Backlogging. Two nights ago.
This was the tisane I wanted to drink the previous night. A tasty peach taste with a tail of green rooibos. Lighter in flavor, this tisane could stand to be steep an additional minute next time. I had misremembered that rooibos could take multiple steeps. The 2nd steep was water with a hint of peach rooibos. Perhaps it was red rooibos that took two steeps or perhaps no rooibos.
The only time i’ve resteeped rooibos was when I had it mixed with a tea. I tried once resteeping by itself and it was such a failure.
I can very rarely get decent re-steeps out of any rooibos.
I gave up trying to resteep rooibos.
The only time i’ve resteeped rooibos was when I had it mixed with a tea. I tried once resteeping by itself and it was such a failure.
Indeed, I will not be trying to resteep this again. On further thinking, it may well have been an herbal blend that included green rooibos that I got two steeps out of.