong…you’ve always been good to me. I haven’t forgotten about you. We’re cool, bro.

I’m loving the new grading system. Slide scales, cute little grading faces, oh my. More shiny things to keep me distracted from work. YAY!

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

Another Wuyi morning. I’m really enjoying this tea…it might be my favorite Oolong so far.


That’s one of my fave oolongs too. It has a slight nutty taste I love.

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

Totally decent. I’ll be sad when I run out.

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

Great 1st and 2nd steep. I just have a sample tin, but I will probably buy a larger one when I run out. I used a little bit of Splenda and it came out wonderful. I thought it tasted better and better as the cup cooled down.

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drank Wuyi Ensemble by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

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It makes no sense, but it is a bit creamy tasting; perhaps it is the coconut!

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drank Cinnamon by Adagio Teas
176 tasting notes

Mixed with Realli Vanilli Rooibos from Herb + Ginger… Smooths it out nicely.

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drank Cinnamon by Adagio Teas
176 tasting notes

I bought a sample of this to try out as a morning “get psyched!” cup of tea… I very much prefer the red-hot version of cinnamon to the true-to-life type, so this one’s OK in my book.

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drank White Peach by Adagio Teas
176 tasting notes

Over ice was much better than hot, but I’m still not a fan. Very disappointing, as I usually love peach iced tea.

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drank White Peach by Adagio Teas
176 tasting notes

Not great hot. I’ll give it another try over ice.

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drank Pouchong by Adagio Teas
2 tasting notes

With a hint of spearmint. Pretty good

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
34 tasting notes

Decent tea, the smokiness can be good by itself, but I think it needs to be mixed with something else.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I agree. I only like it in Moroccan Mint.

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
34 tasting notes

Mixed it with an equal portion peppermint, wasn’t bad, but I think Gunpowder by itself was better, or maybe I just need a better ratio.


per 6oz water: 2.25g of gunpowder to 1.25g of peppermint, spearmint, or equal parts peppermint/spearmint.

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
34 tasting notes

Great flavor. Tastes sort of like cacao, if the cacao had been next to a low fire.

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drank Strawberry by Adagio Teas
34 tasting notes

The strawberry flavor is just bold enough, and actually tastes like strawberry should.

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drank Gyokuro by Adagio Teas
31 tasting notes

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drank Gyokuro by Adagio Teas
31 tasting notes

Gotta love this tea. Very grassy, and quite smooth going down. I also love how the leaves feel.

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
37 tasting notes

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drank Yunnan Noir by Adagio Teas
13 tasting notes

My first tea from the Yunnan region of China and I’m liking it. It took a bit of getting used to because of it’s strong flavor but it is very enjoyable. It has the dark color of coffee, the immediate taste of black tea but is smokey with a bit of a nutty and almost fruity flavor. A full bodied tea that I’d say is worth a try.

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drank White Blueberry by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

I have discovered something. This is my “frumpy” tea. I’ve noticed that when I drink this tea, it’s usually on a blah day. And yes, I’m wearing another hoodie. (Green Bay Packers if you want to know.) Drinking this tea hot = frumpy. Drinking this tea iced in the Summer = good times and fun outside. Pretty drastic difference, yet still enjoyable either way. I didn’t have any dried blueberries in this cup, so I’m not tempted with eating them this time.

Do you guys have a mood tea? I have days where the tea kind of decides my mood…and other days where my mood decides the tea. Yes, very prophetic, I know.


Not for specific moods persay but I do find when I look through my tea cupboard that I don’t feel ‘in the mood’ for certain teas.


I do have some teas that are comfort teas that probably equate to your frumpy tea. They are the teas I drink when I’d rather be in sweatpants and a fuzzy sweater, curled up under an afghan on the couch. I drink them to make myself feel happier when I don’t feel so great. It’s like drinking warm fuzzies.

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