Adagio Teas

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drank Dragonwell by Adagio Teas
20 tasting notes

pretty good. One of my favorite greens. I tend with my kettle to have trouble getting the water temp right for greens. and really to me unless you start adding flavors its kinda hard to have green variations


try 175 degrees F.

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drank Dragonwell by Adagio Teas
20 tasting notes

I really liked this tea. Kind of a sweet finish with a not tooo grassy taste to it. This would be a great everyday green.

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drank Ceylon Sonata by Adagio Teas
20 tasting notes

A very smooth black. Very plain nothing over the top about this tea. Makes a good no nonsense cup.

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Loved this! Slightly floral but not overpowering. Second steep was pretty good!

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drank Vanilla Oolong by Adagio Teas
30 tasting notes

It was good, but I am not a vanilla fan at all. Probably will not purchase again.

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drank Apricot Green by Adagio Teas
30 tasting notes

It was okay. Came as a free sample and was bagged.

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drank Hibiscus by Adagio Teas
30 tasting notes

Love Love Love this! Fruity and delicious!

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drank Decaf Apricot by Adagio Teas
3010 tasting notes

Spent the morning and a good chunk of the afternoon writing hard in a room with no windows…emerged hoping for a shot of real light (I am convinced that I run on solar batteries), and discovered….blecccccch. Iron gray skies. So, to soothe my sagging psyche, I made myself a sunny little cuppa, left it all five minutes as prescribed on tin. Nice, except folding laundry and drinking it simultaneously sorta sucked the medicinal value out of it.

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drank Decaf Apricot by Adagio Teas
3010 tasting notes

This is also a nice summer tea, iced.

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drank Decaf Ceylon by Adagio Teas
3010 tasting notes

Very nice. Decaf process hasn’t stripped out the gentle flavor.

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

Well this was the last of the sample tin I got with my first Adagio order. It’s a decent flavoured tea but I don’t think I’d buy a whole 4oz canister of it. It’s a shame that custom blends like the Zodiac series don’t come in sample tins. I think I’d be more interested in trying them if I didn’t have to commit to a big thing of tea I might not like.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 30 sec

Zodiac sampler set :


Cool! I’ve looked around Adagio’s site in the past and I didn’t find this. Maybe a seperate category for sample sets is needed?


I know it’s hard to find and you can only buy the whole set but perhaps you can split the cost with a friend?


Definitely something to consider, thank you. :)

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

Another tea I’m almost out of – a good thing I suppose, because my tea cupboard is full to overflowing. I’m trying drink up the older stuff first before I start on some of my newer teas like the order I got from SpecialTeas or my Andrew & Durnham Series 1 set.

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I just ordered a sample of this and can’t wait to try it. :)

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

I’ve just realize that I don’t really care for the smell of this tea – it’s almost too sickly sweet. Luckily the tea itself is toned down, otherwise I’d probably be gagging on it!

170 °F / 76 °C 3 min, 30 sec
Eric Walter

How much of a deal breaker is the “smell” of your teas? I had a huge issue with the Honeybush Vanilla from Teavana that made me gag, however the tea itself wasn’t to strong.


For me it isn’t a huge deal as my nose tends to adapt to scents quickly so I no longer smell them. Still, I suppose it does take away from the whole ‘experience of tea’ if you’re into that.


Eric, you mean like Adagio’s white cucumber? lol;)

Eric Walter

haha I hope I’m not the only one that’s “into that”. Maybe I need to keep trying? Did you get your “Zodiac Series” as a complimentary purchase?


Yes, it’s matched with your birthday. Since my birthday is in July and I fall under the Cancer Zodiac sign, that was the tea I got. It’s only a sample-sized container so if it turns out you don’t care for the one you get then it’s really not much waste.


I don’t like that Adagio won’t let you write reviews on the free samples they give you.


smell is HUGE for me. I go on and try the tea, but I smell everything first.

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

Was steeping this and another tea for my boyfriend and I accidently added honey to this tea instead of his. I don’t think I added much though since this isn’t tasting much sweeter than usual. The chamomile really is the dominent flavour in this tea with its naturally sweet, semi-creamy apple/pineapple flavour.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

Good and relaxing before bed. :)

200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

Rrr, I need to get a filter with a finer mesh for this tea because I HATE having to pick bits of rooibos and chamomille out of my teeth after I drink it!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

Mmm, I was right this does taste very good iced. No sweetener required!

200 °F / 93 °C

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

This tastes quite sweet to me tonight for some reason. This is another tea that would probably be delicious iced – in fact I might do just that with the second steeping.

And Cynthia is right, this tea is out of stock and I’m more than half-finished the sample tin I got with my order. is a sad panda :(

Cynthia Carter

Jillian – Adagio has this back in stock.

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

This is nice and refreshing for when I’m studying in the evening without giving me a huge caffein jolt.

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drank Cancer by Adagio Teas
1908 tasting notes

Camomille and green tea with fruity undertones make this Cancer girl a happy camper. Steeped for 3 min in steaming water.

There was a significant amount of fine debris – probably from the camomille – that had escaped my strainer at the bottom of my cup, which was a little annoying.

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drank Apricot Green by Adagio Teas
34 tasting notes

Good green tea, subtle apricot flavors really add to the experience.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Apricot Green by Adagio Teas
34 tasting notes

Delicious tea. Has a great taste, even unsweetened. One of my favorites so far.

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Tasted more like artificial Amaretto flavoring than real almonds. Could be good mixed with something though.

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drank Ali Shan by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

I tried to like it. I wanted to like it. BUT…I don’t. This tea smells musty, tastes sharp at first then turns super dry. It’s almost like a dry white wine but without the promise of a little buzz. Does anyone want my sample tin? I’ll trade ya!


I’d offer but I don’t have a heck of a lot of offer in return unless you want some Stash teabags or flavoured rooibos. Also postage might be an issue since I’m in western Canada. If you’re still interested my email addy is [email protected]

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