Backlogging. Saturday afternoon.
I haven’t added the info in yet, beyond the name and company, because I don’t feel like getting up to get the bottle out of the refrigerator but also don’t want to backlog out of order. These were on sale at Earth Fare (regional Whole Foods-type grocery but better and better prices) BOGO so I picked up two to try. The Mango Tea is a blend of teas and fruit juices in a 32oz glass bottle. It is lightly sweetened, similarly to Honest Teas. The mango tastes like those mango purees you can get in small thin aluminum cans to make nice mixed drinks. Neither the fruit juices nor the teas overpower one another. You taste mostly mango from the juice blend and mostly black tea from the tea blend equally. Overall, nice and refreshing to have in the fridge in this heat.