I made a bit of a Teavana rooibos discovery last night.
Teavana used to have a tent at the farmer’s market. They’d have tea samples made to try and they’d bring a bunch of different 1oz loose tea samples which they sold for only $1 no matter what the tea was. I’d buy pretty much anything that sounded good and I didn’t already have. I ended up with quite a few greens, mostly flavored, and rooibos, red and green. I drank up most of them, but still have a few left and some odds and ends. Then I found Steepster and more teas and got away from drinking those.
Lately I’ve been having a cup of tea in bed each night while reading before going to sleep. Cycling through my non-caffeine options, I pulled what I had left of the Teavana rooiboses out. I’ve been liking the Peach Bloom a bit better than I remember it being but I’ve also thought it was pretty weak. I figured it was just because it was older tea. It was still quite flavorful and drinkable.
Last night, I pulled out a different Teavana rooibos, thinking about trying something different, which was in a bigger container that I’d affixed that Teavana label to. The Peach Bloom was in a small gladware salad dressing sized container sans original labeling. I noticed the other rooibos called for 1.5 tsp. I’ve been using 1 tsp of the Peach Bloom. Teavana rooibos epiphany!
So Peach Bloom steeped with 1/2 tsp more Peach Bloom equals stronger, peachier, and more roobos-y.
The bad news is that now that I’ve figured this out, I don’t have enough Peach Bloom left for another serving. I’m not sure what I’m going to do with the remainder of it. It was too much to add to this cup but not enough to make even a half a cup. I don’t want to throw it out. I do want to un-cupboard this tea. I am guessing I should blend it with something. I’m not quite sure what. I’m thinking maybe a tropical green tea.
Now back to more good luck. Malomorgan’s lucky year appears to have indeed rubbed off on mine, or at least on my tea luck. Cause I won Frank’s email contest. I’ve wanted to win one since I signed up for the newsletter and started entering. I’ve wanted to try more 52 Teas since I got the Strawberry Matcha, which is SO good. I’ve been telling myself that I’m just waiting for the next blend that I have to have. I think I’ve just been trying to keep myself from doing something crazy like ordering all three white tea blends. Cause, you know, if I were just ordering one, I might have to get the other two. I’ve been telling myself I could order one white tea blend when I got the next had to have blend. I would need to pick one. I’m leaning, of course, towards the Black Current White Tea, which I think is going to be my free pouch. I’ve also been eying the Razberry Green and the Shari’s Apricot Spice as well as the white blends. I’m a bit afraid that if I really like the Black Current White, I’ll have to get those two and the rest of the white. Then the husband will think I’m crazy cause I’ll just have gotten all this tea in the mail. I don’t know how ya’ll who order lots of tea explain it to the husbands/wives.
Winning all this yummy free tea has really made my month. (It’s been a really blah month.) I don’t know what I’ll do if I continue to win more tea, except be really happy and drink lots of tea. =)
Fantastic note! Congratulations on this being such a lucky tea month for you :D