I had this tea a few days ago, so my memory is a little rusty. This is a good oolong, but the taste of the first steep was a little too leafy for me. The second steep was softer, but suffered for being less flavorful at the same time. I’ve read that sometimes you should quickly “rinse” leaves with hot water before steeping them, and I think I’ll try that with these leaves next time (hoping to get a flavor somewhere between what I tasted with the two steeps this time).
(I just realized that I’ve actually tried this tea before, and looking at my first log my impression seems to be pretty similar. Nice to know that my taste is consistent.)
I had Teavana’s Phoenix Mountain Oolong just a few days before trying this one again, and that one was so smooth that this one hurt by contrast. But I think I will try the “rinsing” method with this to get the right balance.
(Tea from silentrequiem. Thanks!)