Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee
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This tea was slid under my door in a bag etched with eldrich symbols and the longer I took to try it the more what was behind the door grew agitated.
Unfortunately, I brewed a cup to take with me to work and then promptly forgot to take it with me. I wandered through the desert while strange lights passed overhead. I lost all track of time. Finally I emerged from the desert that was no desert and made myself another cup.
This was . . . interesting. The aniseed burnt a little, but the tea itself was dark and earthy. Usually I would be all over it for that darker flavour profile, but I just can’t get over the cloying aftertaste from the aniseed. I would have to be in the mood for it.
I have no idea how I feel about this one. On one sip, it’s “blegh” but on the next it’s “mmmm”. I actually let this cup get cold and I like it a lot, lot more. Hmm. It’s very creamy and the earl grey is kind of calm and quiet in the background. Every time I go to look into my cup, I’m compelled to look away, and as I think about this tea, my head fills with a loud buzzing static…what was I talking about again?
The last of Perfect Carlos. Not a bad chocolate tea, but I’m not crazy about chocolate tea.
I’m 77% of the way through Dune and I really want to finish it today. But I’m at work, boo!
First time!! I know. It’s kind of amazing. And Shmiracles sent me all the sequels, so I may keep going. Have you an uber fan???
Oh, Dune! I totally need to re-read those. I think I got through the 5th book and then my mom was reading the next one and she kept taking it to work with her or hiding it in her room. :)
I really REALLY like the first book, but I’ve never managed to keep on with the entire series – I falter around the 3rd or 4th? Maybe I should just jump to some of the newer books set in the same universe!
I LOVE YOU GUYS <3 I was feeling lonely at work and I thought, I bet they’ve read Dune… Newer books? I have to check those out, I had no idea. We’ll see how far I get past this first one, I know how these things go. I read the entire Hitchhiker series but I really only liked the first 2 or so, and I still haven’t read Harry Potter. The first book of Dune is pretty impressive though.
Gah! I have to stop hearting things on steepster, it always deletes half my post. Anyway, I was feeling lonely at work and thought maybe you guys had read Dune, and there you go ! I know how book series go (read all the Hitchhiker Guides but didn’t need to, still haven’t read Harry Potter) and I didn’t even know about the newer prequels/sequels. I’ve been told the Dune series is pretty good, if not quite as good as the first. Anyway, I wish I could read things like this with my mom – that’s adorable. But I think sand worms sound cute, too, so my cuteness button is on overload.
The whole family was fighting over the books at one point. :) Dad was nice and left his (my brother was able to read ahead because of this), but mom foiled my plans.
Your family is the cutest. Though Dune is about a family and there’s something for everyone, so I understand the pull. In comparison, my parents used to get mad at me for reading too much when I was younger and not paying enough attention to them or not watching TV. Parent fail fail fail.
We go camping and at the end of the day we sit around the campfire or on the beach with our headlamps… reading. We are such an unsociable family. :) But it’s awesome. That really sucks you weren’t encouraged to read as much as you could.
A nice chocolate chip tea for the afternoon! I spent lunch time reading in the sun – Linpatootie’s Night Vale fics:
Her Sherlock stuff is great too.
Oh, Perfect Carlos… you are part of the first canonical slash pairing I know of. Also, an oxymoron.
I was just saying this morning how I’m not a fan of chocolate or vanilla teas, but the chocolate chips in this one looked so yummy. But yeah, kind of meh, because choco vanilla teas aren’t my thing.
I started reading this at lunch. Looking forward to finishing it later!
This is so good. So fruity and light and yummy. Peach is the predominant flavor, with white tea in a close second. I don’t taste hibiscus (thank God), and the other flavors are slowly coming out. Citrus and then green tea…maybe a touch of pu-erh, but I’m not sure. Regardless, this is a delicious tea. Well rounded and always surprising.
As I reach the bottom of the cup, I realize I have forgotten all things regarding this blend and my cup doesn’t have the usual stray dust at the bottom. It is completely blank and smelling faintly of vanilla…
Mmmmmm Cecil. Bless you for your ethnically-ambiguous queer-representin’ smooth-talkin’ self.
Listeners, I am in love. I am in love with this tea. I find that chais tend, for me, to be hit or miss because I only like maybe 75% of the chai spices, and loathe the other 25%, so whether I like or hate a chai depends entirely on the balance in the blend.
So I wouldn’t even call this a chai. I’d say it’s a light, faintly floral white that tastes like a cup of gingerbread cookie. Not like crunchy gingerbread snaps, but the thick soft gingerbread like the faceless old woman who lives in my house used to make. I don’t think I’d go out of my way to restock (as I’m finding with most of the fandom blends) but this was very tasty.
John Peters (you know, the farmer) told me StrexCorp wanted him to provide some orange peel to add to this blend. Can you let me know if “intermittently phasing in and out of reality” is listed as a side effect on the label?
Yay my wife is home so now I don’t have to make my own teas!
“Regret nothing. Until it is too late. Then, regret everything”
Am I going to regret you, Feral Dogs? I hope not…
This smells oddly of Cecil, which my wife is having. So much so that I had to ask her if I had gotten the right cup, but she assures me this is Feral Dogs. Or perhaps it’s just a plastic bag caught in the breeze. One thing I do know is that it is not mostly mutts, possibly pit bull mixes, and their leader is not three-headed and wearing a great many “service medals and chevrons.”
Seriously, no one let me do fandom reviews ever again.
I see where the other reviewers get a damp flavor, it’s definitely musty in a good way. Earthy. Damp may not be a normal flavor, but what about Night Vale is normal, really?
I love the cinnamon. Love love love it. It’s cinnamon with a sweet undertone. More like a feral puppy.
However, I just bought a ton of Cinnamon Crackle, so while this is a good tea, it’s not one I feel the need to restock.
Coldbrewed and amazing. Seriously, I should not enjoy this blend, but I dooooo. So much. It’s a creamy vanilla chai that isn’t backed by an astringent black, instead it has a light green and white in the background. This is lovely and I think I will finish off the sample iced.
Honestly, I wasn’t looking forward to this one. I’m not a ginger fan or a green tea fan. However, I’m not a huge fan of podcasts either, but I love me some Night Vale. Cecil made me a believer so hopefully this tea will do the same.
I love Cecil. Especially when he gushes about Carlos. But the way he presents the weirdness of Night Vale as if it is nothing out of the ordinary never fails to make me grin. Cecil is awesome.
Welp, Cecil has done it again. This tea is very, very good. It’s like a light, creamy chai that doesn’t really attack you like some chais. Instead it slowly seduces you with a smooth sip that leaves you with just a touch of ginger on your tongue. It tastes like tea, a cookie, and a hug all in one. It presents me with flavors I don’t enjoy and responds with “Of course you like it. You’ve always liked it.” and I forget I ever thought of not liking this tea.
Um, I am trying this iced, and chocolate iced tea is not the best idea. What was I thinking with that one?
I woke up this morning and Shmiracles gave me a Hannicure – what’s that you ask? Why, it’s a Hannibal manicure. No flesh eating involved, just fandom-themed nails, like a little knife and fork decal, or crazy plaid, or extreme paisley, or super gorgeous light peach paint with antler decals. She is so talented. I love them so. Fandom nails, it’s a thing! Sorry I can’t post pics at work, but we’ll have to get pics up somewhere. Because it’s awesome.
Finally, can someone send me Kenyan Tinderet from David’s Tea so I can make the Hong Kong Milk Tea recipe from this page:
How good does that sound? So very very good. I’m joking, I can find some on my own, but has anyone tried any good Thai iced tea style recipes???
Hahah. The hannicure sounds awesome! Also, sounds like it’s supposed to cure the angst from the heATEus!
Totes! Oh man, I LOVE all the puns in this fandom SO MUCH. They’re constant and never ending. Shmiracles already has separation anxiety from the nails currently being on my hands, but I will force a Tumblr post dedicated to them. I’m also waiting for my etsy antler necklace to arrive from Vietnam. So I can coordinate.
OMG. Oh. that’s just SO COOL. #jealous. Hahah.
My friend made me an SPN necklace so I will just have to be happy with that I suppose. :P (should be here soon too!)
Ooh I want to see it! And someone made it for you too. I have a Robin necklace, a Sourwolf necklace for TeWo fandom, Dean’s amulet (of course) and perhaps more that I shouldn’t admit to in public haha. It just happens, I swear. Fandom.
Hahahaha. Well, seeing as I’ve spent HOURS knitting a Game of Thrones scarf that I could probably have just bought, I understand. (And I hope to have it ready for NEXT winter.)
I’ll put it on tumblr when it arrives! And maybe here too! :D
Dean’s amulet! <3 And Robin!
I haven’t been sucked into Teen Wolf yet, but I’m absorbing more and more of it through Tumblr. I might become an accidental fan. These things happen.
I’m very impressed by knitting. I have trouble completing a simple cross stitch. I’m all, OOOOOOHHH SCARF!!! when I see a completed one. Though I will spare you a winter-is-coming joke and just wish you good luck in finishing it :) Though I guess where you are you could die from cold and the lack of scarves, so these things are important. I’m basing this on Hannibal’s ridiculous fur hat and stereotypes.
I really enjoy knitting but I’m self-taught (something I did while on mat leave) and I’m sure I’m holding the needles wrong so while I can knit, I do it very slowly! That being said scarves are the easiest best way to start. :P And if you can cross stitch, you could probably knit. At least a scarf.
Yeah I could have REALLY used that scarf this winter. I’d wrap it around the most of my face too because there were days where I’d go outside and it felt like my eyes were freezing. WHUT? Maybe I just need a mask like Bucky in Winter Soldier.
I adore his ridiculous fur hat. :) So happy I didn’t have to work outside like those guys!
I thought this tea would be appropriate for my people paranoia this week. Total overload, seriously – all the hot sake I drank with dinner couldn’t help that much. It’s only Kindle fics and conspiracy theory rewatches of True Detective, folks, that is keeping away the vomity migraines that threaten to engulf.
I bring you, random TeWo fic recs for today:
and this I will read tonight:
Oh all the feels. I’m thinking I need this tea next:
Oh right! The tea I’m actually drinking… Very creamy earl grey is creamy. Shmiracles mentioned earl grey moonlight to me the other day, and I’ve probably had it with other Adagio teas, but now I’m actually paying attention. I prefer my earl grey more sweet, less cream, but I’m very much not picky about earl greys. Hmm, I haven’t had a duchess earl in awhile…
Oh, that moonday tea sounds awesome except for the peppermint. I might have to see about creating my own blends. :)
My own blend would be Chinese black tea with roses and lemon and honey – I actually found that once in NYC, come to think of it! I need to make a road trip this year… Yeah, it’s generic, but. At least with all this tea tasting I’ve discovered a love for jasmine, genmaitcha, & earl grey. I haven’t come across anything I hate, but I am not a fan of vanilla or chocolate teas, mostly. I’ll try to remember that you don’t like peppermint :)
My BFF is allergic, so I haven’t done much peppermint or spearmint for ~15 years. I think I’ve just lost tolerance. Funnily enough, Read My Lips is ok, as is Cacao Mint by Samovar. I just have to be really careful when I drink them as even the leaves in the garbage are dangerous.
On to Night Vale. Once again, I’m going in alphabetical order, so that means I’m starting with the Apache Tracker.
“Can you believe this guy said he used ‘Indian magics’? What an asshole.”
For those unfamiliar with the Apache Tracker, he was a white man (apparently Slavic in origin) who wore a huge and cartoonishly inaccurate, horribly offensive Native American headdress. (thank you Night Vale wiki!)
This brew is dark. Dark, dark, dark. I can really only taste the toasted mate, everything else fades away. Okay, maybe there’s the hint of chocolate and maybe a nut or two, but…this is MATE. Ah well. I enjoy mate, but much like its namesake, this tea pretends to be something it isn’t.
Before we begin, this is a friendly reminder that there are no dogs allowed in the dog park.
Of course the first Nightvale blend I reached for was the creamy vanilla Earl. I don’t know why this one is the Hooded Figures – it isn’t dark and mysterious at all. Creamy and light. A very tasty Earl, but the black base is very dry and a little bitter. A shorter steep time may be in order.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go enjoy this cuppa with some wheat by-products.
Glow Cloud tea, reading in the sun, multiple spiders. That’s about right.
I don’t have any fic links to share, since all I read at lunch were babyfics, and so I won’t subject you to any of that. No no! But hey, werebabies.
I like it best when the werebabies shift. Then I imagine them going on rampages through the local bunny population back yard like real puppies with no coordination. (Babies are cute, but also somewhat terrifying.)
(Yes, terrifying!) That is hilarious. In fic, I kind of just shake my head – I imagine baby bodies with big furry shifted heads with sideburns hahaha. Maybe in season 7 or whatever we’ll get a werebaby when show jumps the shark.
All hail!
This is a nice, light green tea with very faint floral and fruity notes, but is overall very subtle.
I also have a cold that’s not really going away. Here’s my fic rec of the day:
It’s always fun, after 16 years of slash fic reading, to come across a kink I’m not quite sure I’ve read before (it’s in the tags)
I read that one yesterday. :) Good to know that the stuff I’m appreciating is appreciated by others too!
Ditto! I have hundreds of fics on my kindle at any given time, but I have to jump on new fics by good authors when I see them :) As with everything slash related, I can’t help myself.
this review note is awesome. tea and glow cloud and diverse kinks for anyone and everyone!
i am cheering ‘freedom’ in my head. :)
also, i’m keeping track of the TeWo fics, ya know, just in case, for when their times comes.
When their time comes, let me know – Steepster recs are just random, I have a whole hierarchy in my head. OF COURSE.
All American apple pie. That is seriously what this tea is.
Sweet without being overwhelmingly or deceivingly so (none of that fake sweetness but instead a robust sweetness from spice and the lighter sweetness of apples).
Takes strength and body from the black tea base.
This is a tea you can both depend on and enjoy…a perfect representation of Captain America :)
Flavors: Cinnamon
This tea is appropriate today, because it snowed on the way to work this morning.
Really? Really.
I have 340 things on my Kindle, and now, post-lunch break, I have, oooh, 338. It’s been stagnant for awhile, but now that I’m broke again until payday, it’s time for some quality Kindle time. I just have to avoid those 80-100K word AU TeWo fics… now that the season is over and all… until June.
Hmm, it’s now firmly Springtime. I forget every year how things start getting crazy right about now… with May and June being the absolute worst/best.
Now we bring you….
Ooh light thai chai with roses – it’s lovely. And I got to sit outside today and read a knitting!Stiles fic – – and enjoy the sunshine.
Smells light in chai spice, interestingly smoky or maybe it’s malty (still not sure what that is) and stronger in ginger than I would have expected in a tea that has a chocolate chai(I did not taste chocolate). When it cools it taste and smells like spiced apple cider. My husband loves chai and I meant to make this and share with him. That didn’t happen. I’m so confused, I finished my surprise sample from MissB because I keep trying to figure it out(about a month ago). I saved less than half a teaspoon so I could try it later and hopefully figure it out and later was tonight and I still have not figured it out. I like it, I think I just made it harder than it needed to be. Thanks MissB!
It’s best to stay away from the Management. You don’t want to attract their attention.
To register a complaint, just pick up your phone and whisper into it. They’ll hear. THEY’LL HEAR.
I really need to finish Welcome to Nightvale… D:
We’re a few podcasts behind, but it’s so, so good!