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My curiosity led me to purchase this tea – and this was my first purchase from 52teas. I am a definite fan! I’m sure everybody’s will taste differently, but mine was wonderful – very fruity and sweet. I could taste apricot, berry, lemongrass and a hint of ginger in my first cup. My second cup was much more fruity – apricot, cherry and berry. The green tea is high quality, too. Overall, this is a very refreshing and unique blend. Yummy!
Thanks! :) I know, my husband questioned why I would want to try this tea over others, but I loved the idea and took a risk. I’m so happy I did! :)
There are personal preference reasons why I doubt I’d like this, but I love the fact that he did this blend- my mom snidely calls my personal blends “kitchen sink blends” (she likes very simple flavors and isn’t big on tea to begin w/)… but this is way more over the top than even I would go:)
I started an interesting thread here http://steepster.com/discuss/863-steepster-poll-rating-methodology-personal-preference-or-flavor-accuracy on the theory behind tasting notes and ratings and I think the one reason I’m avoiding it is because neither method would work.
Method 1- Flavor accuracy: It would be way too hard to distinguish alll the flavor profiles going on here
Method 2- Personal preference: I’m not a fruity tea person normally and my own personal preference is that I be able to distinguish all ingredients (along with that they are cohesive and I can taste the base tea). So I think I’m meant to admire this one from afar lol.
Bananas and peaches?
I don’t think I’ve ever encountered this particular flavor combination in a tea, although I’m sure Jamba Juice has a smoothie or two with both fruits in it. Thanks to the sample that Liberteas sent, I’ll be trying this tea out, iced.
It smells wonderful, nice and fruity.
Yum! The banana really pops in this tea. The peach isn’t as strong, but I know it’s there because of the sweetness that lingers on the tongue. It’s another great summer blend from 52teas.
Thank you LiberTEAs for sending this one to me!
It’s a perfect summer tea. Very tangy and lemony. I tried it warm, but it made me think of Airborne and other illness-preventing concoctions, but after tossing some ice cubes the drink became refreshing and delightful. I feel like I’m drinking sunshine…no, this tea makes me feel like I need to go sit out on the porch with a nice tall glass and read a book. If only I had a porch…I found this to be ok. The matcha was in charge and at the end I tasted a bit of tartness from the strawberry but it wasn’t strong, I think I will try this again and hope if I play with the measurements the strawberry will come through better.
I kinda just made it I don’t have specifics. Next time I will make perfect measurements. I just went Willie Nillie on this one. I think I spelled that right. :-)
Haham yeah for most people matcha is about the perfect measurement so you may want to measure it next time.:)
As long as it wasn’t chunky, I think you made it right:) This isn’t something that screams “STRAWBERRY!”
No notes yet. Add one?
PLEASE. Don’t try that again. =)
Glad you enjoyed the tea. This is one of my favorites for good reason.
Thanks Jessica for sending some of this my way to test out.
I was so impressed with the dry scent of this tea that I sniffed (huffed) the bag while the water was boiling. I love that there was a large chunk of pineapple mixed in with the honey bush. I love how sweet tasting this tisane is without any additions necessary. It tastes like a bite of sweet cake with sweet glazed pineapple baked into it and a slight hint of cherry. Yum. This was great hot and even better as it cools. I can’t wait for more of Frank’s honey bush blends!
I had my 1st Pineapple Upside-Down Cake about a week and a half ago. It was good when I avoided the cherries.
I think this may be the first peanut-flavored tea I’ve tried, although I’ve had almond, hazelnut and chestnut teas before. The nuttiness is pleasant, but it is not strong. It balances with the rooibos flavor but doesn’t transform/transcend it into a truly peanut butter beverage.
I can’t detect the strawberries, so I think calling this “PBJ” isn’t quite right because there isn’t any jamminess. :(
I’m glad this is caffeine-free, because I need more evening teas, but I can’t help but wonder if the PBJ would taste better with a different tea base since the rooibos seems inclined to overpower it?
Smells Great! Looking forward to trying this.
After steeping though i was a little disappointed. Really am not getting a alot of chocolate in this. I added some milk and sugar to try and bing it out. As it’s cooling i’m getting a little more aftertaste of cocoa but not really the chocoalte i was looking for.
I agree… but then again I’ve seen people steep this 8-10 min. Maybe that would be better? Do you have luck sweetening chocolate teas? I find it dumb downs the chocolate instead of amping it.
I’d say try it clean, then milk, then milk and sweetener (increase steeping times by a min when adding milk, maybe 2 when adding milk and sweetener).
Also, this tea is more of a dark chocolate/cocoa taste than milk chocolate, so that may be why it isn’t what you’d expect for a chocolate tea.
So First time with matcha. Thought i’d go a little easy on my self and mixed it with some lemonade. I balked at the color of my concoction, and almost I threw it out, but i made myself try some.
Wow! It really tastes alright. Perhaps this is cause i put 1 tsp for 2 cups of lemonade, but the lemon covers up the bitterness of the green tea, and there is a nice subtle strawberry flavor. The green tea makes the leamonade less sour and smoother to drink.
Now to just get over that gross green color.
Haha! Matcha lemonade is good. I prefer matcha limeade (green on green so it doesn’t look as gross)- but my favorite way to drink matcha cold (Matcha OJ is unfortunately the grossest looking lol) This matcha is kind of a dull green color. Most matchas are much brighter in color which makes it look less icky.
With all the raving I just had to try this one. I for one have always liked Cherry Coke but in moderation. So when I opened the package I immediately smelled what old fashioned Cherry Cola smelled like when I was a kid. I smelled all natural ingredients with nothing artificial. I was very excited to try it. So I took a sip and at the end of my sip I totally got that bubbly feeling everyone was talking about. Here is the thing, how is this possible? I think I would like to chill this and get some soda water as Cofftea has suggested before and see what happens. Since soda/pop should be cold I bet this would work. To me this is a confusing drink because everything in me says it should not taste this way and I can’t make it work mentally. It is similar to when Pepsi came out with Clear Pepsi and it although it tasted like Pepsi it wasn’t Pepsi and the brain couldn’t accept it because it was clear. I think I need to drink this more and get used to it. I feel I am rambling because this cup has got me all kinds of flabbergasted. I promise to come to this with a clear head later.
How is a coffee flavored cola ordinary? And a coffee flavored cola flavored tea is even less ordinary:)
Oh, no no no no no no no=P This wonderful, yet stupidly discontinued, beverage:
Just read this post and I was another fan of Coke Blak. They used to carry it at the supermarket I worked at at target years ago. It was quite tasty! Not sure how itnwould translate in tea.
Meghann M- prior experience w/ teas flavored with the ingredients of Coke Blak tells me it would be AMAZING. Coffee flavored teas are AMAZING and while I haven’t had a cola flavored tea myself, this is getting good ratings, and I’ve had a rootbeer flavored tea (which is same in theory even though not in taste) and that was AMAZING as well.
Hahahaha this is like drinking potpourri! I used to have such a thing for pear teas (after trying one in France during high school). The love has waned a bit though. This one tastes mostly of the cinnamon and clove, and while that sounds delicious to me in theory- in practice I feel as though I’ve licked the walls of an Olde Tyme Americana Crafts store. Maybe I’ll stick the rest of this in my sock drawer to scent my socks. It’s that kinda smell, you know? :)
p.s. I just had an odd conversation. I told a girl that I drink at least 4-5 cups of tea a day and she was shocked. I told her I know she drinks at least that much between the soda and energy drinks she’s always guzzling, and for me it’s just a matter of filling my days with tea and sparkling water (and the occasional coffee) instead of other beverages. She didn’t understand in the slightest. Oh, Americans.
Yeah, I really wanted to like this one. I like the Black Currant so much and I like pear so I thought I would love it… but eh.
This is one that, even inspite of the ratings, I say “it CAN’T be that bad…”- I hope I get this one in my box!:)
Ha, I really like to have a beverage at all times- it’s like my equivalent of a smoking habit, except healthy! I mean I really don’t consume very much caffeine at all.
Made this stovetop tonight, mixed one heaping tsp of this Chai with one bag of Vanilla Chai, 3/4 cup water, 1/3 cup milk. Delish, the spice is just right.
I have another Chai in my cupboard that I will try mixing in with this 52 Teas blend, will post on that experiment soon:)
I followed Cofftea’s brewing directions: 1:1 ratio of milk to water, 2 X the leaf, simmered for 5 minutes on stovetop. Perfection! This is very good chai, nice and spicy, but not too much just the right amount. I can’t say I tasted chocolate, but the brew was reeeeaaallly smooth, so the chocolate may have played a role in the overall taste. Thanks Cofftea, I really enjoyed this chai for the first time:)
Woohoo! Although I’m SO glad I don’t have to use 2x the leaf. Since I drink a 16oz cuppa every day, that would be over 3/4 of an ounce of leaf every day. I’m not sure what would give me a heart attack 1st, the caffeine or the amount of $ spent on chai in a year. LOL!
This is the second time I have drank this tea. The first time, I just steeped in my cup and added a splash of milk and drank. It was good. This time I made it stovetop with 3/4 cup water and 1/4 cup milk, 1 1/2 spoons of chai. Brought it all to a rolling boil, reduced heat and simmered 3 minutes. The ratios are not quite right. Any suggestions would be appreciated:) OK, Dumb question: When you make chai on the stovetop like this can you resteep the leaves?
I recommend no less than a 1:1 ratio of milk to water. You could bump it up to 2:1 milk to water. You could… resteep the leaves, but if you do, I suggest making the additional batches immediately as the milk spoils insanely quickly. That’s the one down side to the traditional prep.
The tea latte / chai latte recipe we use at our brick and mortar shop is: 1 can fat-free sweetened condensed milk:3 cans of skim milk, apply low heat and combine until uniform (scrape the bottom of the pot and make sure the sweetened condensed milk gets mixed in well). Then brew your tea as normal. In your mug, put equal parts latte and tea. ENJOY! The leftover latte can be kept in the fridge and reheated or used in iced tea lattes. You can also use whole milk and non-fat-free sweetened condensed milk if you like.
threewhales, no matter what the ratio, I suggest using one heaping tsp for every 6oz of liquid (3oz of each for a 1:1 ratio). The steeping time may also need adjusting. I never steep my chai for less than 5 min, and that’s when I drink it clean. I suggest upping the steeping time for 1 min when using a 1:1 milk to water ratio and 2 min when using a 2:1 ratio. For this chai you could probably 2x the amount of leaf you use- I find w/ the Mayan Chocolate Chai the cayenne gets too strong if I 2x the amount of leaf. Using S.C. milk makes it way too sweet for my personal tastes- and I’ve also found that sweetness can really dumb down the flavor of chocolate. I prefer a more traditional preparation (sans sugar).
Wow, this is just the most unusual tea ever! It really does remind me of cherry cola- and the smell is pure ‘cherry cola gum’ (ever had that before? I know lots of sweets come in this flavor and I imagine the same flavoring is used to make this tea). Anyway, it’s totally unexpected in a tea. As honeybush has the same reputed health benefits that rooibos does (antioxidants, calming, rumored even to help with allergies and tummy woog- google it!) this is a nice alternative to soda- caffeine free, too. I think I really do like it! I say ‘I think’ because I’m still getting used to it. :) I too feel as though I can detect a fizziness to it, and I usually don’t succumb to the placebo effect- maybe it’s not a placebo effect!
Such an interesting tea, that I got to try thanks to Kristin. I’m going to cherish the rest of this sample and then order my own.
p.s. my electric kettle pooped out on me mid-dorm life in the language camp! So I nabbed Adagio’s utilitea kettle and I am loving it. I can apparently send anyone a coupon for it so PM me if you’re interested.
Thank you The Quiet Life for allowing me to taste this wonderful tea.
I loved the flavor of this tea. The chocolate shines through and the mate makes for a rich malty taste. I LOVE the depth of and complexity of flavor in this tea. However, the caffeine was overwhelming have to have this in small bits.
WARNING Do not consume after taking Darvocet Wow, it will make your heart pop out of your chest. Yikes!!!
The caffeine point you make is interesting… I’ve heard it’s actually easier to digest, even people that can’t do coffee can do mate. Is it maybe just because you’re used to going caffeine free?
I really think it is because of the medication I took prior to drinking it. I really had a reaction. The heart was beating rapidly, it felt very much like I was over caffeinated. Although, I reduced my caffeine intake I didn’t completely stop so I don’t think that was it. I do plan on trying it again with no medication to see if that was the issue.
Oh yes, I’m very familiar w/ meds making you feel like crap. It bites. Do you have some ginger herbal tea? Maybe that would work:) I also like the combo of ginger and rose.
Yeah, if you die not only will we all be VERY sad, but unfortunately you won’t be able to drink any more tea:(
Do not worry there will be no death or hearts beating out of their chests. I sm sure Frank would want to put a warning label of his teas if that happened. Such as…. “May cause sudden ejecction of heart from chest and followed by immediate death.” Unless this is like that Indiana Jones movie where removing the heart from the chest momentarily is safe if promptly replaced. LOL :-)