Yesterday morning, after nearly a week without any tea at all, I braved the heat and made a cup of Darjeeling Goomtee. Just a single cup. Every time I thought about resteeping, I couldn’t bring myself too. I only actually drank 3/4 of the cup warm. The rest I walked away from and came back to and drank cooled later on. This time I increased the steeping time by 30 seconds. I think it came out a bit too strong for me, muddied yet over emphasized flavors. It may have also been the heat. I’m sure I will retry it again at some point in the future but for now I think I like it steeped at four minutes.
I think I prefer this tea steeped at 4 min for the 1st steep.
Goomtee has good teas! :)
now has to google map Goomtee and see where it is.
Darjeeling :)