Phoenix Mountain Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Debbie
Average preparation
2 min, 30 sec

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  • “Most of the oolong I’ve had to date has been flavored, except for Teavana’s Monkey Picked Oolong. That makes this the second regular oolong I’ve had. The flavor is good overall, but it has an extra...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is not the best Phoenix Mountain Oolong I’ve drunk. However, it’s still a solid oolong of reasonable quality for the price – which is good because I bought 8 oz. of it.” Read full tasting note


The Phoenix Mountain Oolong is grown from Phoenix Mountain in Guangdong Province China. The Phoenix Mountain Oolong, also known as Dan Cong, was a tribute tea for the emperor during the Song Dynasty. This tea have long dark brown leaves. When brewed it produces a light yellow liquor with floral fragrance and honey peach taste. This tea will great aftertaste is very popular in southern China.

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3 Tasting Notes

124 tasting notes

Most of the oolong I’ve had to date has been flavored, except for Teavana’s Monkey Picked Oolong. That makes this the second regular oolong I’ve had. The flavor is good overall, but it has an extra taste that’s a little burnt, smoky, or something else (I don’t know how to describe it). The monkey picked oolong has the same basic flavor, but a light airiness and a silky quality that makes me think of gems (I don’t have synesthesia; these are just the weird things that come to my mind). Compared to that, this oolong is not as good. I’ll have to try more regular oolongs (I have at least two others in my cupboard) and then reevaluate this one.

(Tea from silentrequiem. Thanks!)

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353 tasting notes

This is not the best Phoenix Mountain Oolong I’ve drunk. However, it’s still a solid oolong of reasonable quality for the price – which is good because I bought 8 oz. of it.

2 min, 30 sec

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