Adagio Teas
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I’m not a big Jasmine fan. Normally. This is the BEST Jasmine ANYTHING I have EVER had yet. It makes me ENJOY Jasmine. I never thought I would say that but it’s true. Not that I will suddenly turn all Jasmine on your arses but this is good stuff right here. As soon as I opened the tin it was like I was in the center of Jasmineville. And instead of the Jasmine smelling of old lady perfume it was more of a natural Jasmine scent…truly unexpected. As I steeped the leaves/needles the scent lingered but was still true. After the steep it started to even out but was still quite strong. At this point I was a little worried that the Jasmine taste was going to be too over the top based on the aroma but it was just right. That taste was paired with a nice, soft sweetness which led me to a smirk or smile…this tea has proved me wrong and I don’t mind! The BEST 2 parts was that it WASN’T bitter and that there wasn’t a funky aftertaste. The only thing I disagree with is that the descriptions says a ‘whisper of jasmine’…for me, it was more a SHOUT, but, it all worked out…to be a wonderful tea experience.
I received this from Adagio along with the other holiday blends, and I have to say, this is MUCH better than the previous Pumpkin Spice blend I had earlier today.
It’s taste does resemble chestnuts, though I would wager that it has more Vanilla in it than anything. I also got an oak-like, or “smokey” taste in this tea, which I am guessing is the chestnuts. I get the smokey taste after I swallow it, so it has that sense of an aftertaste.
I really do enjoy this tea (even though it is a black tea), but I can’t help think that it derives from the Pumpkin Spice. Perhaps it is in my mind/palate from earlier in the day, but these two are definitely similar. Yes I realize that they are the same type of tea, but the taste is all too similar.
Steep Method: IngenuiTEA
Steep Time: 4 Minutes even
As usual, heated water and poured it on top of the leaves. Used again, but setting it to 4 minutes instead of 3:30. Good call.
Sip, sip, sip! Opinion and Reaction
The chestnut flavor and the earthy tones of the black tea blend well with he subtle Vanilla-Caramely flavor of the tea. Excellent tea, especially for those just getting into black teas. Not overwhelming, but has a consistency throughout the entire experience.
Certainly reminds me of chestnuts (and caramel) over an open fire?
TeaCast scale: 86/100.
Smells a bit rice-cakey. The coloring is somewhere between a white and green tea color. After steeping the rice-cakey smell turns into a slight – that’s a VERY slight – smoky scent. The taste seems a little reminiscent of green tea meets plain-NO-buttered popcorn. The aftertaste is a bit grassy. Not bad. But so far not in my fave TOP 30 Adagio’s. Will try again, however.
Top 30?! LOL:) I’m glad you love Adagio as much as I do. Try one of my blends!
I thought I was a fiend, but gosh. __ How many of those adorable sample tins do you have lying around?
Yes, i’m late.
Though I contemplated reading my Computer Organization literature, I decided to take a break to try one of Adagio’s fine seasonal products. Though I have had seasonal teas in the past, none quite compare to this Black Tea, that which is full of flavor.
I’ll admit, I’m not really a big fan of Black Teas (though ironically it is the type of tea I started on), but I am always willing to try Adagio’s flavored stuff, as it is usually pretty decent. There was that one occasion where I bought their Pineapple Black Tea, which I am still afraid to touch, let alone DRINK! Anyway, I digress.
Right now my window is open a crack (Allegheny likes to CRANK the heat, which is bad when my door is closed), and I can smell the faint sense of Autumn. Leaves are falling and that chilly air is just creeping in, though not as bad as winter, that’s for sure. So, the mood is set for some Fall-esque tea, am I right people?
Steep Method: IngenuiTEA
Normally, when making some tea from Adagio, I use their/my trusty IngenuiTEA steeping mechanism. I figure since they sell it, they’d want you to experience their teas in it. Also, I feel that I get a better, more thorough taste, than with my Zarafina, or some other auto-teamaker.
Steep Time: 3 Minutes, 30 Seconds
I heat the water first and when it’s boiling (about 200° F) I pour it into my steeper, the Pumpkin Spice already in there. Decided to have some fun and use for their recommended amount of time for teas. A good thought, but I should have set my own time (3:30 was too short for this black tea).
Sip, sip, sip! Opinion and Reaction
This tea is surprisingly light for it’s type (black) and certainly has that “Fall” attitude to it. The taste is definitely there, a plethora of Vanilla and Oriental Spice-ish taste, as well as some Pumpkin flavoring to it. I’m actually surprised that there wasn’t MORE pumpkin flavor. I swear I need to steep it longer. I’ll try that on the next steep, but man it definitely needs MORE punch! So, Adagio, if you are listening, I am giving you the Thumbs Up on, but for next year (or even your next batch) please please add more Pumpkin flavor! Maybe there is a lot in it, but the Black Tea tastes overwhelms it? If so, use White Tea or even Oolong (my favorite!). It does go well with my mood at the moment, but there’s simply not enough Pumpkin flavor, I expected Pumpkin Pie! It’s more like Oriental Spice with a twist of Vanilla and a little hint of Pumpkins. Just sayin’.
I like it, but I don’t LOVE it.
TeaCast scale: 81/100.
Following my craving for Black teas today…I decided to try this one again. I really like it. I will say – the black tea doesn’t seem to be as strong as the black tea flavor in the Strawberry Adagio Flavored Black. I also noticed that the Raspberry is harder to oversteep than the Strawberry…just a few comparison notes there…hope you don’t mind…now back to our regularly schedule tea programming…
My New Tea Shipment is HERE! YAY! I randomly chose – out of the ones I ordered – to sip first – and here it is! It’s the Raspberry Flavored Black. At first sniff this tea reminds me of Raspberry chocolate almost. It seems to steep quickly and the aroma lingers. The coloring is that of a regular black tea. The taste is a medium flavored black tea with slight raspberry flavors throughout. I know I will enjoy this tea most mornings! First sample – a success!
EXCITEMENT! Tea shipment days are the best days!
My mom loves raspberry truffles; I might have to get a tin of this for her for her birthday. Which reminds me that it’s rapidly approaching. How is October already half over?
Made this for myself while visiting w/ my friend Helen. Decide to steep it a lil shorter this time to see what’d happen. Pleasantly surprised at the flavor punch! Yummy. I think I’ll keep steeping it at 3min from now on.
Infusion 2, steeped for 4 min w/ dinner- chicken pesto flat bread sandwhich w/ red peppers and sun dried tomatoes (which is actually pretty good). What the heck? Did someone pull a prank on me? This is not the same tea. It can’t be. Even though I’ve understeeped the 1st 2 infusions, this infusion is much ligher than the 1st. Infact, it looks like a light white tea! The flavor is a light jasminey w/ the taste of the tea itself as the base. It’s also sweet, crisp, and clean. Between the liquor and the flavor I could very easily confuse this w/ their jasmine silver needle. Now that’s very far from a bad thing, just shocking.
Infusion 3, steeped 5 min. Definitely darker liquor than infusion 2, but it’s kinda hard to tell if it’s darker than 1 or not, but it is more orangy. The flavor is in proportion to the liquor- more oolongy than white.
Infusion 4, 6 min. A lil lighter in color than infusion 3, but not nearly as light as infusion 2. More sweet and less jasminey, but I still really love it. I love teas that morph.
This is my 1st oolong since my shocking cup of Ooooh Darjeeling as well as my very 1st Jasmine.
Raw leaf observations: I love teas that are as much of a delight to watch steep as drink when they are finished. The tightly rolled leaves have a smooth and slightly sweet aroma, nothing similiar to a pu erh as some oolongs have.
Steeping method: 2.25g of pearls in 6oz of purified water heated at 195 degrees F for 5 min in Adagio’s IngenuiTEA.
I’m surprised at the light yellowish-amber liquor of the 1st infusion. By far not as light as a green or white tea, but definitely lighter than most of the oolongs I’ve tried.
It smells just like it did in the tin, although a bit more pronounced. A smooth and sweet scent, yet not flowery or perfumey like rose might be.
This is much more positive than my last oolong experience. It tastes just like it smells. It’s not weak for my tastes although a bit weaker than I expect from an oolong. It does not have a strong punch of flavor that you’d get from a black tea. It’s lighter and smoother. It doesn’t upset my stomach like most black and flowery teas do.
2nd infusion: 6 min. Hmmm… Interesting. This infusion is darker than the 1st. The smell is a bit stronger as well which makes me wonder if there’s more caffeine in this infusion than the 1st. While this infusion is stronger, it’s not too strong. It’s a personal preference as to which one a person might prefer but both are not just drinkable, but good.
3rd infusion: 7 min. Lighter in liquor, aroma, and taste than the 2nd but yet still stronger than the 1st. Still very good. I think I’m going to switch to something else now, but I’d think one could get a 4th good infusion out of this and I will try next time I desire an oolong. I can see myself buying this one again.
So far so good. The first steep is an interesting blend of an early picked oolong with all of the aromatic of a quality darjeeling black. A 30 second steep yielded a lot of flavor and a light golden color. Not my favorite oolong ever, but I will definitely drink it again. Well done for the first oolong from Darjeeling.
Works in theory, just not in execution. I’ll be drinking it for awhile though since I have a 4oz tin sigh It isn’t undrinkable, just not very good.
Oh no…I had that in my “to buy a sample of” list. You went bold with the 4oz tin, huh? I did the same with Adagio’s cin-apple rooibos and I hate it. Now I just get samples of everything and then order big.
@Lena: you never know, you might like it. My mom is totally in love with the cocomint green. I’m with Xanthia though. Can’t really get behind it.
Xanthia, try again with 2.25g in 6oz of purified water steeped at 175-180 degrees for 3 min. This is my FAVORITE dessert tea. If after that you really don’t like it, I’d be THRILLED to take it:)
LENA F., even if someone says a tea is horrible, don’t let that sway you from at least ordering a sample. I love some teas that other people hate and hate some teas that other people love. If you like chocolate, mint, and green tea, you should at least give it a shot. I did a full detailed tasting of it. Check it out.
One of my fave white teas!
If you like this one, then you should try the jasmine silver needle from Shang Tea:
It is the best that I have ever had, and the silver needle that he uses won the top award in the local fujian contest
adds to her shopping list