Adagio Teas

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This is a really good, mild oolong tea…

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drank Thai Chai by Adagio Teas
61 tasting notes

Back logging, btws…
I wasn’t feeling to perky this afternoon, thanks to be a lady, and wanted something I knew would cheer me right back up. So I turned on some old Better off Ted episodes and brewed up a yummy cuppa Thai Chai. This time I happened to have coconut milk in my fridge from making coconut rice (which is delicious), so I added a bit in. Oh, I felt loads better afterward.
This time round, I picked up on way more lemongrass even with the added coconut. Also, the coconut milk messed with the texture a bit, not in a unpleasant way but not pleasing either. However, throughly recommend adding a bit of coconut milk to it and pretty much anything.
Has anyone else tried brewing a chai in coffee? I always order a dirty chai when I’m out, or am I crossing a line?


I ALWAYS order a dirty chai too! 12oz. double shot double pump mocha, double pump caramel, no water. and not the concentrate either, real tea bags! If you don’t want something with a milky texture, just brew coffee with tea instead of plain water (2.25 g for every cup you’re making). It makes a wonderful spiced coffee w/ the health benefits of tea. I was actually going to make myself a dirty chia right now. Adagio’s Chocolate Chia steeped in 3oz 2x strength coffee then adding 3oz milk. I might even add mocha hazelnut sprinkles:)


Yum! I’ve never added mocha or caramel but I’m not really a sweets person. Now I really want to try coffee + chocolate chai. I have so much to do today and this will definitely keep me while being awesomely tasty!


If you don’t want it overly sweet, use shaved 100% dark chocolate so the caramel doesn’t make it too sweet.

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drank Thai Chai by Adagio Teas
61 tasting notes

This is what I’ve been looking for in a chai for some time! I adore coconut and the hint of lemongrass, blended so well with the spices. The only thing I would change about this tea is to add more actual tea leaves, as I lost a little of the actual tea-ness of it.
I’ve yet to play with ratios of tea to water, or adding milk (coconut or otherwise) and will most certainly spend a lot of time perfecting this already damn near perfect tea (in my most humble opinion).
I will most certainly be drinking this far more often than is probably heathy.


This tea is awesome with milk and it really brings out the coconut, so you should really give it a shot some time. :)


Sounds tasty. Is it along the same vein as “thai tea” that’s really strong and brews up rather orange? Whenever I see this on Adagio’s website I can’t tell what “Thai” refers to.

If you want more actual tea flavor you could always just mix in a bit of plain black tea right before you steep it.

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
7 tasting notes

I usually mix in a little bit of casablanca twist to add a minty note, but gunpowder by itself is still delicious

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank White Blueberry by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

A little tarter/berrier than the other time I had it. I think because I used more leaf. I was nice and am sharing with DH and he commented on the blueberriness of this.

I’m sleepy so that’s all I’ve got.

175 °F / 79 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank White Blueberry by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

Drinking steeps 3 & 4 from last night iced. When it was hot, I got a sweet taste, then the heavier not-tart taste second. Iced, I seem to get them both together. The sweetness might have even moved a little bit to the end of the tea. As it warms up a bit, the not-tart taste becomes more dominant. Anyway, it’s pretty different from my normal teas but this has a refreshing, summer-in-a-field kind of taste that is nifty.

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drank White Blueberry by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

I thought I’d be daring tonight and try another white tea. I did a shorter steep time than suggested because that’s just how I roll. (Yes, I’m a dork)

I don’t know if I would have gone with ‘blueberry’ on this. Maybe I just don’t have blueberries frequently enough – I’m more of a blackberry girl except for the rare muffin. But at the same time, not being beaten over the head with blueberry is a good thing in my world, so that’s a point in this tea’s favor.

It definitely has a sweet fruity flavor, but not too sweet. There’s maybe a little underlying something – not quite tart but just enough to give it a fuller flavor. The more I sip on this, the more I like that and this tea.

Yay! White teas aren’t anywhere near as horrid as I thought!

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Masala Chai by Adagio Teas
13 tasting notes

One of my favorite teas from Adagio. Great by itself or with a little sugar and milk. The cinnamon, cardamon, and ginger flavors make this tea really stand out. One tablespoon can give you 4 very good cups of tea. Recommended for anyone who likes flavorful black tea. :)

6 min, 0 sec

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drank Honeybush Hazelnut by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

I’m generally not a fan of honeybush or roobois (tastes like cardboard), but this one is pretty okay. Can’t say it’ll ever be a favorite but of the honeybush I’ve tried, this is the best. It makes me think of a heavily doctored cup of coffee – in a good way.

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drank Valentines by Adagio Teas
911 tasting notes

This morning’s tea – I didn’t make it and the leaves sat in the pot for too long so it was a little bitter, but it was mixed with cream tea to make it smoother and I put some sugar and milk in to take away the bitter so it ended up pretty okay.

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drank Gyokuro by Adagio Teas
336 tasting notes

I love it, I love it, I love it and today it tastes particularly awesome!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

Still haven’t tried this one, but I hope to get around to it soon!

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drank Gyokuro by Adagio Teas
336 tasting notes

The color is slightly greenish and some of the tiny tea particles have escaped the strainer and I watch them twirling around my glass cup until they settle at the bottom.
This morning it tastes particularly grassy which I don’t mind at all.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Gyokuro by Adagio Teas
336 tasting notes

I love the look of the leaves resembling dark green silky needles. The smell is very grassy and a bit off-putting. Some people, I recall, describing this tea as a broccoli water :) But I actually like the taste. It is grassy, vegetal not as sweet as Sencha.
Sometimes I think my body has a mind of its own and it says: “Give me more of this! I like it!”
Now, I’m talking to myself …. Sigh. Never mind, I’ll have some more tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
1353 tasting notes

Another one bites the dust. Like with the blueberry, it’s a bit stronger than I would normally have made it because of the amount of leaves I had left.

I see I gave it a mediocre rating, and that sort of thing always surprises me with a fruit tea. Did I really mean that? I have learned to start trusting myself with this though. Sometimes I push the rating up, but most times it’s left alone.

It’s steeping now and the pot is standing with the lid off (because I’m lazy and I can’t be bothered to search for it) about an arm’s lenght away and I can smell apricot all the way over here.

Yes, I was right about the rating. Again. It tastes like apricots, yes. But it’s a sort of creamy kind of apricot flavour. It actually tastes like there’s milk in it and there isn’t. It’s the wrong sort of sweet. I could have wished for some freshness. So while it does have apricot flavour, fresh apricots don’t taste like this.

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
1353 tasting notes

Travelling Teabox planning in second stage now, as in taking addresses of participants and people (hopefully) signing up and stuff. So far this stuff is way easier to organise than I had imagined.

I’m making a pot of this here apricot tea because apricots are yummy and so by extension so should apricot tea be. I refuse to accept the rating I’ve already given it as truth. (And kindly don’t point out that peaches and pears are also yummy but just not in tea.) Secondly, I’m feeling like this sample has been kind of neglected. I can’t remember when the last time I had any of it was, and I’m frankly puzzled as to how there can only be about a fifth left of the sample tin. If I hardly ever drink this, then where did the rest go??? O.o

It tastes a bit watery… On the other hand I did just have dinner and it involved a lightly spicy sauce which may have affected my tastebuds somewhat. With my tongue in this state, it doesn’t even taste that apricotty. Looks like it won’t be today that I can shift the rating on this one. How sad. :(


2nd stage! Yay!

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
1353 tasting notes

This seemed like an autumny sort of tea. It’s a clear, but cold day here in Denmark, I got out of work early and I currently have the coldest fingers south of the polar circle! I thought this was the closest thing I had to something that would fit the weather and season.

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drank Apricot by Adagio Teas
1353 tasting notes

I love apricots. But while this tea definitely smells and tastes like apricots, idk… It just reminds me of your average southern fruits sort of tea. Maybe the ones I’ve had have just been overwhelmingly apricot-y but no matter what, nothing about this tea really surprised me.

It’s a great tea, very delicious, just not one that really stands out to me. I’m not sure if it’s one I’ll purchase again or not. Maybe if the mood strikes me.

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drank Dragonwell by Adagio Teas
110 tasting notes

OK, I think I must be doing something wrong here. I got a sample of this tea from Adagio today. My first attempt at brewing came out tasting of hot water. I set my Utilitea kettle for green tea, and steeped for three minutes by timer. It tasted like bathwater. I threw that steep out, and steeped again, adding much more tea, about 3 tbsps total for a two cup pot. This was somewhat better, but the result was just mildly sweet, without much in the way of a distinctive flavor.

I suspect this is operator error – my only previous experiences with green tea have been of the premeasured bagged variety. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Well Dragonwell is supposed to have a sort of a delicate, subtle taste to it.


I have this lying around but have yet to try it. I’ll get to it tomorrow and let you know if I notice anything different.


So I know comments were forever ago, but I had this Dragonwell this weekend, and you did nothing wrong, it tasted like hot water.

Cynthia Carter

Thanks, it’s nice to have that reinforcement.

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drank Blood Orange by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

Very sour and a little goes a LONG, LONG way. Blood Orange is great iced and pretty good hot. The color and smell is quite nice.

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drank Gunpowder by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

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drank Black Dragon Pearls by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

As a resident of TN, I have unlimited access to average tea/slightly above average tea at every restaurant I eat at. Even our Sonic and Subways have ok Southern Sweet tea if you don’t mind risking a diabetic sugar coma. I don’t think these Black Dragon Pearls are anything to write home about.

My office just received our complimentary flu shots this morning, so I brewed up a cup and had it on standby. Keep in mind that I’m a HUGE needle whimp, so I was looking forward to a hot cup of soothing goodness. It just didn’t come through for me like my Wuyi oolong probably would have.
Taste = C
Entertainment factor = A
Will comfort and get your back = D


I don’t see this as being a huge comfort after being stuck with sharp pointy things, either, unfortunately.

Maybe if they let you watch the tea steep WHILST sticking the needle in you? Though if they were to do that I’d rather watch John Krasinski doing…I don’t know, ANYTHING.


Did you use too many/not enough pearls? I use 5 per 8oz water. Most black teas, other than chais oddly, upset my stomach but this one doesn’t.


takgoti – It was no comfort at all! Watching the pearls unfurl would have been alright. As it was, I just talked about my Great Dane and had a minor breakout of hives. Now, if we had a little TV playing reruns of The Office (also my computer’s wallpaper), I bet I wouldn’t have felt a thing. Eh, who am I kiddin’?

Cofftea – I used 3 pearls for my cup w/ infuser from Agagio’s site. I even made a second cup…it was a good amount of leaves from just 3 balls. Maybe 4 balls would have been better, I don’t know. I haven’t had a tea upset my stomach before…probably because of the amount of coffee I used to drink. I’m off coffee now. At least you can enjoy yummy chais. :)


I haven’t tried this tea so this is just speculation, but I’d say the novelty of the tea is in the shape not the flavour.


You’re right Jillian, although you should never waste tea by steeping a tea you can’t stand to drink just to look at it.

Cynthia Carter

I agree with you about the quality of Southern ice tea – even the fast food joints down here (Panhandle FL) wouldn’t dare serve the yucky instant tea that seems to be the rule up North. Luzianne is still my favorite.

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drank Black Dragon Pearls by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

I don’t know about this one. Watching the pearls unfold and seperate was pretty cool. I think the hand rolled teas are awesome to look at but they always seem to smell musty and sharp to me. Tastes like regular black tea with a VERY subtle cocoa-musty aftertaste. I used 3 pearls for this cup. Just kind of, “ehh”.

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drank Yunnan Gold by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

Still on the fence with this one. I’m trying to like it. The leaves (dry and wet) smell better than the liquor itself. This tea is a little on the expensive side to be on the fence. Glad I just bought a sample.

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drank Yunnan Gold by Adagio Teas
161 tasting notes

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