So how was the 2nd steep of Jackee?
Well, I steeped it for the same amount of time as the 1st (3 min 45 sec). Let it cool slightly to be able to drink it. Realized it was weak. Steeped 30 sec more. Still weak. Steeped 30 sec more. Better but weak. Steep 1 min more. I taste tea mostly now, not watery. Steep 1 min more. Now somewhere over 6 min steep time on a black. I stop. I drink the mug. Sweet and smokey.
I think I need to do something different next time. Perhaps hotter water on the 2nd steep and a longer initial steep time. I might also turn my 1st steep at 3 min 30 sec. The 1st steep was quite strong. I believe A&D said on their website that Jackee could take 2 steeps. They said that about the Yunnan and it could. I think I just need to fiddle with it.
So, Steepsterians who’ve had Jackee and done a 2nd steep with him, what parameters did you use? How did he come out?
My second steep (which tasted like butterscotch!) was 2 teaspoons of leaves in 16 oz water for 4:30, boiling water. I thought it was great!!! My first steep put hair on my chest, and I am going to do my first steep more like yours next time!