294 Tasting Notes
This was included with my last order as a sample. I know I have tried it a few times before but after watching Davids video I am confident that I will finally brew the mysterious Sheng correctly. In previous tastings of fine Sheng I may have used too much leaf and my steep times were way tooo long and these potent teas will make you pay. I basket brewed this one cup style. I did a quick steep to wash and off to tea nirvana. The first cup was mellow and fruity and numbed my mouth nicely. There was a tingling that remained between sips. My brow began to perspire. My body was becoming calm yet I had the energy to do anything. My second steep was this luscious nectar that was becoming stronger and more alive. An incredibly intense tea even with a 3 second steep!
I am now looking at perhaps 18 more steepings. In my previous experience with Sheng they seem to last forever. As of now it’s a beautiful day and it’s time to play. More fun with Sheng later….
This was cold-brewed again for 24 or so hours. I used the whole sample pack in the Mason Jar. The brew is strong even for a white tea and quite invigorating. In my previous reviews it was calming and I even suggested a shorter steep time. All in all I am enjoying this creation. Perfect on a summer day. Very cooling and refreshing.
This also came with my latest order. I am so happy to have it. A beautiful addition to any tea collection. As I have stated before there is a reason why this is one of Chinas Top 10 teas. When I brewed this today I forgot about it and it steeped for an eternity. It was deep, dark and complex without being too bold. A stellar selection.
I love Keemuns and find them hard to oversteep. I actually had a Keemun Mao Feng at tea time today steeped for six minutes—just delicious.
This is how I steep my Mao Feng too. At least 6 minutes and it’s always nice. I learned this from reading several reviews.
I just got this in the mail. My first order from Teavivre. We all know it’s wonderful. There is a reason why Steepsterites have fallen in love with this tea. All of the accolades are well deserved. This is a must-have for any lover of fine Chinese black tea. I am in heaven….
When I read Verdants description of this I had to try it. Heady and intoxicating is right up my alley. The first few seconds after the water touched the leaves I knew this would be an experience. The aroma of dark fruits and spices had me anxious to try some. I steeped it for perhaps 3 minutes and upon the first sip I thought to myself that this is another must-have from Verdant. After a minute or so I noticed how warming this tea is. And as the description says, heady and intoxicating. My only problem with this tea is I think it would be better suited for cooler weather. It is very warming. Actually maybe it’s purifying. Overall this is a very fine tea.
Yes warming! This was awesome to review shaking in my heels (not boots)! I’d drink it in the evening because it’s such a comfort tea in the same way you would have a great port.
Hey Charles! Glad you’re enjoying this one. We tried it iced last week, and found it to be outstanding that way. Something to try with this tea during the warm months. Haven’t tried a cold-press mason jar brew on this one yet. We did a hot concentrated gongfu brew of it and flash chilled in a martini shaker loaded with ice, then poured off to prevent too much dilution from the ice melt. It worked wonderfully. I plan on conducting further experiments soon, and a cold-press attempt. If you make any independent discoveries of note, please let me know. Cheers!
After my last tasting of this wonderful brew I iced the remainder for the next day. As I looked at the beautiful color through the Mason Jar I thought this tea would be a perfect candidate for cold-brewing. I put the two jars side by side as I watched the slow process of cold brewing. The darker iced and the lighter cold-brewed. I brewed this for several days and the result is stunning. The aroma and flavor are on par with some of the finest teas I have ever had. Period. Flavors of citrus and pineapple and, ahem, cannabis. I beg you to try this one. One teaspoon and let it brew for 3 days and wham. A sensory delight.
I’m with you. Some of my favorites are cold brewed black and puers that make your toes curl like you’re on the ride of your life on a long board!
Charles, thanks for the tip, will definitely try it. One teaspoon is not a lot, in how much water?
P.S. to Bonnie: now I want something that will make my toes curl!!
I was pleasantly surprised with this one. It brewed up to an orange hue after 3 minutes and it has that intoxicating and mysterious Sheng energy that I love. I for whatever reason cannot place any particular flavor other than SHENG. Sheng is what it is. I am sure as with most Sheng this will be steeped multiple times even after a long initial steep. This is a winner and the price is resonable. It compares with some of the finest that I have had.
I am about to order a ton of black tea samples and I may get a full order of this. It has a great energy.
ooh- will you get 100 grams? This tea seems to be aging nicely. I wonder what it will be like in 10 years?
They must have greatly expanded their line. The last time I paid any real attention to Upton’s pu-erh offerings all they had was shou.
If you want some super serious pu-erhs, try here:
Jim, is there any puerh in particular from C.S. you would recommend? Their aged sheng does look verey interesting.
@Amy, sadly, one of my favorites from them, the 1992 Naka Lahu, is sold out. Hands down one of the best teas I’ve ever had. The 2002 Chung Cha is also gone. These were my first two sheng, and by far the best ones I’ve had (and the oldest by a good decade in the case of the ’96, although I have had a ’78 shou).
I didn’t like the Long Jing Meijawu or the Lapsang souchong biologique very much, but read my reviews to see if that’s just my personal taste.
The Long Jing Shi Feng 3 I liked quite a bit.
I keep putting off another order to them until I can justify spending obscene amounts of money on pu-erh. Which, since I currently own a house, is never.
I brewed this this other day and my intial reaction was that it was ok. I assumed that I should increase the amount of tea and adjust the steep time. Today with 7 pearls and brewed 1 cup basket style I am loving it. The first steeping was light and flavorful and it gave me a nice wake-up cup. A good energy. The second cup I gave the eternal steep. In other words I lost time. Just like with other pelleted teas the second cup shined. Maybe this tea would benefit from a rinse? Either way my order went out to Teavivre without this. It will be on my next order. I am glad I changed my brewing method on this beauty. A superb selection.
I made the mistake of using the right amount the first time purely by accident! It is so good! I ordered some because it’s a wow cocoa black tea! Stands on it’s own and not comparable to my other 3 favorite Blacks!
This tea is a wonderful morning brew. Now that I have done away with my coffee habit I am searching for a great way to start the day. If there is one positive from my hospital stay it is doing away with coffee. My true love is tea in all of its forms. All of a sudden my love of tea has grown to unimaginable heights. My quest for a morning brew continues….
I am not missing my coffee, either! I hope you are seriously on the mend from your hospital stay. Sending good thoughts your way.
Soon you will get used to being without it. I still have a cup of coffee once in a blue moon but tea is better for you. :)
Long Ching is truly one of my all-time favorite teas. This is an incredible offering from Teavivre. I brought this to work for my evening tea. It’s perfect on a hot summer night. Fresh and full of the Dragon Well flavor I have come to love. This is a must have for any tea collection. Superb….
Beautiful review! It’s also a beautiful day here, and play we shall :)
An old man once told me we are not here to stay we are here to play….
And thank you Daisy…
This is what tea is all about. You shared a beautiful story of how this Sheng made you feel…the glow and exhilaration…then the realization of how glorious the world is in the moment.
You grabbed it.
I’m glad that you had more success brewing this tea. Enjoy the nice weather! You’re lucky, the humidity is climbing towards 75% for me, so I;m going to be inside for most of today :-/