So packed most of this out to send to Ricky, but saved enough for one last pot for myself. I remembered not liking this, but when I smelled the raw jumble of leaves, I could not resist one last pot.
I say “jumble” because the leaves are quite a mix. There are jasmine pearls, berries, flower/petal pieces and small splinters that look like roobios. The fragrance of the leaves is fantastic, it is sweet and fruity. I remembered bitter though when I drank it, so I decided to understeep it. I brewed hot, 1.5 minutes with no additives. The tea is much better than I remember, still a dark pink/pale red color, the fruit is not nearly as tart and the tea is almost peaking through at the back.
For this, I will raise my rating. Previously: 57.
Overall, much better this time around. Though I still think this is best blended (1 to 1) with the Youthberry tea. It just adds a natural layer of sweetness you cannot get from sugar.
Peach + Jasmine =]
What temperature did you use?
I have one of those water cooler/heaters like you see in an office. I just use the hot water that comes out. It is not boiling, but it is close. I think it’s about 80 degrees Celsius.