Adagio Teas
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When I was little and would get really sick with anything that left me pale and without an appetite, Jello and ramen noodles were staples in our house. Occasionally, these illnesses would arrive during the colder months, like they do. When they did my mom would occasionally make Jello, but instead of refrigerating all of it to make it wiggly, she’d leave it part of it warm and serve it to me in a little cup.
This tea isn’t as brightly hued as Jello is, nor is it as sweet. The Rooibos is definitely the main flavor I get out of this, but when I swish it around in my month, I get a little bit of that orange Jello flavor on the tip of my tongue. It also lingers in the aftertaste in a pleasant way.
The chamomile is extremely subtle. Subtle enough that it won’t be a deciding factor as to whether I want to drink this tea or not on a given day, which is how I like it.
I’m actually surprised that I enjoy this tea as much as I do because when I opened the tin and smelled it my first thought was, “Oh, Paul Rudd. Why are you so cute?” because I have I Love You, Man running in the background [Sleappin’ da byaaayss, mon!]. But my second thought was, “AHHHH, VICKS VAPOR RUB!”
However, in a surprising turn of events, I quite like it. And I’m a Pisces, so it all seems very fitting. I’ve got a running list on a post-it that I have stuck to my monitor for the next order I’m going to put through for Adagio, and this one just got added to it riiiiight…now.
I really enjoyed this. I tried it in a local tea room before buying, and found that I liked the chocolate note being very subtle as opposed to IN YOUR FACE sweet. The spices seem gentler than other chai blends I have in my cupboard. It is light, spicy, and sweet. Very enjoyable.
Adagio Teas included this as a free sample and I’ve tried hard to like it. It seems almost disloyal to Libras everywhere to dislike it this much. But it is truly not for me. It tastes artificial and cloying to me. It reminds me of when I was 13 and ate my lip gloss because it smelled like strawberries. The lip gloss also had this strange, artificial, somewhat bitter taste.
I’d say ‘eww’ but I think I might have tried to do the same once when I was much younger. Stones and glass houses and all that. ;)
I am a big fan of chocolate; does that come through at all in the tea?
My box of tea samples from Adagio came today. The samples are all in tiny tins! It is very cute, but I’m not sure what I will do with so many little tins once I’ve finished the tea.
This Decaf Tropics has an excellent flavor and fragrance that makes me think of sunny days on a beach sipping a drink with an umbrella in it. The fragrance is true to the flavor.
The black tea base is ok. It isn’t Lipton, but it isn’t up to the grade of my favorite black teas either. It has more tannins than I like and a slight bitterness. Also it doesn’t have much complexity. (On the other hand, it’s better than most grocery store tea. However, I’ve been getting spoiled with the great black teas I’ve been trying.) I steeped it for 4 minutes. Next time I’ll try 3 minutes and see if that improves it.
Despite my slight disappointment with the black tea, the adept hand Adagio has with the flavoring makes up for the dull tea. It is pleasant to drink and a good bedtime tea. I look forward to trying the rest of the samples.
I like to keep a couple of small tins around so I can dump small quantities for transport. Beyond that, I haven’t a clue. I could probably build a fort, at the rate that I am accruing them.
I always thought that the ‘duller’, less distinct black teas were always used deliberatly in flavoured blends so that it wouldn’t interfere with the flavour.
takgoti: Build a fort! That’s what I need to do then. ;)
Jillian: That makes sense. However my favorite flavored teas feature interesting black teas as well. For example, Golden Moon’s Honey Pear combines the flavor with a very good black tea so that the flavors integrate and are distinctive in their own right as one sips. Also the complexity and lovely notes of the black tea in Upton Tea’s Mélange de Chamonix are an important part of the blend and would be missed if they’d used an uninteresting Ceylon black.
I love Adagio’s little tins! I keep all of them and sometimes there is a little fort of them in my pantry. But they slowly go away because I use them to give people tea samples. Also, when I get bulk tea from the store, I don’t get a ton and they fit in those little tins so nicely (much better than the clear plastic bags I buy them in).
I haven’t had this particular dragonwell before but there’s no mistaking those distinctive flat, jade-green leaves, and also no mistaking that distinctive slightly malty, slightly roasted sort of flavour. I don’t have my tea thermometer with me, so I let the water cool for five minutes before steeping for three minutes, and it turned out very well.
Today I got the opportunity to discover that this eases a certain degree of migraine pain nearly as well as pai mu tan. whimper
Eep. Migraines may just be the bane of my existence. Usually turn off all the lights and I hide under blankets in the fetal position when they decide to plague me [I wish I were kidding], but IF there’s a next time I’ll have to try tea.
I hope you’re feeling better Luthien. I had a rather bad headache myself this afternoon. It went from annoying headache to too-hot-nauseous-must-lie-curled-up-in-cool-room-with-no-lights while I was driving home. Thankfully, I wasn’t far but I was sitting in traffic. I’m currently in the period of thank-god-this-headache-is-gone happiness. Two ibuprofens and an hours nap on the couch then chicken soup worked today.
Takgoti, you should totally try a double strength brew of one of the stronger white teas like pai mu tan if you get another migraine. It won’t cure it, but it should ease the pain. I was amazed the first time it had that effect on me because I’m so used to nothing really helping, but it happens every time so it’s not a fluke. Several friends of mine have had the same reaction and apparently there are also some medical studies that support this – it’s not just wishful thinking.
This is a really good white tea. I wondered if it would be similar to the Green Darjeeling I have at home, but it’s turned out to be very much a white tea in taste without any of the malty edge of the Green Darjeeling. It has good flavour and is significantly less delicate than Silver Needle, but not quite as robust as Pai Mu Tan. This is a sweet, smooth and lovely white tea, definitely one that I’d buy more of.
I prepared this with frothed milk and sweetener. The cocoa flavor is very mild, but definitely present. Drinking a second cup without milk made the flavor less noticeable. It reminds me a bit of Mexican chocolate, except, of course, for the calories.
I’m leaving the rest of this with my friend when I move on to the next part of my holiday tomorrow, so I thought I’d better have some more while I could. I’ve belatedly remembered that I used to really like Twinings’ chamomile and spearmint, and Foxtrot is very reminiscent of that. Just, you know, better. I hate to say it, but I think that’s because of the rooibos.
Alas, I can’t usually order from Adagio because I live in Australia and they won’t ship there because of customs issues with importing tea. My current trip to the States is a tea tour on top of everything else. g
I’ve been seeing TeaEqualsBliss rave about this tea for a while now, so I added it to my list of teas to try while I’m over here. Just coming to the end of the first cup now, and I can see what all the fuss is about. I generally don’t go for rooibos or even rooibos blends very much, but this is a great mix. The fresh taste of the mint is present from the first sip right through to the aftertaste, but I can really feel the hit of chamomile as well. And yeah, the rooibos needs to be there, too, because it sort of brings everything together. So sad that I can’t get this at home, because I’d really like to give it a permanent place in my tea cupboard.
I just have to say I LOVE your reviews! They are wonderful!
Thank you! Man, this is one of the nicest online communities I have ever participated in.
I’m glad it didn’t turn out to be Vick’s Vapour Rub-flavoured as well as that sounds spectacularly nasty. XD
Any post with a Paul Rudd reference is a good one. Of course I said the quote outloud in my cube…
@Jillian I was truly frightened to take that first sip.
@LENA F. Totes magotes.