Kitch3ntools inspired me to make me a little pot of this. It’s yummy! I’ve checked my local shop and they don’t seem to have any blueberry tea at the moment. There is a shop in the city where I work where they might have some. I don’t like their coffee grinders in the shop, though. I can’t actually taste the coffee pollution, but it’s enough that I know they ideally shouldn’t be there. It’s a snob thing.
So I’m drinking this while working out some guidelines and tentative travelling teabox planning (and wondering if maybe, just maybe, I’ve lost my mind). I’ve got nearly ten people so far, myself included, so that should be enough for it to be fun. Once I’ve got the guidelines worked out, I’ll start collecting addresses and plan the final route.
In my organisational eagerness, I oversteeped the tea though, and now it’s got a slightly bitter finish note. It’s still good, though. Just a little… drier.