Adagio Teas
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It took several tries to get a good-tasting steep from this tea – it definitely does not benefit from oversteeping, and it is well worth while to time the steep and pull out the leaves after no more than 5 minutes. Oversteeping will result in an astringent aftertaste. It might benefit from a shorter steep with more leaves.
This looks like a black tea, but brews up very light and delicate. I added more leaves than I might for a Darjeeling or other black tea. During brewing, the smell reminded me of spinach – a strongly vegetal, mineral aroma. Even after adding more leaves, it brewed up a very light amber, with a light floral aroma. Once I got the steep right, I tasted a smooth, flavorful tea with a definite sweetness.
I like it very much, and think it is worth keeping on hand, even though it is a bit fussy to brew.
Pouchong may have been the first oolong I ever tasted, because it’s the ‘default’ taste I think of whenever I hear ‘oolong.’ It’s lightly vegetal, and almost like a green tea except it doesn’t have the sharpness. A little floral, but not to the point that a specific flower could be named. I like it because it’s a very fresh and clean flavor.
This is really pleasant. Pouchong is a very light oolong, without the smokiness that I normally associate with oolongs. I have no idea how Adagio’s Pouchong compares with other Pouchongs, but my unsophisticated tongue thinks that this is great when you want something delicate and light.
I made this over the weekend while at my sister’s house. I boiled milk, water, and sugar together with the tea, then let the tea steep for several minutes before straining the leaves out and drinking (what I could remember of takgoti’s chai method posted on Steepster earlier).
It was definitely better prepared that way than when I had done it with straight water, but there was still no pumpkin flavor. It’s just a spiced tea, and I’m not really fond of the spice blend used in it.
2009-11-24 2pm
Preparation notes: Teavana’s Easy Tea Steeper, 2nd infusion
I like the second infusion of this tea better than the first, or perhaps I had brewed it slightly too long the first time (my times are just guesses, I’m kinda zen about it). The taste is softer – less black tea flavor and more mellowness in the spice.
Still not thrilled about this tea, though.
2009-11-24 noon
Preparation Details: Teavana’s Easy Tea Steeper
not sure how much tea… didn’t bring any measuring devices (sigh)
So I just got a bunch of Adagio samples, but I don’t drink black teas in the evening (I have to sleep), so the only way I’ll get to try them before the weekend is to take them to work. Loose leaf tea at work is a PITA!
I read the reviews on this tea and put in more leaves than normal, hoping that if I brewed it strong the pumpkin flavor might come out. No dice. I’m only getting spice. It’s okay spice, but just spice. I have lots of spice teas, and this isn’t outstanding. I won’t be ordering this again.
This is to kill the last dill remnants from that awful cucumber stuff. Unfortunately this is also the last of my tin. I made it a bit stronger than usually because there wasn’t enough leaves left for a small pot if I didn’t.
Didn’t hurt it any, though. If anything the blueberry flavour is even more clear, making me wonder if I’ve actually been making it too weak before?
The first few sips tasted a bit odd, mingling with the lingering aftertaste from the white cucumber. Dill/cucumbers + blueberries = bad match. Just saying. Half a cup down now though, and it’s helping considerably.
I need to get some more blueberry tea. I’ve never met a blueberry I didn’t like. Now I get to explore various brands and shops that are more readily available to me than Adagio is.
Kitch3ntools inspired me to make me a little pot of this. It’s yummy! I’ve checked my local shop and they don’t seem to have any blueberry tea at the moment. There is a shop in the city where I work where they might have some. I don’t like their coffee grinders in the shop, though. I can’t actually taste the coffee pollution, but it’s enough that I know they ideally shouldn’t be there. It’s a snob thing.
So I’m drinking this while working out some guidelines and tentative travelling teabox planning (and wondering if maybe, just maybe, I’ve lost my mind). I’ve got nearly ten people so far, myself included, so that should be enough for it to be fun. Once I’ve got the guidelines worked out, I’ll start collecting addresses and plan the final route.
In my organisational eagerness, I oversteeped the tea though, and now it’s got a slightly bitter finish note. It’s still good, though. Just a little… drier.
So we’ve had the Almond Avalance and the Peach Pandemic seems to be winding down. I saw (I forget who you were, sorry! Suzi?) someone mention that they wouldn’t mind it if the next big trend be something with blueberries. I support that. Blueberry Blitz, yes please.
I’m getting more and more fond of this one for every time I have it. I thought the first time that the blueberry was nice but subtle, completely in contrast with everybody else. I had a cold at the time. The next time I tried it I was getting better and there was much more blueberry flavour in it. Now there seems to be even more. I’m worried about what might happen if I keep drinking this. ;p
Mmmm. Good morning tea when you’re on holiday. (Now for that NaNo wordcount. cracks knuckles)
:D That was me!
If you keep drinking you’ll turn into a big blueberry ala Veruca Salt! But yes, bring on the Blueberry Blitz!
I think my tongue must be recovering.
I tried a second steep of this yesterday and then I thought the blueberry flavour was as dominant as everybody else said it would be. Then I made another pot today (to wash down the icky rooibos) and thought that was pretty heavy on the blueberry too. Encouraged by yesterday’s success, I’m trying a resteep of that again now.
It’s weird for me though. I’ve never had much luck with resteeping black tea before.
I think I’m getting close to making this my ideal blueberry tea, if it hadn’t been for the fact that it’s the only one I’ve ever had, so I can’t really compare with anything.
The European Adagio store has a very limited selection though, and that one order I got from Adagio was definitely on the extravagant side, so it’s not something we’re going to repeat a lot. If ever, in spite of the good experience I’ve had with it.
First the media was all over the blueberry, proclaiming it the healthiest food ever and claiming that it could do practically anything from curing the common cold to granting eternal life. Then the media was all over the story of how the blueberry had been completely overrated health-wise and how it wasn’t even remotely as healthy as everyone had thought and people were all up in arms over how they had ‘wasted’ money and energy on eating all those blueberries that apparently had absolutely no value.
Erm, excuse me? Just because it’s not miracle-food doesn’t mean it’s not healthy. It’s fruit. Therefore it is healthy. And also, they still taste lovely. So exactly what the problem was, I have no idea.
Me, I have never ever met a blueberry that I didn’t like. (Except if they’ve gone mouldy) Therefore it is not only puzzling, it’s downright alarming and weird that this sample tin looks like it’s never even been opened before! I must have somehow missed it when I tried all the other sample tins (I bought it as part of the sampler set).
I can find the blueberries in the scent of both the dry leaves and steeped tea. It’s there, it’s easy find, it smells natural and it’s not overwhelming.
The tea tastes nice and sweet. Fruity, but subtle. It’s like I’m getting black tea and then the blueberry is a sort of afterthought. The weird thing is that while I earlier proclaimed the strawberry tea from Whittard’s of Chelsea my ideal strawberry tea because I could actually taste real natural strawberry, you would think that I would find this one somewhat bland.
But the blueberry sort of builds up as I drink and the more I drink the more I can taste the blueberry. And I like that. I wouldn’t say no to a blueberry tea that just said PA-SHAM! and then there was natural blueberry flavour all over the place, but this is quite nice too. It tastes very well-balanced.
I’ve read the other reviews on this now and WOW!!! O.o I’ve had the exact opposite experience from everybody else. Others have found it a strong blueberry flavour while I found it a bit more subtle. I’ll have to try this again as soon as I’m snot-free, I think. And buy some blueberries to remind myself of the exact flavour.
It has dark twisted leaves with a pretty fruit smell. Steeping it creates a sweet oolong tea with a bit too much bitterness for my taste. One of the few teas I couldn’t finish.
Yeah, someone said they tried to oversteep and couldn’t get many tanins out. Maybe your water quality is poor?
Another good point castiq- play around w/ different water, water temp, leaf amount, and steep time. Don’t give up on it:)
In the month since my 1st comment I’ve done a lot more trial and error (w/ not a lot of errors thank God;)), try a steep anywhere between 30sec and 3min. I’m hoping that’ll give you a better cuppa… 2nd infusion might bring back the bitterness then though. Subsequent infusions when starting w/ a short steep time can be interesting. Fortunately, I think that’s a good thing:)
Sweet lady Jasmine, with her pale smile, treated me well again tonight.
I’m thinking about moving into some Yellow tea in a moment, but this one was enjoyable in the mean time. Still can’t get over the scent – that alone might push me to buy a tin’s worth, and to keep an eye out for the same product from other brands.
A small note – the leaves are chewier and a bit less enjoyable than that of the Yellow tea. Comparing in my head those leaves to these, I can notice the quality differences. These leaves are just a bit more coarse, less refined. They’re not bad, necessarily – in my inexpert opinion, I’d put them at a 7 or, at a push, 8 out of 10.
I called my parents today. My mother wants me to post more things on facebook, because, strange as it is, that’s her way of making sure I’m alive and well. I told her, if she really wants to, she could check me out on here, because I post here more than on facebook. (I’m not much one for the trivialities of my generation…) When I told my parents what this site is, they laughed at me.
sigh Jasmine doesn’t laugh at me, no matter how lame I am. And onto Yellow tea!
…At 5:15 in the morning.
I get laughed at and mocked for this sort of tea. My aunt went so far as to prank me one year, by buying a box of the cheapest awfullest teabags in existance, cutting them open and trying to pass them off as a ‘very expensive special tea’. Because I am a fool who think I have a nice aunt, I tried really hard to find something ‘special’ about it that would justify it being so supposedly expensive. Completely ignoring the fact that a) the bag was one of those they use in the supermarket for their loose tea, b) leaf size was non-existant, little more than dust and c) if it was so highly special and expensive it was have come with a name! I felt like an idiot. Never trust people who don’t appreciate the same things as you.
Personally I can’t see why it’s any different from people collecting wines or whiskeys and what not. If this had been a site to discuss wine, nobody would have thought it the slightest bit weird. That annoys me a little sometimes, but it seems like we’re gaining followers.
I’ve converted 2 family members (in addition to the husband) to loose teas but they still think I take this too seriously. Fortunately, hubby has a thing for single malts so he gets my tea freakiness. And my hobby is cheaper than his. But while others may humor my tea addiction, they still give me bags of herbal teas and expect me to be grateful. Thanks, but all teas are not created equal!
I’ve given up on trying to teach my surroundings that there is no such thing as herbal ‘tea’. I can’t really understand why the fact that if it does not contain tea leaves it is not tea is such a difficult concept. It’s not like you would go around calling something cocoa if it didn’t contain any cocoa…
I haven’t converted anybody yet, but I am trying to persuade the boyfriend to move on to loose tea. I’m selling the idea on the fact that then he wouldn’t have to import his lapsang souchong in bags from the UK, he could get a loose one here instead. :) I’m not sure how well it’s working, I’m trying to be discrete in my manipulations.
My family is still humored, when I try to make tea for them in a proper fashion, by how long it takes… I guess after spending so much time with the brewing process, you forget that it takes an seemingly unusual amount of time, what with waiting for the water to cool, letting the tea steep, tasting it to make sure it doesn’t oversteep…
My father, though, can enjoy a cup of Lungjing. He was into that before I even thought about tea, because he used to go on Business trips to Asia often, and he discovered the tea in China. My grandmother also has… some sense of taste in teas. She’s a Brit, so she’s very happy with my knowledge and practice with black teas.
I think the general idea amongst my extended family is that tea is a good hobby for me – at least it’s not drugs, right?
On that note, I’ve had friends tell me that teatime with me is like a drug deal – a high-class one, I’m assuming. While most people my age were out on weekend nights getting drunk and high, I was sitting in my room, brewing tea. I’m very out of touch with my generation…
Better than I expected – I’ll give you that, Adagio, I’ll give you that.
I’m glad to see they didn’t totally skimp out of quality for the leaves. l can’t really gauge the quality, because I don’t think I’ve ever tried an amazingly superb white, but it was definitely better than the Peony I had earlier.
A smooth, mellow flavor. Went down very easy, and lacked the nastiness one often finds in cheap flavored/scented teas. While I can’t give the taste paragraphs of praise, I don’t have anything negative to say about it.
I love the scent. I’m rarely too excited by Jasmine scent, but this is just a gorgeous smell. I keep smelling my gaiwan lid… Wonderful. Like soap, or shampoo, or how you’d want your house to smell. Maybe I should use the spent leaves as a qausi-cologne. Would that bring in chicks?
Well, well, not disappointed. I got a sample tin of this (only because the five bucks would bring me to exactly $50, and grant me free shipping), so perhaps I’ll buy a 2 or 4 ouncer of this for treating guests. It’s pretty inexpensive, and a good sampler for people who want to ease their way into the world of white tea. And the scent alone… Ah!
All of my chai samples are gone. It’s a very sad day. This was an above average chai, but I much prefer Adagio’s Thai Chai. The coconut and lemongrass in the Thai Chai really make a difference. I made up enough chai last night for several cups and a travel mug for this morning. I’ve gone 100% traditional when it comes to making chai, so I can only make it at home…not the office. holds arms in the air al a Fiddler on the Roof TRADITION!!!! It was pretty sweet to be able to drink this at work. It’s all special and whatnot.
I’m waiting to see if Adagio does any kind of November special and then I’ll reorder a big bag of Thai Chai for the hizzouse.
I’m amazed at how quickly the level in my canister of Thai Chai is decreasing. I think the boyfriend might be sneaking some when I’m not looking! XD
If I was a rich girl…
Then…I’d buy a lot of tea. Damn it, now you have me thinking in musicals. I’m going to be humming Hey, Big Spender all day, aren’t I?
A sad day, indeed.
Perhaps I will have chai tonight. Sort of like mourning your chai-less-ness with a moment of silence. But not.